<< Masa.20110124-setup-ramaze | 2011 | Masa.20110120-update-rpdf2txt-setup-ramaze >>
Check the current status
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ruby1.9 -I ../oddb/lib:../odba/lib start.rb ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_drugs_sequence_fachinfo_indications_de" already exists ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:62:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:37:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/base_classes/database.rb:96:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/base_classes/database.rb:114:in `do' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/handles/database.rb:106:in `do' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:176:in `create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/index.rb:226:in `initialize' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:148:in `new' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:148:in `block in create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:558:in `call' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:558:in `block in transaction' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/handles/database.rb:209:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:36:in `block in method_missing' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:26:in `next_connection' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:35:in `method_missing' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:554:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:520:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:140:in `create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:131:in `block in create_deferred_indices' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:125:in `each' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:125:in `create_deferred_indices' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:437:in `setup' from /home/masa/ywesee/oddb/lib/oddb/persistence/odba.rb:35:in `<module:ODDB>' from /home/masa/ywesee/oddb/lib/oddb/persistence/odba.rb:28:in `<top (required)>' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/model/init.rb:3:in `require' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/model/init.rb:3:in `<top (required)>' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/app.rb:32:in `require' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/app.rb:32:in `<top (required)>' from start.rb:7:in `require' from start.rb:7:in `<main>'
The updated point
class ColumnInfo < DelegateClass(Hash) # Create a new ColumnInfo object. # # If no Hash is provided, one will be created for you. The hash will be # shallow cloned for storage inside the object, and an attempt will be # made to convert all string keys to symbols. # # In the event that both string and symbol keys are provided in the # initial hash, we cannot safely route around collisions and therefore # a TypeError is raised. # def initialize(hash=nil) @hash = hash.dup rescue nil @hash ||= Hash.new # coerce all strings to symbolshash_tmp = {}
@hash.each_key do |x| if x.kind_of? String sym = x.to_sym if @hash.has_key? sym raise ::TypeError, "#{self.class.name} may construct from a hash keyed with strings or symbols, but not both" end#@hash[sym] = @hash[x]
hash_tmp[sym] = @hash[x]
@hash.delete(x) end endhash_tmp.each do |k,v|
@hash[k] = v
super(@hash) end
masa@masa ~/work $ ls mod_hash.rb test.rb masa@masa ~/work $ cat test.rb h = {} h[1] = 2 h.each do |k,v| h[k+1] = v*2 if v < 10000000000 print k, " " , v, "\n" end masa@masa ~/work $ ruby1.9 -v ruby 1.9.2dev (2010-07-11 revision 28618) [x86_64-linux] masa@masa ~/work $ ruby1.9 test.rb test.rb:5:in `[]=': can't add a new key into hash during iteration (RuntimeError) from test.rb:5:in `block in <main>' from test.rb:4:in `each' from test.rb:4:in `<main>' masa@masa ~/work $ ruby1.9 -I . -rmod_hash test.rb 1 2 2 4 3 8 4 16 5 32 6 64 7 128 8 256 9 512 10 1024 11 2048 12 4096 13 8192 14 16384 15 32768 16 65536 17 131072 18 262144 19 524288 20 1048576 21 2097152 22 4194304 23 8388608 24 16777216 25 33554432 26 67108864 27 134217728 28 268435456 29 536870912 30 1073741824 31 2147483648 32 4294967296 33 8589934592 34 17179869184
# # See DBI::BaseDatabase#execute. # # This method will make use of PostgreSQL's native BLOB support if # DBI::Binary objects are passed in. # def execute # replace DBI::Binary object by oid returned by lo_import @bindvars.collect! do |var| if var.is_a? DBI::Binary then oid = @db.__blob_create(PGconn::INV_WRITE) @db.__blob_write(oid, var.to_s) oid else var end end internal_prepare if not @db['AutoCommit'] then # if not SQL.query?(boundsql) and not @db['AutoCommit'] then @db.start_transaction unless @db.in_transaction? end if @db["pg_native_binding"] pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name, *@bindvars) else pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name) end @result = DBI::DBD::Pg::Tuples.new(@db, pg_result) rescue PGError, RuntimeError => err raise DBI::ProgrammingError.new(err.message) #<= HERE end
# # Commits, runs the block provided, yielding the DatabaseHandle as it's # argument. If an exception is raised through the block, rollback occurs. # Otherwise, commit occurs. # def transaction sanity_check raise InterfaceError, "No block given" unless block_given? commit begin yield self commit rescue Exception p "masa" rollback raise end end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ruby1.9 -I ../oddb/lib:../odba/lib start.rb ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_drugs_sequence_fachinfo_indications_de" already exists "masa"
def method_missing(method, *args, &block) # :nodoc: tries = SETUP_RETRIES begin next_connection { |conn| conn.send(method, *args, &block) } rescue NoMethodError, DBI::Error => e p "masa1" warn e if(tries > 0 && (!e.is_a?(DBI::ProgrammingError) \ || e.message == 'no connection to the server')) p "masa2" sleep(SETUP_RETRIES - tries) tries -= 1 reconnect retry else p "masa3" raise end end end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ruby1.9 -I ../oddb/lib:../odba/lib start.rb "masa1" ERROR: relation "object" already exists "masa3" "masa1" ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists "masa3" ... "masa1" ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_drugs_sequence_fachinfo_indications_de" already exists "masa3" "masa1" ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists "masa3" /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:62:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:37:in `execute' ...
# # See DBI::BaseDatabase#execute. # # This method will make use of PostgreSQL's native BLOB support if # DBI::Binary objects are passed in. # def execute # replace DBI::Binary object by oid returned by lo_import @bindvars.collect! do |var| if var.is_a? DBI::Binary then oid = @db.__blob_create(PGconn::INV_WRITE) @db.__blob_write(oid, var.to_s) oid else var end end internal_prepare if not @db['AutoCommit'] then # if not SQL.query?(boundsql) and not @db['AutoCommit'] then @db.start_transaction unless @db.in_transaction? end p "A" if @db["pg_native_binding"] p "B" pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name, *@bindvars) else p "C" pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name) end p "D" @result = DBI::DBD::Pg::Tuples.new(@db, pg_result) rescue PGError, RuntimeError => err raise DBI::ProgrammingError.new(err.message) end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ruby1.9 -I ../oddb/lib:../odba/lib start.rb ... "A" "B" ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute' ...
module DBI::DBD::Pg ################################################################ # Convenience adaptor to hide details command execution API calls. # See PgExecutorAsync subclass class PgExecutor def initialize(pg_conn) @pg_conn = pg_conn end def exec(sql, parameters = nil) @pg_conn.exec(sql, parameters) end def exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters = nil) p "getin DBI::DBD::Pg::PgExecutor#exec_prepared" print "@pg_conn.class=" p @pg_conn.class @pg_conn.exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters) end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ruby1.9 -I ../oddb/lib:../odba/lib start.rb ... "getin DBI::DBD::Pg::PgExecutor#exec_prepared" @pg_conn.class=PGconn ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute' ...
/usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/base_classes/database.rb:96:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/base_classes/database.rb:114:in `do' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/handles/database.rb:106:in `do' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:176:in `create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/index.rb:226:in `initialize' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:148:in `new' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:148:in `block in create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:558:in `call' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:558:in `block in transaction' from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbi-0.4.5/lib/dbi/handles/database.rb:209:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:38:in `block in method_missing' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:26:in `next_connection' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/connection_pool.rb:37:in `method_missing' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/storage.rb:554:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:520:in `transaction' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:140:in `create_index' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:131:in `block in create_deferred_indices' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:125:in `each' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:125:in `create_deferred_indices' from /home/masa/ywesee/odba/lib/odba/cache.rb:437:in `setup' from /home/masa/ywesee/oddb/lib/oddb/persistence/odba.rb:35:in `<module:ODDB>' from /home/masa/ywesee/oddb/lib/oddb/persistence/odba.rb:28:in `<top (required)>' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/model/init.rb:3:in `require' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/model/init.rb:3:in `<top (required)>' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/app.rb:32:in `require' from /home/masa/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org/app.rb:32:in `<top (required)>' from start.rb:7:in `require' from start.rb:7:in `<main>'
# Creates a new index according to IndexDefinition def create_index(index_definition, origin_module=Object) print "index_definition.resolve_search_term=" p index_definition.resolve_search_term transaction { klass = if(index_definition.fulltext) FulltextIndex elsif(index_definition.resolve_search_term.is_a?(Hash)) ConditionIndex else Index end print "klass=" p klass print "index_definition=" p index_definition print "origin_module=" p origin_module index = klass.new(index_definition, origin_module) print "index=" p index indices.store(index_definition.index_name, index) indices.odba_store_unsaved index } end
ERROR: relation "target_id_oddb_drugs_sequence_fachinfo_indications_de" already exists index_definition.resolve_search_term="name.all" klass=ODBA::Index index_definition=#<ODBA::IndexDefinition:0x0000000289eef8 @index_name="oddb_business_company_name", @origin_klass=ODDB::Business::Company, @target_klass=ODDB::Business::Company, @resolve_search_term="name.all", @resolve_target=:none, @resolve_origin="", @dictionary="", @init_source="", @fulltext=false, @class_filter=:is_a?> origin_module=Object ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute'
# Currently there are 3 predefined Index-classes # For Sample Code see # http://dev.ywesee.com/wiki.php/ODBA/SimpleIndex # http://dev.ywesee.com/wiki.php/ODBA/ConditionIndex # http://dev.ywesee.com/wiki.php/ODBA/FulltextIndex class Index < IndexCommon # :nodoc: all def initialize(index_definition, origin_module) # :nodoc: p "getin ODBA::Index#new" super(index_definition, origin_module) print "ODBA.storage.class=" p ODBA.storage.class ODBA.storage.create_index(index_definition.index_name) end
"getin ODBA::Index#new" ODBA.storage.class=ODBA::Storage
def create_index(table_name) p "getin create_index" print "self.class=" p self.class print "self.dbi.class=" p self.dbi.class self.dbi.do <<-SQL CREATE TABLE #{table_name} ( origin_id INTEGER, search_term TEXT, target_id INTEGER ); SQL p "WWW"
"getin create_index" self.class=ODBA::Storage self.dbi.class=DBI::DatabaseHandle ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute'
# # Perform a statement. This goes straight to the DBD's implementation # of #do (and consequently, BaseDatabase#do), and does not work like # #execute and #prepare. Should return a row modified count. # def do(stmt, *bindvars) p "getin do" print "self.class=" p self.class sanity_check(stmt) @last_statement = stmt print "@handle.class=" p @handle.class @handle.do(stmt, *DBI::Utils::ConvParam.conv_param(driver_name, *bindvars)) p "end" end
"getin do" self.class=DBI::DatabaseHandle @handle.class=DBI::DBD::Pg::Database ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError) from /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:40:in `execute'
# Execute and complete the statement with the binds provided. Returns # the row modified count (via BaseStatement#rows). Finishes the # statement handle for you. # # Roughly equivalent to: # # sth = dbh.prepare("my statement") # sth.execute(my, bind, vars) # result = sth.rows # sth.finish # # Returning the value stored in `result`. def do(statement, *bindvars) print "self.class=" p self.class stmt = execute(statement, *bindvars) p "A" res = stmt.rows stmt.finish return res end
self.class=DBI::DBD::Pg::Database ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError)
# # Execute a statement with the binds provided. Returns the statement # handle unfinished. # # This is roughly equivalent to: # # sth = dbh.prepare("my statement") # sth.execute(my, bind, vars) # def execute(statement, *bindvars) print "self.class=" p self.class stmt = prepare(statement) p "A" stmt.bind_params(*bindvars) print "stmt.class=" p stmt.class stmt.execute p "B" stmt end
self.class=DBI::DBD::Pg::Database "A" stmt.class=DBI::DBD::Pg::Statement ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:75:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError)
# # See DBI::BaseDatabase#execute. # # This method will make use of PostgreSQL's native BLOB support if # DBI::Binary objects are passed in. # def execute # replace DBI::Binary object by oid returned by lo_import if var.is_a? DBI::Binary then oid = @db.__blob_create(PGconn::INV_WRITE) @db.__blob_write(oid, var.to_s) oid else var end end internal_prepare if not @db['AutoCommit'] then # if not SQL.query?(boundsql) and not @db['AutoCommit'] then @db.start_transaction unless @db.in_transaction? end p "A" if @db["pg_native_binding"] p "B" print "@db.class=" p @db.class pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name, *@bindvars) else p "C" pg_result = @db._exec_prepared(@stmt_name) end p "D"
"A" "B" @db.class=DBI::DBD::Pg::Database ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dbd-pg-0.3.9/lib/dbd/pg/statement.rb:71:in `rescue in execute': ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists (DBI::ProgrammingError)
def _exec_prepared(stmt_name, *parameters) # masa #p "DBI::DBD::Pg::Database#getin _exec_prepared" print "@pgexec.class=" p @pgexec.class @pgexec.exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters) end
def exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters = nil) #p "getin DBI::DBD::Pg::PgExecutor#exec_prepared" print "@pg_conn.class=" p @pg_conn.class @pg_conn.exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters) end
@pg_conn.class=PGconn ERROR: relation "oddb_business_company_name" already exists
Just for my information
def exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters = nil) print "@pg_conn.class=" p @pg_conn.class print "stmt_name=" p stmt_name print "parameters=" p parameters @pg_conn.exec_prepared(stmt_name, parameters) end
@pg_conn.class=PGconn stmt_name="ruby-dbi:Pg:214759001295621337.8080456" parameters=[]
Install Ruby 1.9.1
Run ramaze version of oddb.org
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ ~/bin/ruby191/bin/ruby -I ../odba/lib:../oddb/lib start.rb ... D [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] DEBUG | : Using webrick I [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] INFO | : WEBrick 1.3.1 I [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] INFO | : ruby 1.9.1 (2010-08-16) [x86_64-linux] D [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] DEBUG | : TCPServer.new(, 7000) D [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] DEBUG | : Rack::Handler::WEBrick is mounted on /. I [2011-01-21 16:36:07 $27219] INFO | : WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=27219 port=7000
Check gem list
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ramaze.ch.oddb.org $ sudo ~/bin/ruby191/bin/ruby /usr/bin/gem list *** LOCAL GEMS *** activesupport (2.3.3) dbd-pg (0.3.9) dbi (0.4.5) deprecated (2.0.1) facets (1.8.54) haml (3.0.25) innate (2010.07) pg (0.8.0) rack (1.2.1) ramaze (2010.06.18) rclconf (1.0.0) rmagick (2.13.1) rubygems-update (1.4.2)