<< Masa.20101117-create-grant_download-command-de_oddb_org | 2010 | Masa.20101115-create-grant_download-command-de_oddb_org >>
Experiment (oddb.org)
def trigger(event) if(@redirected) @redirected = false else @errors = {} @infos = [] @warnings = [] end state = if(event && !event.to_s.empty? && self.respond_to?(event)) open("/home/masa/work/test.dat","a"){|f| f.print "self.class=", self.class, "\n"} _trigger(event) elsif(klass = @events[event]) ... end ... def _trigger(event) self.send(event) end
bin/admin (create the donwload link)
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ bin/admin ch.oddb> grant_download 'aaa@bbb.ccc', 'test.dat', 1, Time.local(2011,1,1) -> http://oddb.masa.org/de/gcc/download/invoice/25518091/email/aaa@bbb.ccc/filename/test.dat
Reboot oddb.org
Access to http://oddb.masa.org/de/gcc/download/invoice/25518091/email/aaa@bbb.ccc/filename/test.dat
masa@masa ~/work $ cat test.dat self.class=ODDB::State::Drugs::Init
Experiment (de.oddb.org)
1. Define a new method lib/oddb/html/state/global.rb
def masa open("/home/masa/work/test.dat","a"){|f| f.print "MASA\n"} end
2. Add a new event lib/oddb/html/util/validator.rb
EVENTS = [ :ajax_autofill, :ajax_create_active_agent, ... # :sequence, :sort, :update ] :sequence, :sort, :update, :masa]
3. Write the event in the 3rd part of URL
masa@masa ~/work $ cat test.dat getin process key=zone value=bbb key=language value=de key=event value=masa key=default_flavor value=oddb event()=masa getin trigger self.class=ODDB::Html::State::Drugs::Init event=masa MASA getin process key=zone value=drugs key=language value=de key=event value=home key=default_flavor value=oddb event()=home getin trigger self.class=ODDB::Html::State::Drugs::Init event=home
Experiment (de.oddb.org)
Modify the new method in lib/oddb/html/state/global.rb
def masa open("/home/masa/work/test.dat","a"){|f| f.print "getin masa method\n"} Download.new(@session, '/home/masa/ywesee/oddb.org/data/downloads/test.dat') end
Reboot de.oddb.org/bin/oddbd
Access to http://de.oddb.masa.org/zz/xxx/masa/
Check again the save and load parts of data in oddb.org
Save part src/util/oddbapp.rb#grant_download
def grant_download(email, filename, price, expires=Time.now+2592000) ip = Persistence::Pointer.new(:invoice) inv = update ip.creator, :yus_name => email, :currency => 'EUR' itp = inv.pointer + :item update itp.creator, :text => filename, :price => price, :time => Time.now, :type => :download, :expiry_time => expires, :duration => (Time.now - expires) / 86400, :vat_rate => 7.6 inv.payment_received! inv.odba_store "http://#{SERVER_NAME}/de/gcc/download/invoice/#{inv.oid}/email/#{email}/filename/#{filename}" end
Load part
def download if(@session.is_crawler?) return State::Drugs::Init.new(@session, nil) end email = @session.user_input(:email) email ||= @session.get_cookie_input(:email) oid = @session.user_input(:invoice) file = @session.user_input(:filename) if((invoice = @session.invoice(oid)) \ && invoice.yus_name == email \ && invoice.payment_received? \ && (item = invoice.item_by_text(file)) \ && !item.expired?) State::User::Download.new(@session, item) else State::PayPal::Return.new(@session, invoice) end end
What to do
grep check
masa@masa ~/ywesee/de.oddb.org $ grep -r odba_isolated_store lib lib/oddb/persistence/odba/model.rb: odba_isolated_store masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ grep -r odba_store src src/command/accept_orphan.rb: app.accepted_orphans.odba_store src/command/accept_orphan.rb: parent.odba_store src/command/merge.rb: target.odba_store ...
masa@masa ~/ywesee/de.oddb.org $ grep -r Persistable lib lib/oddb/persistence/odba/export.rb: module Persistable lib/oddb/persistence/odba/model.rb: include ODBA::Persistable masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ grep -r Persistable src src/model/commercial_form.rb: include ODBA::Persistable ## include directly to get odba_index src/model/galenicform.rb: include ODBA::Persistable ## include directly to get odba_index src/model/index_therapeuticus.rb: include ODBA::Persistable ## include directly to get odba_index src/model/minifi.rb: include ODBA::Persistable src/model/package.rb: include ODBA::Persistable ## include directly to get odba_index src/util/notification_logger.rb: include ODBA::Persistable src/util/oddbapp.rb: include ODBA::Persistable src/util/oddbapp.rb: when ODBA::Persistable, ODBA::Stub src/util/persistence.rb: include ODBA::Persistable src/util/persistence.rb: # see ODBA::Persistable
Sample test
require 'odba' require 'odba/connection_pool' # connect default storage manager to a relational database ###ODBA.storage.dbi = ODBA::ConnectionPool.new('DBI::pg::database', 'user', 'pw') ODBA.storage.dbi = ODBA::ConnectionPool.new('DBI:pg:testdb', 'masa', '') class Counter include ODBA::Persistable def initialize @pos = 0 end def up @pos += 1 self.odba_store @pos end def down @pos -= 1 self.odba_store @pos end def show p @pos end end test=Counter.new test.show test.up
masa@masa ~/work $ ruby odba.rb 0 ERROR: relation "object" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT odba_id FROM object ORDER BY odba_id DESC LIMIT 1 ^ /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/DBD/Pg/Pg.rb:671:in `execute': ERROR: relation "object" does not exist (DBI::ProgrammingError) LINE 1: SELECT odba_id FROM object ORDER BY odba_id DESC LIMIT 1 ^ from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/dbi.rb:912:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/dbi.rb:504:in `execute' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/dbi.rb:526:in `select_one' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/connection_pool.rb:36:in `send' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/connection_pool.rb:36:in `method_missing' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/connection_pool.rb:26:in `next_connection' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/connection_pool.rb:35:in `method_missing' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/storage.rb:605:in `restore_max_id' ... 10 levels... from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/persistable.rb:381:in `odba_store_unsaved' from /usr/lib64/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/odba/persistable.rb:369:in `odba_store' from odba.rb:17:in `up' from odba.rb:32
Create user for a database
masa@masa ~/ywesee/de.oddb.org/data/sql $ su postgres Passwort: postgres@masa /home/masa/ywesee/de.oddb.org/data/sql $ createuser Geben Sie den Namen der neuen Rolle ein: name Soll die neue Rolle ein Superuser sein? (j/n) n Soll die neue Rolle Datenbanken erzeugen dürfen? (j/n) j Soll die neue Rolle weitere neue Rollen erzeugen dürfen? (j/n) j
Create a database
masa@masa ~/ywesee/de.oddb.org/data/sql $ createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 testdb
Check the database
masa@masa ~/ywesee/de.oddb.org/data/sql $ psql -U postgres psql (8.4.2) Geben Sie »help« für Hilfe ein. postgres=# \l Liste der Datenbanken Name | Eigentümer | Kodierung | Sortierfolge | Zeichentyp | Zugriffsrechte -------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------------+----------------------- template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/postgres : postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/postgres : postgres=CTc/postgres testdb | masa | UTF8 | C | C | postgres=# \q
Modified sample
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'odba' require 'odba/connection_pool' ODBA.storage.dbi = ODBA::ConnectionPool.new("DBI:pg:testdb", "masa", "") ODBA.cache.setup class Counter include ODBA::Persistable def initialize @pos = 0 end def up @pos += 1 self.odba_store end def show p @pos end end begin test=ODBA.cache.fetch(2) rescue test=Counter.new end p test.odba_id test.show test.up #test.odba_delete
masa@masa ~/work $ ruby odba.rb NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_pkey" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "object_name_key" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_connection_pkey" for table "object_connection" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "collection_pkey" for table "collection" odba_id=2 0 masa@masa ~/work $ vim odba.rb masa@masa ~/work $ ruby odba.rb ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists odba_id=2 1
Check database
masa@masa ~/work $ psql -U postgres psql (8.4.2) Geben Sie »help« für Hilfe ein. postgres=# \l Liste der Datenbanken Name | Eigentümer | Kodierung | Sortierfolge | Zeichentyp | Zugriffsrechte -------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------------+----------------------- oddb | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | oddb.org | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | postgres | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | sandoz_bbmb | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | template0 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/postgres : postgres=CTc/postgres template1 | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | =c/postgres : postgres=CTc/postgres testdb | masa | UTF8 | C | C | ydpm | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | yus | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | (9 Zeilen) postgres=# \c testdb psql (8.4.2) Sie sind jetzt verbunden mit der Datenbank »testdb«. testdb=# \d Liste der Relationen Schema | Name | Typ | Eigentümer --------+-------------------+-------+------------ public | collection | table | masa public | object | table | masa public | object_connection | table | masa (3 Zeilen) testdb=# select * from collection; odba_id | key | value ---------+-----+------- (0 Zeilen) testdb=# select * from object; odba_id | content | name | prefetchable | extent ---------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------+--------- 1 | 0408497b00093a0f406f6462615f6e616d65221d5f5f63616368655f7365727665725f696e64696365735f5f3a15406f6462615f70657273697374656e74543a0d406f6462615f696469063a14406f6462615f6f627365727665727330 | __cache_server_indices__ | f | Hash 2 | 04086f3a0c436f756e746572093a0940706f7369073a0d406f6462615f696469073a15406f6462615f70657273697374656e74543a14406f6462615f6f627365727665727330 | | f | Counter (2 Zeilen) testdb=# select * from object_connection; origin_id | target_id -----------+----------- (0 Zeilen) testdb=# \q
Expiry check sample
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Persistence::ODBA -- de.oddb.org -- 01.09.2006 -- hwyss@ywesee.com require 'odba' require 'odba/connection_pool' #require 'odba/drbwrapper' ODBA.storage.dbi = ODBA::ConnectionPool.new("DBI:pg:testdb", "masa", "") ODBA.cache.setup class Masa include ODBA::Persistable attr_reader :expiry_time def expired? (@expiry_time - Time.now) < 0 end def save(expires=Time.now+2592000) # in 30 days @expiry_time = expires self.odba_store end end if ARGV[0] masa = ODBA.cache.fetch(ARGV[0].to_i) print "expired?=", masa.expired?, "\n" print "this id is valid in ", (masa.expiry_time - Time.now).to_i/60/60/24, " days\n" else masa = Masa.new print "odba_id=", masa.odba_id, "\n" masa.save Time.local(2011,1,1) end
masa@masa ~/work $ ruby odba3.rb odba_id=5 masa@masa ~/work $ ruby odba3.rb 5 expired?=false this id is valid in 45 days