<< Masa.20101214-update-bbmb-ch | 2010 | Masa.20101210-report-export-fachinfo_yaml >>
Confirm the current process
Run export_fachinfos by using bin/admin
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ bin/admin ch.oddb> YamlExporter.new(self).export_fachinfos
Restore the old data on the cache
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ sudo -u postgres dropdb oddb.org masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 oddb.org masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org.bak.20101210_3_report_process_fachinfo_yaml/data/sql $ zcat oddb.org.20101209.sql.gz |psql -U postgres oddb.org
Run YamlExporter#export_fachinfos again
Message: YamlExporter#export_fachinfs method is still running, but I found some missing Fachinfo document data. This may cause an error in export ebooks process of ebps. There is no 'fr' description of Fachinformation of the following Swissmedic Registration Number: 56811, 58417, 53183, 00610, 00528
def export_fachinfos(name='fachinfo.yaml') # Check missing data of fachinfo data no_descr = {'de' => [], 'fr' => []} @app.fachinfos.values.each do |fachinfo| no_descr.keys.each do |language| unless fachinfo.descriptions[language] swissmedic_registration_numbers = ODBA.cache.fetch(fachinfo.odba_id, nil).iksnrs no_descr[language].push( [fachinfo.company_name, fachinfo.name_base].concat(swissmedic_registration_numbers) ) end end end # Send a warning report of fachinfo description if no_descr.values.flatten.length > 0 log = Log.new(@@today) message = [] no_descr.keys.each do |language| unless no_descr[language].empty? i = 0 message.concat([ "There is no '#{language}' description of Fachinformation of the following", "Swissmedic Registration (Company, Product, Numbers):", no_descr[language].map{|fachlist| " " + (i+=1).to_s + ". " + fachlist.join(", ") + "\n"}.to_s ]) end end log.report = [ "Message: ", "YamlExporter#export_fachinfs method is still running,", "but I found some missing Fachinfo document data.", "This may cause an error in export ebooks process of ebps.", "", ].concat(message).join("\n") log.notify(" Warning Export: #{name}") end # Go to actual exporting process export_array(name, @app.fachinfos.values) end
Reboot oddbd, exportd
Run YamlExporter#export_fachinfs
Message: YamlExporter#export_fachinfs method is still running, but I found some missing Fachinfo document data. This may cause an error in export ebooks process of ebps. There is no 'fr' description of Fachinformation of the following Swissmedic Registration (Company, Product, Numbers): 1. Sandoz Pharmaceuticals AG, Amicosol 1,2 g (1000/200), 56811 2. Axapharm AG, Muco-X 200, 58417 3. Tentan AG, Imucal, 53183 4. Sanofi Pasteur MSD AG, Gen H-B-Vax 5, 00610, 00528
Check current test
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ vim src/plugin/yaml.rb masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $
Experiment (remove comments)
Run test
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ ruby test/test_plugin/yaml.rb test/test_plugin/yaml.rb:144: uninitialized constant ODDB::Package (NameError)
Check git history
Template test/test_plugin/yaml.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # TestYamlPlugin -- oddb -- 02.09.2003 -- rwaltert@ywesee.com $: << File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) $: << File.expand_path("../../src", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require 'test/unit' require 'plugin/yaml' require 'flexmock' module ODDB class YamlExporter < Plugin remove_const :EXPORT_DIR EXPORT_DIR = File.expand_path('../data/export', File.dirname(__FILE__)) end class TestYamlExporter < Test::Unit::TestCase include FlexMock::TestCase def test_export_fachinfos assert(true) end end end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org/test/test_plugin $ ruby yaml.rb Loaded suite yaml Started . Finished in 0.000193 seconds. 1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org/test/test_plugin $ ruby yaml.rb Loaded suite yaml Started .. Finished in 0.00281 seconds.
2 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors Result