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  • more cleanups in unit tests



As I have no good ideas (except updating the ruby version on the thinpower to solve the problem with doctors.csv I concentrate on make as many unit tests pass as possible

more cleanups in unit tests

Clean-up test/test_plugin. Added a help function to run some unit tests as a separate program, as a few test (e.g. textinfo and other importers) interfere with other unit test. This should be corrected afterwards. See commit test_plugins has no more errors and only 7 failures

Clean-up test/test_state. Here we still have the problem that sometimes Migel was moved around and the unit tests were not updated correctly. I did not find a solution in a short time. Postponed it for later.

Pushed the following commits:

Now I still have (besides 135 failures and 46 skipped tests)

  • 21 errors in the ext/suite.rb
  • 23 errors in the test/test_view/suite.rb

Not too bad. But the rest will have to wait till next week.

Note: Travis-ci incorrectly reports green, as changes in the test/suite.rb made it exit with 0 instead of 1. Will be corrected next week.

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Page last modified on September 11, 2013, at 02:02 PM