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  • Improve rapflag to show daily summaries with equivalent in USD
  • After a login in we should edit immediately
  • Keep in Mind



Improve rapflag to show daily summaries with equivalent in USD

We must show the value of the daily balance in USD. We can use the

But first fixed an error running the unit test on travis with commit Set timezone to UTC-1 for travis

As the API from candle only allows us to retrieve the quotes for the last month, we will add the info, only for the dates we are able to get a value. We willl use the UTC timezone for this, to avoid problems converting to/from MEZ.

Found finally the solution on howto retrieve daily traces. URl is

But this does not work as expected, eg. using pry I see

 url = "{from}USD/hist?start:#{ms}?end:#{ms_next_date}"
=> ""
 items = eval(open(url){|f|}) ;
[68] pry(#<RAPFLAG::History>)> items.collect{|x|x.first}.max/1000
=> 2017-03-13 01:00:00 +0100
[69] pry(#<RAPFLAG::History>)> items.collect{|x|x.first}.min/1000
=> 2016-11-14 01:00:00 +0100
[70] pry(#<RAPFLAG::History>)> url
=> ""
[71] pry(#<RAPFLAG::History>)> ms/1000
=> 2016-01-10 00:00:00 +0100
[72] pry(#<RAPFLAG::History>)> ms_next_date/1000
=> 2016-01-13 00:00:00 +0100

Pushed commit Add balance in USD

Running bin/rapflag fails sometimes, because the API is rate limited. In this case it returns {:error=>"ERR_RATE_LIMIT"}. Found the culprit. My caching of the exchange rates was wrong and did not work for BFX.

Adding a new column rate. Pushed commit Add new column rate. Fix caching of exchanges rates

After a login in we should edit immediately

Still don't know, why the login does not change the state as it should. How can I create a unit test for it in SBSM?

Looking on howto make the unit tests for work via rake (on Pushed commit Fix running unit tests. Now the unit tests run, but I have 17 failures, probably all because of the login problem.

Did not find out why the unit test start locally under gentoo, but not on travis-CI.

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Page last modified on March 13, 2017, at 06:32 PM