Test Plugin C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
/home/masa/ywesee/oddb.org/src/plugin/oddbdat_export.rb 90 70


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 #/usr/bin/env ruby
2 # OddbDatExport -- oddb -- 23.06.2003 -- aschrafl@ywesee.com
4 require 'plugin/plugin'
5 require 'drb'
6 require 'util/oddbconfig'
7 require 'util/persistence'
8 require 'custom/lookandfeelbase'
9 require 'date'
10 require 'iconv'
11 require 'archive/tarsimple'
12 require 'zip/zip'
14 module ODDB
15 	module OdbaExporter
16 		class AcTable; end
17 		class AccompTable; end
18 		class AcLimTable; end
19 		class AcmedTable; end
20 		class AcnamTable; end
21 		class AcOddbTable; end
22 		class AcpricealgTable; end
23 		class AcscTable; end
24 		class LimitationTable; end
25 		class LimTxtTable; end
26 		class MCMTable; end
27 		class CodesTable; end
28 		class EanTable; end
29 		class ScTable; end
30 		class CompTable; end
31 		class Readme; end
32 class OddbDatExport < ODDB::Plugin
33 	EXPORT_SERVER = DRbObject.new(nil, EXPORT_URI)
34 	EXPORT_DIR = File.expand_path('../../data/downloads', 
35 		File.dirname(__FILE__))
36 	def initialize(app)
37 		@date = @@today 
38 		super
39 	end
40 	def export
41 		files = []
43 		# package tables
44 		package_tables = [
45 			AcTable, AccompTable, AcLimTable, AcmedTable, AcnamTable,
46 			AcOddbTable, AcpricealgTable, AcscTable, LimitationTable,
47 			LimTxtTable, EanTable
48 		]
49 		ids = []
50         dose_missing_list = []
51 		@app.each_package { |pac| 
52           ids.push(pac.odba_id) 
53           if pac.parts.empty?
54             dose_missing_list.push([pac.basename, pac.iksnr, pac.sequence.seqnr, pac.ikscd])
55           end
56         }
58 		files += EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(ids, EXPORT_DIR, package_tables)
60 		# codes table
61 		ids = @app.atc_classes.values.collect { |atc| atc.odba_id }
62 		@app.each_galenic_form { |galform| ids.push(galform.odba_id) }
63 		files += EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(ids, EXPORT_DIR, [CodesTable])
65 		# substances table
66 		ids = @app.substances.collect { |subs| subs.odba_id }
67 		files += EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(ids, EXPORT_DIR, [ScTable])
69 		# companies table
70 		ids = @app.companies.collect { |oid, comp| comp.odba_id }
71 		files += EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(ids, EXPORT_DIR, [CompTable])
73 		# readme
74 		files += EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(nil, EXPORT_DIR, [Readme])
76 		# compress
77 		EXPORT_SERVER.compress_many(EXPORT_DIR, 'oddbdat', files)
79         # warning
80         return dose_missing_list
81 	end
82 	def export_fachinfos
83 		# fachinfo table
84 		ids = @app.fachinfos.collect { |oid, fachinfo| fachinfo.odba_id }
85 		files = EXPORT_SERVER.export_oddbdat(ids, EXPORT_DIR, [MCMTable])
86 		EXPORT_SERVER.compress(EXPORT_DIR, files.first)
87 	end
88 end
89 	end
90 end

Generated on Mon Feb 07 09:23:52 +0100 2011 with rcov 0.9.8