Test Util C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
/home/masa/ywesee/oddb.org/src/util/exporter.rb 320 306


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
2 # Exporter -- oddb -- 30.07.2003 -- hwyss@ywesee.com 
4 require 'plugin/oddbdat_export'
5 require 'plugin/fipdf'
6 require 'plugin/yaml'
7 require 'plugin/csv_export'
8 require 'plugin/patinfo_invoicer'
9 require 'plugin/fachinfo_invoicer'
10 require 'plugin/download_invoicer'
11 require 'plugin/ouwerkerk'
12 require 'plugin/xls_export'
13 require 'util/log'
14 require 'util/logfile'
15 require 'util/schedule'
17 module ODDB
18 	class Exporter
19     include Util::Schedule
20 		EXPORT_SERVER = DRbObject.new(nil, EXPORT_URI)
21 		EXPORT_DIR = File.expand_path('../../data/downloads',
22 																	File.dirname(__FILE__))
23 		FileUtils.mkdir_p(EXPORT_DIR)
24 		class SessionStub
25 			attr_accessor :language, :flavor, :lookandfeel
26 			alias :default_language :language
27 		end
28 		def initialize(app)
29 			@app = app
30 		end
31     def run
32       ## restart the export server
33       EXPORT_SERVER.clear
34       sleep(30)
35       #
36       mail_patinfo_invoices
37       mail_fachinfo_log
38       run_on_monthday(1) {
39         mail_download_invoices
40       }
41       run_on_monthday(15) {
42         mail_download_invoices
43       }
44       run_on_weekday(0) {
45         mail_download_stats
46         mail_feedback_stats
47         #mail_notification_stats
48       }
49       export_sl_pcodes
50       export_yaml
51       export_oddbdat
52       export_csv
53       export_doc_csv
54       export_index_therapeuticus_csv
55       export_price_history_csv
56 =begin # inoperable atm.
57       run_on_monthday(1) {
58         export_fachinfo_pdf
59       }
60 =end
61       nil
62     end
63     def export_helper(name)
64       EXPORT_SERVER.remote_safe_export(EXPORT_DIR, name) { |path|
65         yield path
66       }
67     end
68     def export_all_csv
69       export_csv
70       export_doc_csv
71       export_index_therapeuticus_csv
72       export_price_history_csv
73     end
74 		def export_competition_xls(company, db_path=nil)
75 			plug = XlsExportPlugin.new(@app)
76 			plug.export_competition(company, db_path)
77 			plug
78 		end
79     def export_csv
80       plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
81       safe_export 'oddb.csv' do
82         plug.export_drugs
83       end
84       safe_export 'oddb.csv' do
85         plug.export_drugs_extended
86       end
87       EXPORT_SERVER.clear
88       sleep(30)
89     end
90 		def export_analysis_csv
91 			plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
92 			plug.export_analysis
93 			EXPORT_SERVER.clear
94 			sleep(30)
95 		end
96 		def export_doc_csv
97       safe_export 'doctors.csv' do
98         plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
99         plug.export_doctors
100       end
101       EXPORT_SERVER.clear
102       sleep(30)
103 		end
104     def export_fachinfo_pdf(langs = [:de, :fr])
105       plug = FiPDFExporter.new(@app)
106       langs.each { |lang|
107         name = "fachinfos_#{lang}.pdf"
108         safe_export name do
109           path = File.join(EXPORT_DIR, name)
110           plug.write_pdf(lang, path)
111           EXPORT_SERVER.compress(EXPORT_DIR, name)
112         end
113       }
114     end
115 		def export_generics_xls
116 			plug = XlsExportPlugin.new(@app)
117 			plug.export_generics
118 			plug
119 		end
120 		def export_swissdrug_xls(date = @@today, opts={})
121 			plug = OuwerkerkPlugin.new(@app, "swissdrug update")
122 			plug.export_xls opts
123 			name = 'swissdrug-update.xls'
124 			path = File.join(EXPORT_DIR, name)
125 			FileUtils.cp(plug.file_path, path)
126 			EXPORT_SERVER.compress(EXPORT_DIR, name)
127 			plug
128 		end
129     def export_index_therapeuticus_csv
130       safe_export 'index_therapeuticus' do
131         plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
132         plug.export_index_therapeuticus
133       end
134       EXPORT_SERVER.clear
135       sleep(30)
136     end
137 		def export_migel_csv
138 			plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
139 			plug.export_migel
140 			EXPORT_SERVER.clear
141 			sleep(30)
142 		end
143 		def export_narcotics_csv
144 			plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
145 			plug.export_narcotics
146 			EXPORT_SERVER.clear
147 			sleep(30)
148 		end
149 		def export_oddbdat
150           dose_missing_list = []
151       safe_export 'oddbdat' do
152         exporter = OdbaExporter::OddbDatExport.new(@app)
153         dose_missing_list = exporter.export
154         EXPORT_SERVER.clear
155         sleep(30)
156         run_on_weekday(1) {
157           exporter.export_fachinfos
158           EXPORT_SERVER.clear
159           sleep(30)
160         }
162         # here to raise warning if package.parts is empty
163         if !dose_missing_list.empty?
164 			log = Log.new(@@today)
165 			log.report = [
166 				"Warning: Dose data (ODDB::Package.parts, Array of ODDB::Dose instances) is empty.",
167 				"Message: export_oddbdat succeeded but the following package(s) do not have Dose data.",
168 				"Package(s):",
169                 dose_missing_list.collect do |list|
170                   list[0].to_s + ", " + \
171                   "http://#{SERVER_NAME}/de/gcc/resolve/pointer/%3A!registration%2C" + list[1].to_s + \
172                   "!sequence%2C" + list[2].to_s + "!package%2C" + list[3].to_s + ".\n"
173                 end
174 			].join("\n")
175 			log.notify("Warning Export: oddbdat")
176         end
177       end
178 		end
179 		def export_pdf
180 			FiPDFExporter.new(@app).run
181 		end
182 		def export_sl_pcodes
183       safe_export 'sl_pcodes.txt' do
184         path = File.expand_path('../../data/txt/sl_pcodes.txt',
185           File.dirname(__FILE__))
186         File.open(path, 'w') { |fh|
187           @app.each_package { |pac|
188             if(pac.sl_entry && pac.pharmacode)
189               fh.puts(pac.pharmacode)
190             end
191           }
192         }
193       end
194 		end
195     def export_patents_xls
196       plug = XlsExportPlugin.new(@app)
197       plug.export_patents
198       plug
199     end
200 		def export_yaml
201 			exporter = YamlExporter.new(@app)
202       safe_export 'oddb.yaml' do
203         exporter.export
204       end
205       safe_export 'atc.yaml' do
206         exporter.export_atc_classes
207       end
208       safe_export 'interactions.yaml' do
209         exporter.export_interactions
210       end
211       safe_export 'narcotics.yaml' do
212         exporter.export_narcotics
213       end
214       safe_export 'price_history.yaml' do
215         exporter.export_prices
216       end
217 			run_on_weekday(2) {
218         safe_export 'fachinfo.yaml' do
219           exporter.export_fachinfos
220         end
221 			}
222 			run_on_weekday(3) {
223         safe_export 'patinfo.yaml' do
224           exporter.export_patinfos
225         end
226 			}
227 			run_on_weekday(4) {
228         safe_export 'doctors.yaml' do
229           exporter.export_doctors
230         end
231 			}
232 			EXPORT_SERVER.clear
233 			sleep(30)
234 		end
235 		def mail_download_stats
236       safe_export 'Mail Download-Statistics' do
237         mail_stats('download')
238       end
239 		end
240 		def mail_download_invoices
241       safe_export 'Mail Download-Invoices' do
242         DownloadInvoicer.new(@app).run
243       end
244 		end
245 		def mail_fachinfo_log(day = @@today)
246       safe_export 'Mail Fachinfo-Invoices' do
247         plug = FachinfoInvoicer.new(@app)
248         plug.run(day)
249         if report = plug.report
250           log = Log.new(day)
251           log.date_str = day.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")
252           log.report = report
253           log.notify("Fachinfo-Uploads")
254         end
255       end
256 		end
257 		def mail_feedback_stats
258       safe_export 'Mail Feedback-Statistics' do
259         mail_stats('feedback')
260       end
261 		end
262 		def mail_notification_stats
263 			file = @app.notification_logger.create_csv(@app)
264 			headers = {
265 				:filename => 'notifications.csv',
266 				:mime_type => 'text/csv',
267 				:subject => 'Täglicher CSV-Export der Notifications', 
268 			}
269 			Log.new(@@today).notify_attachment(file, headers)
270 		end
271 		def mail_patinfo_invoices
272       safe_export 'Mail Patinfo-Invoices' do
273         PatinfoInvoicer.new(@app).run
274       end
275 		end
276     def export_price_history_csv
277       safe_export 'price_history.csv' do
278         plug = CsvExportPlugin.new(@app)
279         plug.export_price_history
280       end
281       EXPORT_SERVER.clear
282       sleep(30)
283     end
284 		def mail_stats(key)
285 			date = @@today
286 			if(date.mday < 8)
287 				date = date << 1
288 			end
289 			log = Log.new(date)
290 			begin
291 				log.report = File.read(LogFile.filename(key, date))
292 			rescue StandardError => e
293 				log.report = ([
294 					"Nothing to Report.",
295 					nil, 
296 					e.class,
297 					e.message 
298 				] + e.backtrace).join("\n")
299 			end
300 			log.notify("#{key.capitalize}-Statistics")
301 		end
302     def mail_swissmedic_notifications
303       SwissmedicPlugin.new(@app).mail_notifications
304     end
305     def safe_export subject, &block
306       block.call
307 		rescue StandardError => e
308       EXPORT_SERVER.clear rescue nil
309 			log = Log.new(@@today)
310 			log.report = [
311 				"Error: #{e.class}",
312 				"Message: #{e.message}",
313 				"Backtrace:",
314 				e.backtrace.join("\n"),
315 			].join("\n")
316 			log.notify("Error Export: #{subject}")
317       sleep(30)
318     end
319 	end
320 end

Generated on Mon Feb 07 10:36:39 +0100 2011 with rcov 0.9.8