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Problems when calling vagrant up, because I must first upgrade to use vagrant 1.1.x or 1.2.x, as the vagrant basebox for version 1.0 are no longer compatible.
Changed Vagrantfile to make shell/main.sh work. This lead to the error (using vagrant 1.2.2
/home/niklaus/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392@oddb_org/bundler/gems/vagrant-7e400d00a3c5/plugins/guests/gentoo/plugin.rb:16:in `block in <class:Plugin>': uninitialized constant VagrantPlugins::GuestGentoo::Plugin::Cap (NameError)
Update Gemfile to use the current master. Does not work neither.
Going back to Vagrant version 1.1.5 with the new Vagrantfile. Now shell/main.sh is run (Added a logger-line to shell/main.sh to prove it.)
ruby -v bin/brand2csv 01.01.2000-31.12.2012 'b*'
before going to sleep