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  • Import Company imports wrong FI



FI without correct line breaks

Why have the following FI have too long lines?

I consider this problem was resolved when I fixed the problem with the missing spaces before the Wirkstoff, as there was an inbalanced </span> present. After running the import on my own VM the page displayed correctly, see

Import Company imports wrong FI

Running an import for jobs/update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo no-download --target=fi --reparse Crucell gives the following output

textinfo_swissmedicinfo_company_index returns 467,704. See /var/www/
import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs [467, 704]
import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs iksnr 467 {}
parse_and_update: calls parse_fachinfo, /var/www/, name Accupaque™ de title Accupaque™, styles p{margin-top:0pt;margin-right:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;

Looking at the XML-file wie expect the following IDs

00467	1	Vivotif, Kapseln	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	08.08.	J07AP01
00572	1	Epaxal, Injektionssuspension	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	08.08.	J07BC02
00614	12	Inflexal V, Injektionssuspension	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	08.08.	J07BB02	
00668	1	Gamunex 10%, Lösung zur intravenösen Injektion	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	08.09.	J06BA02
00697	1	Prolastin, Trockensubstanz zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	06.01.1.	B02AB02
00704	2	Dukoral, orale Suspension	CRUCELL SWITZERLAND AG	08.08.	J07AE01
  • Found that you must pass to update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo a five digit number 00467 if you want to import iksnr 467.
  • I changed the code to use sprintf("%05d", id) instead of id
  • Found that we always search for Patienteninfo, even when Fachinfo was specified.

Still having the problem that calling jobs/update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo no-download --target=both --reparse 467 returns wrong patinfo 56079

import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs ["00467"] target both
import_swissmedicinfo_by_iksnrs iksnr "00467" {}
parse_and_update: calls parse_fachinfo, /var/www/, name Vivotif® de title Vivotif®, styles p{margin-top:0pt;margin-right:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;
parse_and_update: update_fachinfo name Vivotif® returned ["00467"]
parse_and_update: calls parse_fachinfo, /var/www/, name Vivotif® fr title Vivotif®, styles p{margin-top:0pt;margin-right:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;
parse_and_update: update_fachinfo name Vivotif® returned ["00467"]
parse_and_update: calls parse_patinfo, /var/www/, name Arcoxia® de title Arcoxia®, styles p{margin-top:0pt;margin-right:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;
parse_and_update: update_patinfo name Arcoxia® returned ["56079"]
parse_and_update: calls parse_patinfo, /var/www/, name Arcoxia® fr title Arcoxia®, styles p{margin-top:0pt;margin-right:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt;margin-left:0pt;
parse_and_update: update_patinfo name Arcoxia® returned ["56079"]

Wrote a simple test script to show that the procedure extract_matched_name in text_info.rb does not work correctly. There are no test-cases present.

Added the test to test/test_plugin/text_info.rb.

The import of Bayer seems to be correct now, but I got another time the error @|@Message: ERROR: prepared statement "ruby-dbi:Pg:5950206401373984273.0981805" already exists@@

Pushed the commit Fix import swissmedic by companies which make the following changes

  • Use XML-element authNrs to get the iksnr (old solution parsed HTML of the XML-element content)
  • Handle cases where comma separated iksnr were used in the XML

Following curious situation found. There are 4 iksnrs in the XML consisting of a single '-', e.g for Sérocytol®. On the swissmedic-HTML you find 00332, 00328, 00278, 00279, 00277, 00282, 00284, 00286, 00288, 00294, 00295, 00296, 00300, 00306, 00309, 00313, 60026, 00314, 00315, 00316, 00299, 00330, 00334, 00335, 00338, 00339 (Swissmedic).

It might be more consistent to get the iksnr of each company using also the AipsDownload_latest.xml instead of using mechanize to get the information from

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Page last modified on July 16, 2013, at 06:00 PM