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  • ODDB: Problems passing swissmedic_feed
  • drugshortage should not generate mail if nothing relevant changed
  • Add some meta tags
  • Port virbac to use SBSM with rack
  • Keep in Mind



ODDB: Problems passing swissmedic_feed

Got the error offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input with import_daily. Also the same problem with jobs/update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo. Why? It looks for me, as we have a problem with the CGI used. See also SBSM ARGV violation.

Pushed commit Must use CGI without offline prompt

drugshortage should not generate mail if nothing relevant changed

drugshortage should

  • not list all GTIN of analysed drugs
  • not generate an email if no relevant changes are detected (HTML file differs from day to day in its header)

Looking at failed unit tests made me think, that requiring util/session in src/plugin/shortage.rb was a bad idea. Settting the @flavour to 'gcc'. Running test/suite.rb and jobs/update_drugshortage before committing changes.

Pushed the following commits

Did see a lot of errors like

rss/fachinfo 68: rescue #<NoMethodError: undefined method `html' for nil:NilClass> for rss/fachinfo 68: #<ODBA::Stub:70262122293060#29727220 @odba_class= @odba_containe=70262132828560#21>: backtrace is: 
  /var/www/ `template_html'
  /var/www/ `to_html'
  /var/www/ `item_to_html'
  /var/www/ `block (2 levels) in to_html'
  /var/www/ `each'
  /var/www/ `block in to_html'

when running import_daily. Investigation the problem by placing a pry statement there. Error is in the post process job.

Pushed commits

Found the following entries in the log files

@4000000058f6108237494c24 ODDB::View::Ajax::SwissmedicCat::COMPONENTS[[1, 11]] in create(patent_protected)
@4000000058f610823760b06c error in SBSM::Session#http_headers: /fr/mobile/ajax_swissmedic_cat/reg/41655/seq/04/pack/089
@4000000058f61082377699cc NoMethodError
@4000000058f610823776c4c4 undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass
@4000000058f6108237770efc /var/www/ `format_date'
@4000000058f61082377712e4 /var/www/ `patent_protected'
@4000000058f61082377712e4 /var/www/ `create'
@4000000058f61082377716cc /var/www/ `compose_component'
@4000000058f6108237774d7c /var/www/ `block in compose'
@4000000058f610823b97beb4 error in SBSM::Session#to_html: /fr/mobile/ajax_swissmedic_cat/reg/41655/seq/04/pack/097
@4000000058f6108300133fbc NoMethodError
@4000000058f6108300136ab4 undefined method `strftime' for nil:NilClass

Fixed it with the commit Avoid nil when no patent.expiry_date given

Add some meta tags

Must add the following meta tags for

  • DE: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=687642725"/>
  • FR: <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=712891884"/>

Pushed commit Add meta tags for appled_app_id

Port virbac to use SBSM with rack

Adapting to newer watir 6.x syntax by changing to browser.element.wait_until(&:present?).click.

Working on making it start up again. login/logout methods moved from Session to App class.

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Page last modified on April 18, 2017, at 05:06 PM