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  • Bei einigen PIs fehlt die Rubrik. „Wann wird … angewendet?“



Die Rubrik. „Wann wird … angewendet?“ fehlt

  • Rebuilt all indices sudo -u apache ruby jobs/rebuild_indices.

Log-File ist: Attach:rebuild.txt

Work to to as per E-Mail from zeno

Bei einigen PIs fehlt die Rubrik.
„Wann wird … angewendet?“
d.h. beim importieren von
wird mittels der Regex das Kapitel
„Wann wird … angewendet?“
nicht erkannt. Du siehst die Möglichkeiten der Titel für PIs (DE und FR) hier:,lnp6I0NTU042l2Z6ln1acy4Zn4Z2qZpnO2Yuq2Z6gpJCDd312fmym162epYbg2c_JjKbNoKSn6A--
Yasuhiro hat wohl vergessen das Kapitel
„Wann wird … angewendet?“
zu erkennen, mittel Regex.
Beispiele: (Markennamensuche) wo das Problem auftritt (DB Stand 16.6.2013).
Virburcol N

1. Problem bei Dir Lokal bestätigen.
2. Code verbessern.
3. Verbesserung lokal bestätigen.
4. Commiten und mir sagen, damit ich es Online überprüfen kann.

Die Option um PIs nochmals zu parsen ist:
jobs/update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo --reparse --target=pi 52651 41436
Die Nummern sind die 5-stelligen Swissmedic-Nummern, welche Du siehst
wenn Du auf als Admin eingeloggt bist, auf der Linken
Seite. Du findest die gleichen Nummern auch in der PI im Kapitel
"Zulassungsnummer" (siehe auch zusätzlich PDF Doku-Link von
Italienisch Parsen wir zur Zeit nicht. Nur DE und FR.
  • Rerun the import using @@sudo -u apache ruby /var/www/ --reparse --target=pi 62285


/opt/src/ `require': cannot load such file -- util/quanty (LoadError)
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
        from /opt/src/ `require'
        from /opt/src/ `<top (required)>'
  • Wrote a simple unit test, where I included the (private) procedure detect_chapter from patinfo_hpricot.rb. Attach:text_chapter.rb
  • The culprit are non-word characters like ® (trademark) or ',' in the name.
  • Use to find a better regexp, See Use .* instead [\w\s]
  • Running unit tests ruby ext/fiparse/test/test_patinfo_hpricot.rb yields 10 errors
  • Added a new test. There are 31 not correctly identified cases when compared to the specification
  • Running the patches locally did not fix the problem
  • Delete PI againg. Restarted partial rebuild using pry. Did not work
  • Restarted the VM. Now the update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo fails. Reason: update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo delegates the parsing to the service ch.oddb-fiparse!!
  • Removed the pry statements. Restarted the VM and update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo again.
  • Now this problem is solved. Asked Zeno to pull this commit. See also Make rake test run under ruby 1.9.3

  • While waiting for jobs to complete, upgraded the rakefile of to ruby 1.9.3. Updated readme.
  • Corrected data/quanty/extconf.rb to run under Ruby 1.9.3 (This will brake my puppet file!)
  • Use simplecov instead of rcov. Added test/test_helper.rb to start simplecov
  • Added a rake quanty target to the rakefile
  • Make rake test depend on quanty
  • Tried to make it use Travis-CI. link okay, but no build visible yet
  • Coverage reports shows up
  • rake test is not good yet 59 tests, 56 assertions, 10 failures, 3 errors, 0 skips
  • Don't know whether test/suite.rb is completely replace by using rake test
    • Manually calling gem install test-unit && ruby test/suite.rb returns 1953 tests, 2499 assertions, 106 failures, 300 errors
    • We should fix these errors!
    • Coverage using ruby test/suite.rb returns
      • All Files (44.5% covered at 2.87 hits/line)
      • 607 files in total. 39024 relevant lines. 17364 lines covered and 21660 lines missed
    • Coverage using rake test returns
      • All Files (34.47% covered at 0.56 hits/line)
      • 269 files in total. 20629 relevant lines. 7111 lines covered and 13518 lines missed
  • Added a Jenkins-CI for ODDB.ORG (based on my branch of
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Page last modified on June 18, 2013, at 07:27 PM