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  • After importing Bauerfeind products we must restart the migel daemon
  • brand2csv must eliminate all duplicates
  • evidentia search links not correctly updated
  • Keep in Mind



After importing Bauerfeind products we must restart the migel daemon

Similar code is found in But this code does not really restart the service. Must find a way to the the PID of the running migeld.

Resolved with commit Restart migel server after bauerfeind import

brand2csv must eliminate all duplicates

The spec test don't run anymore as a stub is missing for

       stub_request(:post, "").
         with(:body => {"autoScroll"=>"", "id_swissreg:_idcl"=>"", "id_swissreg:_link_hidden_"=>"", "id_swissreg:mainContent:id_sub_options_result:id_ckbTMChoice"=>"tm_lbl_app_date", "id_swissreg:mainContent:id_sub_options_result:sub_fieldset:id_cbxHitsPerPage"=>"250", "id_swissreg:mainContent:scroll_1"=>"", "id_swissreg:mainContent:vivian"=>"TRADEMARK REGISTER SEARCH TIMES: QUERY=[14] SELECT=[20] SERVER=[37] DELEGATE=[46] (HITS=[3])", "id_swissreg_SUBMIT"=>"1", "javax.faces.ViewState"=>"rO0ABXVyABNbTGphdmEubGFuZy5PYmplY3Q7kM5YnxBzKWwCAAB4cAAAAAN0AAE0cHQAFy9qc3AvdHJhZGVtYXJrL3NyMzAuanNw", "tmMainId"=>""},                        
              :headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Charset'=>'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip,deflate,identity', 'Accept-Language'=>'en-us,en;q=0.5', 'Connection'=>'keep-alive', 'Content-Length'=>'917', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Host'=>'', 'Keep-Alive'=>'300', 'Referer'=>'', 'User-Agent'=>'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0'}).                                                                                                                                               
         to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})

Running the following bundle exec bin/brand2csv --swiss_only 1.1.2016-27.6.2016, which takes quite some time. Then I created two files sorted and sorted.uniq using the following commands

  • cat 1.1.2016-27.6.2016.csv | cut --delimiter=';' -f 2 | cut --delimiter='/' -f 1 | sort >sorted
  • cat 1.1.2016-27.6.2016.csv | cut --delimiter=';' -f 2 | cut --delimiter='/' -f 1 | sort |uniq >sorted.uniq

Then compared the two files.

Found duplicates entry for nekahyd, number 53792/2016, which appears twice in the CSV nekahyd;53792/2016;Kalkfabrik Netstal AG, 8754 Netstal;Schweiz;Ja;25.03.2016;Kalkfabrik Netstal AG;;;;;8754;Netstal

;53792/2015;Regula Egli, Rabbentalstrasse 51, 3013 Bern;Schweiz;Nein;28.04.2016;Regula Egli;Rabbentalstrasse 51;;;;3013;Bern

Or for 00177 I get 1.1.2016-27.6.2016.csv:gran espíritu;00177/2016;Valentin Schiess, Delsbergerallee 40, 4053 Basel;Schweiz;Ja;27.04.2016;Valentin Schiess;Delsbergerallee 40;;;;4053;Basel 1.1.2016-27.6.2016.csv:CRESTA RUN;00177/2013;St. Moritz Tobogganing Club, Cresta Office, Kulm Hotel, Via Veglia 18, 7500 St. Moritz;Schweiz;Ja;03.05.2016;St. Moritz Tobogganing Club;Cresta Office;Kulm Hotel;Via Veg

But are these entries correct? It looks for me as if CRESTA RUN;00177/2013 is not correct, nor is jpeg link for Regula Egli, as she has trademarkk for "genialRegional", which does not look related to the nekahyd from the Kalkfabrik.

Did swissreg change somehow their website?

The purpose of this gem it to fetch all addresses which have at least on trademark associated with it. Therefore we want to the column C (aka inhaber) to be uniq.

It was easy and quick to create a failing spec test for this feature. Now making it pass. Various update to use brand2csv.gemspec and run in on travis-CI. See commits

search links not correctly updated

The evidentia search link were not correctly updated, as Evidentia change the column seperator from ';' to ','. Fixed with commit Record separater now ',' for evidentia search links

But Zeno wants, that all our CSV files have ';' as delimiter. Therefore I will revert the commit with Revert "Record separater now ',' for evidentia search links"

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Page last modified on August 17, 2016, at 07:24 PM