Test Plugin C0 Coverage Information - RCov


Name Total Lines Lines of Code Total Coverage Code Coverage
/home/masa/ywesee/oddb.org/src/plugin/patinfo_invoicer.rb 76 72


Code reported as executed by Ruby looks like this...and this: this line is also marked as covered.Lines considered as run by rcov, but not reported by Ruby, look like this,and this: these lines were inferred by rcov (using simple heuristics).Finally, here's a line marked as not executed.

Coverage Details

1 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
2 # PatinfoInvoicer -- oddb -- 16.08.2005 -- jlang@ywesee.com
4 require 'plugin/info_invoicer'
6 module ODDB
7   class PatinfoInvoicer < InfoInvoicer
8     def initialize(*args)
9       @infotype = :patinfo
10       super
11     end
12     def activation_fee
13       PI_UPLOAD_PRICES[:activation]
14     end
15     def active_infos
16       @app.active_pdf_patinfos.keys.inject({}) { |inj, key|
17         inj.store(key[0,8], 1)
18         inj
19       }
20     end
21     def html_items(first)
22       invoiced = {}
23       items = []
24       last = first >> 12
25       @app.companies.each_value { |company|
26         if(company.invoice_htmlinfos && company.invoice_date(:patinfo) == first)
27           company.registrations.each { |reg|
28             if(reg.active?)
29               reg.each_sequence { |seq|
30                 if(seq.public_package_count > 0 && !seq.pdf_patinfo \
31                    && (patinfo = seq.patinfo.odba_instance) \
32                    && !invoiced.include?(patinfo))
33                   invoiced.store(patinfo, true)
34                   item = AbstractInvoiceItem.new
35                   item.price = PI_UPLOAD_PRICES[:annual_fee]
36                   item.text = [reg.iksnr, seq.seqnr].join(' ')
37                   item.time = Time.now
38                   item.type = :annual_fee
39                   item.unit = "Jahresgeb\374hr"
40                   item.vat_rate = VAT_RATE
41                   item.item_pointer = seq.pointer
42                   items.push(item)
43                 end
44               }
45             end
46           }
47         end
48       }
49       items
50     end
51     def neighborhood_unique_names(item)
52       names = [unique_name(item)].compact
53       if((ptr = item.item_pointer) && (seq = ptr.resolve(@app)))
54         active = seq.pdf_patinfo
55         seq.registration.sequences.each_value { |other|
56           if(other.pdf_patinfo == active)
57             names.push([other.iksnr, other.seqnr].join('_'))
58           end
59         }
60       end
61       names.uniq
62     end
63     def parent_item_class
64       Sequence
65     end
66     def unique_name(item)
67       name = item.text
68       if(/^[0-9]{5} [0-9]{2}$/u.match(name))
69         name.tr(' ', '_')
70       elsif((ptr = item.item_pointer) && (seq = ptr.resolve(@app)) \
71             && seq.is_a?(Sequence))
72         [seq.iksnr, seq.seqnr].join('_')
73       end
74     end
75   end
76 end

Generated on Fri Feb 25 07:43:28 +0100 2011 with rcov 0.9.8