Tue Aug 20 11:05:36 CEST 2013 /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': iconv will be deprecated in the future, use String#encode instead. racc/parser.rb:33: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Version racc/parser.rb:34: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Revision racc/parser.rb:36: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Core_Version_R racc/parser.rb:37: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_R racc/parser.rb:41: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision_C racc/parser.rb:49: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Main_Parsing_Routine racc/parser.rb:50: warning: already initialized constant Racc_YY_Parse_Method racc/parser.rb:51: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Core_Version racc/parser.rb:52: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Core_Revision racc/parser.rb:53: warning: already initialized constant Racc_Runtime_Type [DEPRECATED] By requiring 'spreadsheet/excel' you are loading a Compatibility layer which provides a drop-in replacement for Spreadsheet::Excel versions <= This code will be removed in Spreadsheet version 1.0.0 /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/changelog.rb:27: warning: already initialized constant SORT_DEFAULT /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/drugs/resultlist.rb:24: warning: already initialized constant BACKGROUND_SUFFIX could not find htmlgrid.so, falling back to pure-ruby class loading /var/www/oddb.org/test/testenvironment1.rb ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_galenicform_name" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_package_pharmacode" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_commercialform_name" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_persistence_pointer" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_indextherapeuticus_code" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_minifi_publication_date" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_atcless" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_atc_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_doctor_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_narcotics_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_narcotics_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_company_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_hospital_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_substance_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_fachinfo_name_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_fachinfo_name_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_indication_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_vaccine" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_analysis_index_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_analysis_index_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_atc_index_company" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_fachinfo_index_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_fachinfo_index_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_patinfos" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_index_atc" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_substance_index_atc" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_index_exact" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_interactions_index_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_interactions_index_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_date_index_registration" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_indication_index_atc_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_indication_index_atc_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_substance_soundex_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_index_substance" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_limitation_text" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_substance_index_sequence" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_unwanted_effects_index_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_unwanted_effects_index_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_package_name_with_size" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_sequence_generic_type_index" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_analysis_alphabetical_index_de" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_analysis_alphabetical_index_fr" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_package_name_with_size_company_name_ean13_fi" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_package_name_with_size_company_name_and_ean13" already exists DEVELOPER_HOST = "ch.oddb.apache.org" if mail.empty? true then git `git config --get user.email`.chomp else mail ist: "" DEVELOPER_MAIL = "ngiger@ywesee.com" disabling UPDATER /var/www/oddb.org/log/job.pid is created process: /var/www/oddb.org/jobs/update_swissmedicno_fi_pi init system init system: 21.490411488 setup drb-delegation opts == {} update_swissmedicno_fi_pi {} 2013-08-20 11:06:24 +0200 Opening /var/www/oddb.org/log/check_swissmedicno_fi_pi/2013/08.log check_swissmedicno_fi_pi {} 2013-08-20 11:06:24 +0200 check_swissmedicno_fi_pi found 10972 registrations and 16324 sequences check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "57459", ["57459"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["41217", "57459"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "43869", ["43869", "43870", "47915"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43869"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "61263", "01", ["61263"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["61263", "61318"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 1: 61263 Simponi 50 mg 01 Simponi 50 mg :!patinfo,29225599. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "40558", ["16380", "40558"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["40558"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54785", ["46489", "54785"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54785"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60627", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60624", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60629", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60621", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60623", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "43216", ["43216", "62714"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43216", "52866", "62714"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60628", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60625", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60626", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "19625", "02", ["14272", "16522", "19625", "42125"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["16522", "19625", "42125"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 2: 19625 Hederix 02 Hederix :!patinfo,2777. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "35532", ["35532", "46898"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["34370", "35532", "46898"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "59190", ["59190"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["59189", "59190"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "45674", "01", ["45674"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["45674", "53692"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 3: 45674 Augmentin 625 mg (500/125) 01 Augmentin 625 mg (500/125) :!patinfo,30272652. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52866", ["52866"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43216", "52866", "62714"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "50262", "01", ["50262"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["50262", "55784"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 4: 50262 Skinoren 01 Skinoren :!patinfo,30272697. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "61318", "01", ["61318"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["61263", "61318"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 5: 61318 Simponi 50 mg 01 Simponi 50 mg :!patinfo,29225602. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60602", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "59189", ["59189"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["59189", "59190"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60600", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "39622", ["24926", "24959", "39622"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["24926", "24959", "39622", "44939"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60601", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60603", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60604", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "56882", ["56882"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["56381", "56882"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "59170", "01", ["57660"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["57660", "59170"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 6: 59170 Sebivo 01 Sebivo 600 mg :!patinfo,30272742. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61797", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61799", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61860", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60443", ["54810", "60443"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54810", "60443", "62067"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60514", ["60513", "60514"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60514"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54810", ["54810", "60443"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54810", "60443", "62067"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60513", ["60513", "60514"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60513"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "46429", ["46429", "50556"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["46429"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "41217", ["41217"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["41217", "57459"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "44372", ["44371", "44372"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["44372"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "43593", ["38096", "43593", "52377", "53493"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43593"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61216", ["61216"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61216", "62256"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "56075", ["56075"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54447", "56075"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "47915", ["43869", "43870", "47915"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["47915"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "29729", ["29729", "29730"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["29300", "29729"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "55295", ["55295", "56750"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["55295"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61845", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "38662", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["36038", "38662"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 7: 38662 Pirom 01 Pirom :!patinfo,646. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "53388", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["53388"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 8: 53388 VITAL CURADEN 49+ 01 VITAL CURADEN 49+ :!patinfo,655. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "36111", ["36110", "36111"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["36111"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61693", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "36110", ["36110", "36111"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["36110"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61690", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "40414", ["35279", "40414"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["40414"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61835", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "41903", "01", ["41903", "54068"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["41903", "41904", "41905", "54068"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 9: 41903 Motilium 01 Motilium :!patinfo,30270183. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52594", ["52594"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["52594", "55262"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61837", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "56056", ["56056"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["45859", "56056"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "56056", "01", ["56056"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["45859", "56056"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 10: 56056 Amoxicillin Spirig HC 1000 01 Amoxicillin Spirig HC 375 :!patinfo,30272562. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "46898", ["35532", "46898"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["34370", "35532", "46898"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30041", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30041"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 11: 30041 Strath Magentropfen 01 Strath Magentropfen :!patinfo,2340. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30044", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30044"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 12: 30044 Strath Hustentropfen 01 Strath Hustentropfen :!patinfo,2339. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30042", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30042"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 13: 30042 Strath Nieren-Blasen-Tropfen 01 Strath Nieren-Blasen-Tropfen :!patinfo,796. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30049", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30049"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 14: 30049 Strath Schlaf-Nerven-Tropfen 01 Strath Schlaf-Nerven-Tropfen :!patinfo,807. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "55262", ["55262"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["52594", "55262"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "48057", ["48057", "49156"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["48057"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61671", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "08671", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["08671"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 15: 08671 Alka-Seltzer 01 Alka-Seltzer :!patinfo,30272517. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30037", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30037"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 16: 30037 Strath Schleimhaut-Tropfen 01 Strath Schleimhaut-Tropfen :!patinfo,2344. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61673", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "30038", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["30038"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 17: 30038 Strath Leber-Galle-Tropfen 01 Strath Leber-Galle-Tropfen :!patinfo,907. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "56750", ["55295", "56750"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["56750"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61812", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61818", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "13188", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["13188"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 18: 13188 Unguentolan 01 Unguentolan :!patinfo,985. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54541", ["54541"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["35922", "54541"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60880", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "60880", "01", ["60838", "60839", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61672", "61673"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60839", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 19: 60880 Staloral Pollen Aufrechtes Glaskraut Kombipackung 01 Staloral Pollen Hohe Ambrosie Kombipackung :!patinfo,29754479. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61731", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60886", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60889", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61733", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61735", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52560", ["52560"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["52557", "52558", "52559", "52560"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "34370", ["34370"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["34370", "35532", "46898"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54393", ["54393"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54393", "62077"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "36575", ["36575", "43779"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["36575"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "39254", "01", ["37867", "39254"], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["37867", "39254", "49366"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 20: 39254 Voltaren 50 01 Voltaren 25 mg :!patinfo,30267557. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "11833", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["11833"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 21: 11833 Kernosan Heidelberger Kräuterpulver 01 Kernosan Heidelberger Kräuterpulver :!patinfo,2801. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60873", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61725", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "24959", ["24926", "24959", "39622"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["24926", "24959", "39622", "44939"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61728", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61860"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52559", ["52557", "52558", "52559"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["52557", "52558", "52559", "52560"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "53978", ["53978", "53979"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["53978"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "53979", ["53978", "53979"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["53979"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52557", ["52557", "52558", "52559"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["52557", "52558", "52559", "52560"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "52558", ["52557", "52558", "52559"], "fi-iksnrs 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"60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60856", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "45275", ["45275", "45276", "45277"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["45275"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "57740", ["57740"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["53841", "57740"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "44939", ["44939"], "fi-iksnrs should 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"60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "24926", ["24926", "24959", "39622"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["24926", "24959", "39622", "44939"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60912", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "55841", ["55841"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["55841", "59885"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60838", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "58436", ["41125", "58436"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["58436"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60904", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "60906", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["60838", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61671", "61673", "69870"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "38359", ["38359"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["38130", "38359", "53703"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "52294", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["51733", "52294"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 24: 52294 Podomexef für Kinder 01 Podomexef 100 :!patinfo,30272607. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "61531", ["61531", "62391"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["61531"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "38423", ["38423", "40226"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["38423"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54260", ["54260", "62569"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["54260"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "49182", ["44146", "49182"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["49182"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54268", ["54268", "55431"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43225", "54268", "54331"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "42083", ["42083", "42084", "49783"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["42083", "42084"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "42084", ["42083", "42084", "49783"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["42083", "42084"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "54331", ["54331"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["43225", "54268", "54331"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_pi_iksrns [#, "09941", "01", [], "pi-iksnrs should match", ["09941"]] delete_patinfo_pointer 25: 09941 Kernosan Meerrettich-Elixir 01 Kernosan Meerrettich-Elixir :!patinfo,1631. check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "57567", ["57566", "57567"], "fi-iksnrs should match", ["57567"]] check_swissmedicno_fi_pi inconsistent_fi_iksrns [#, "57566", ["57566", "57567"], 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"250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN XOAUTH XOAUTH2 PLAIN-CLIENTTOKEN\r\n" -> "250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES\r\n" <- "AUTH PLAIN AG5naWdlckB5d2VzZWUuY29tAE45YmFBNHV1TlA0cg==\r\n" -> "235 2.7.0 Accepted\r\n" <- "MAIL FROM:\r\n" -> "250 2.1.0 OK bn13sm910290eeb.11 - gsmtp\r\n" <- "RCPT TO:\r\n" -> "250 2.1.5 OK bn13sm910290eeb.11 - gsmtp\r\n" <- "DATA\r\n" -> "354 Go ahead bn13sm910290eeb.11 - gsmtp\r\n" writing message from String wrote 1572 bytes -> "250 2.0.0 OK 1376990033 bn13sm910290eeb.11 - gsmtp\r\n" <- "QUIT\r\n" -> "221 2.0.0 closing connection bn13sm910290eeb.11 - gsmtp\r\n" (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:736:in `rescue in block in open': druby://oddb.niklaus.org:50349 - # (DRb::DRbConnError) from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:730:in `block in open' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:729:in `each' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:729:in `open' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1191:in `initialize' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1171:in `new' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1171:in `open' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1087:in `block in method_missing' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1105:in `with_friend' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1086:in `method_missing' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/odba.rb:38:in `unpeer' from (druby://localhost:10000) /var/www/oddb.org/src/util/oddbapp.rb:1610:in `unpeer_cache' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1548:in `perform_without_block' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1508:in `perform' from (druby://localhost:10000) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1586:in `block (2 levels) in main_loop' from (druby://localhost:10000) 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' import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs ["14272", "16380", "16522", "19625", "24926", "24959", "28840", "29729", "29730", "30433", "34370", "35279", "35532", "35709", "35921", "35922", "36110", "36111", "36575", "37867", "38096", "38359", "38423", "39205", "39254", "39622", "40226", "40414", "40558", "41125", "41217", "41903", "42083", "42084", "42125", "42823", "43216", "43225", "43522", "43593", "43779", "43869", "43870", "44146", "44371", "44372", "44939", "45275", "45276", "45277", "45427", "45428", "45674", "45859", "46429", "46489", "46619", "46620", "46621", "46898", "47915", "48057", "49156", "49182", "49783", "50262", "50556", "52377", "52557", "52558", "52559", "52560", "52594", "52866", "53493", "53841", "53978", "53979", "54068", "54260", "54268", "54331", "54393", "54447", "54541", "54785", "54810", "54948", "54984", "55262", "55295", "55431", "55656", "55666", "55667", "55811", "55841", "56056", "56075", "56328", "56381", "56750", "56882", "57459", "57566", "57567", "57660", "57740", "58416", "58417", "58436", "58939", "59189", "59190", "60131", "60443", "60513", "60514", "60590", "60591", "60592", "60593", "60594", "60595", "60597", "60598", "60599", "60600", "60601", "60602", "60603", "60604", "60605", "60606", "60607", "60608", "60609", "60610", "60611", "60621", "60623", "60624", "60625", "60626", "60627", "60628", "60629", "60630", "60631", "60632", "60633", "60634", "60635", "60636", "60637", "60638", "60639", "60640", "60641", "60642", "60838", "60839", "60840", "60843", "60856", "60858", "60870", "60873", "60880", "60886", "60889", "60904", "60906", "60911", "60912", "61216", "61263", "61318", "61531", "61671", "61672", "61673", "61690", "61693", "61725", "61728", "61731", "61733", "61735", "61797", "61799", "61812", "61818", "61835", "61837", "61845", "61846", "61847", "61860", "62067", "62391", "62569", "62714", "62726", "62727", "62746", "62848", "62973"] target both import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs iksnr "14272" {} extract_matched_name 14272 fachinfo as 'fi' lang 'de' path is //medicalInformation[@type='fi' and @lang='de']/authNrs returns Hederix® extract_matched_name 14272 fachinfo as 'fi' lang 'fr' path is //medicalInformation[@type='fi' and @lang='fr']/authNrs returns Hederix® import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}} parse_and_update {:de=>"Hederix®"} fachinfo parse_and_update: calls parse_fachinfo dist /var/www/oddb.org/data/html/fachinfo/de/Hederix__swissmedicinfo.html iksnrs_from_xml ["14272", "16522", "19625", "42125"] Hederix__swissmedicinfo.html, name Hederix® de title Hederix® update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr ["14272", "16522", "19625", "42125"] update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 14272 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 16522 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 19625 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 42125 store_fachinfo {} import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] parse_and_update {:fr=>"Hederix®"} fachinfo parse_and_update: calls parse_fachinfo dist /var/www/oddb.org/data/html/fachinfo/fr/Hederix__swissmedicinfo.html iksnrs_from_xml ["14272", "16522", "19625", "42125"] Hederix__swissmedicinfo.html, name Hederix® fr title Hederix® update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr ["14272", "16522", "19625", "42125"] update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 14272 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 16522 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 19625 store_fachinfo {} update_fachinfo Hederix® iksnr 42125 store_fachinfo {} import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] parse_and_update {:de=>nil} patinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] delete_patinfo iksnr [] de delete_patinfo nothing to do for [] ?? parse_and_update {:fr=>nil} patinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>["Hederix®"], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] delete_patinfo iksnr [] fr delete_patinfo nothing to do for [] ?? import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs iksnr "16380" {} import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}} parse_and_update {:de=>nil} fachinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] parse_and_update {:fr=>nil} fachinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] parse_and_update {:de=>nil} patinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] delete_patinfo iksnr [] de delete_patinfo nothing to do for [] ?? parse_and_update {:fr=>nil} patinfo import_info: {:fi=>"fachinfo", :pi=>"patinfo"} names {:de=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}, :fr=>{:fi=>[nil], :pi=>[nil]}} iksnrs [] delete_patinfo iksnr [] fr delete_patinfo nothing to do for [] ?? 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