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Effets indésirables Affections du système immunitaire Affections gastro-intestinales
Effets indésirables Affections du système immunitaire Affections gastro-intestinales
def self.decorate model
model.chapters.each_with_index do |chap, i|
if chap.heading =~ /Zulassungsinhaberin/
if chap.paragraphs.first.to_s =~ /AstraZeneca AG/
table = Text::Table.new
#table.rows[0][0] = Text::LinkedParagraph.new('http:/www.astrazeneca.ch', 'AstraZeneca AG')
table.rows[0][0] = Text::LinkedParagraph.new('http://www.astrazeneca.ch', 'AstraZeneca AG')
table.rows[0] << Text::Paragraph.new(chap.paragraphs.first.to_s.gsub(/AstraZeneca AG/,''))
chap.paragraphs[0] = table
init system init system: 5.13363 setup drb-delegation reset reset: 5.25701 ODBA.cache.prefetch start Thu Nov 17 16:57:53 +0100 2011 ODBA.cache.prefetch done Thu Nov 17 17:05:02 +0100 2011 system initialized initialized: 434.011449
2011-11-18 07:25:35: sessions: 0 - threads: 6 - memory: 1446MB
$ sudo -u postgres dropdb oddb.org; sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 oddb.org $ zcat oddb.org_database.bak.20111104.sql.gz | psql -U potgres oddb.org
def initialize opts={}
puts "ODBA.cache.prefetch start"
puts Time.now
puts "ODBA.cache.prefetch done"
puts Time.now
puts "system initialized"
puts "initialized: #{Time.now - start}"
$ ruby193 -I ../oddb/lib bin/oddbd
ODBA.cache.prefetch start 2011-11-18 07:48:17 +0100 ODBA.cache.prefetch done 2011-11-18 07:52:31 +0100 system initialized initialized: 260.53717457
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org.ruby193 $ head doc/resources/downloads/status 2011-11-18 07:53:11: sessions: 0 - threads: 6 - memory: 871MB
Without ODBA.cache.prefetch
masa@masa ~/work $ /usr/sbin/ab -n 500 -c 100 http://oddb.masa.org/ This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/ Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/ Benchmarking oddb.masa.org (be patient) Completed 100 requests Completed 200 requests Completed 300 requests Completed 400 requests Completed 500 requests Finished 500 requests Server Software: Apache Server Hostname: oddb.masa.org Server Port: 80 Document Path: / Document Length: 15673 bytes Concurrency Level: 100 Time taken for tests: 115.646 seconds Complete requests: 500 Failed requests: 21 (Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 21, Exceptions: 0) Write errors: 0 Non-2xx responses: 21 Total transferred: 7707058 bytes HTML transferred: 7507367 bytes Requests per second: 4.32 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 23129.115 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 231.291 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Transfer rate: 65.08 [Kbytes/sec] received Connection Times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median max Connect: 0 1 0.9 0 3 Processing: 11727 22036 4664.3 21087 30505 Waiting: 11727 22036 4664.3 21087 30505 Total: 11727 22036 4664.0 21089 30505 WARNING: The median and mean for the initial connection time are not within a normal deviation These results are probably not that reliable. Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 21089 66% 23430 75% 26092 80% 27475 90% 29201 95% 29740 98% 29984 99% 30212 100% 30505 (longest request)
masa@masa ~/work $ /usr/sbin/ab -n 500 -c 100 http://oddb.masa.org/ This is ApacheBench, Version 2.3 <$Revision: 655654 $> Copyright 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd, http://www.zeustech.net/ Licensed to The Apache Software Foundation, http://www.apache.org/ Benchmarking oddb.masa.org (be patient) Completed 100 requests Completed 200 requests Completed 300 requests Completed 400 requests Completed 500 requests Finished 500 requests Server Software: Apache Server Hostname: oddb.masa.org Server Port: 80 Document Path: / Document Length: 15673 bytes Concurrency Level: 100 Time taken for tests: 198.094 seconds Complete requests: 500 Failed requests: 9 (Connect: 0, Receive: 0, Length: 9, Exceptions: 0) Write errors: 0 Non-2xx responses: 9 Total transferred: 7897882 bytes HTML transferred: 7695443 bytes Requests per second: 2.52 [#/sec] (mean) Time per request: 39618.857 [ms] (mean) Time per request: 396.189 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent requests) Transfer rate: 38.93 [Kbytes/sec] received Connection Times (ms) min mean[+/-sd] median max Connect: 0 0 0.7 0 2 Processing: 2530 38032 8968.6 41863 48241 Waiting: 2530 38032 8968.6 41863 48241 Total: 2533 38032 8968.2 41863 48241 Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms) 50% 41863 66% 44220 75% 45040 80% 45311 90% 46201 95% 46899 98% 47981 99% 48191 100% 48241 (longest request)
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ head doc/resources/downloads/status 2011-11-18 08:29:35: sessions: 971 - threads: 16 - memory: 1743MB
masa@masa ~/ywesee/oddb.org $ ruby193 /usr/bin/gem list *** LOCAL GEMS *** activesupport (3.1.0) akami (1.0.0) archive-tarsimple (1.1.1) bigdecimal (1.1.0) builder (3.0.0) dbd-pg (0.3.9) dbi (0.4.5) deprecated (2.0.1) facets (1.8.54) flexmock (0.9.0) gd2 (1.1.1) gruff (0.3.6) gyoku (0.4.4) hpricot (0.8.4) htmlgrid (1.0.0) httpi (0.9.5) i18n (0.6.0) io-console (0.3) json (1.5.4) mechanize (2.0.1) minitest (2.5.1) money (3.7.1) multi_json (1.0.3) net-http-digest_auth (1.1.1) net-http-persistent (1.9) nokogiri (1.5.0) nori (1.0.2) odba (1.0.0) parseexcel (0.5.2) paypal (2.0.0) pg (0.12.0pre258) rack (1.3.4) rake ( rake-compiler (0.7.9) rclconf (1.0.0) rdoc (3.9.4) rmagick (2.12.2) rmail (1.0.0) rockit (0.7.2) rpdf2txt (0.8.2) ruby-ole ( rubyzip (0.9.4) savon (0.9.7) sbsm (1.0.0) spreadsheet ( swissmedic-diff (0.1.3) tmail ( turing (0.0.11) wasabi (2.0.0) webrobots (0.0.12) ydim (1.0.0) yus (1.0.0)
# encoding: utf-8
}.inject({}) { |x, (k, v)| x[k] = LIB[name_for_symbol(k, v)]; x } #}.inject({}) { |x, (k, v)| x[k] = LIB[name_for_symbol(k, v), v]; x }
#require 'ftools' require 'fileutils'
# encoding: ascii-8bit
# encoding: ascii-8bit
#require 'encoding/character/utf-8'
require 'digest/md5'
# encoding: utf-8 require 'digest/md5'
#fetched_rows.push(row) fetched_rows.push(row.to_a)
#new!(ajd, of, sg) new
class CSV
VERSION = "2.4.8".freeze # deprecated class Cell < String def initialize(data = "", is_null = false) super(is_null ? "" : data) end def data to_s end end
def init
@model = OpenStruct.new
fachinfos = @session.app.sorted_fachinfos
if newest = fachinfos.first
revision = newest.revision
date = Time.local(revision.year, revision.month, revision.day)
day = 24 * 3600
range = (date-day)...(date+day)
@model.fachinfo_news = fachinfos.select { |fi|
#range.include? fi.revision
@model.feedbacks = @session.app.sorted_feedbacks[0,5]
#new!(ajd, of, sg) ajd += 1.to_r/2 jd(ajd)
gems/htmlgrid-1.0.0/ext/htmlgrid $ ruby193 extconf.rb gems/htmlgrid-1.0.0/ext/htmlgrid $ make
begin VERSION = '1.0.0' ext_dir = File.expand_path('../../ext/htmlgrid', File.dirname(__FILE__)) ext_lib = File.join(ext_dir, 'htmlgrid.so') require ext_lib rescue