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How to Set up service directory

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  1. mkdir svc/(project name) in source code directory
  2. create an executable 'run' script under svc/(project name)
  3. make a symbolic link in /service to the directory 'svc/(project name)', ln -s (full path to the directory) (symbolic name)
  4. cd /service
  5. svc -u (symbolic)
  6. svstat (symbolic)

If the run crashes

  • Kill the daemon, svc -k (symbolic)
  • just try to execute the executable script directly, and see error message

run script sample

 exec 2>&1
 ulimit -v 10240000
 exec sudo -u apache /usr/bin/ruby -rubygems /hogehoge/bin/migeld
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Page last modified on April 18, 2013, at 12:37 PM