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  • Install funtoo on new machine
  • Trying to make yus work without needle




Install funtoo on new machine

(2 PM) Still waiting for the new PC to come, but thinking about how to bring up the new machine.

Steps to bring up a new machines are:

  1. Install funtoo
    1. Using amd64 SystemRescueCD (as I always have a USB boot stick for emergency repairs)
    2. Format using GPT with following partitions
      1. Linux filesystem 500 MB
      2. boot partition 32 MB
      3. swap 4 GB
      4. / root 20 GB
      5. /var 10 GB. I like to have a separate var partition for rare cases where logs fill a HD completely
      6. /tmp 2 GB
      7. /var/www/ 80 GB where our data live
    3. boot into new funtoo
    4. Compile vanilla kernel 3.11
    5. Setup static IP
  2. Setup using puppet or (it fails)
    2. Adapt / save your hieradata/private/config.yaml

make yus daemon run under ruby18

Testing the vagrant on a freshly checkout virtualbox I remarked that the old way of installing yus under ruby 1.8 did not work any longer, as some old gems could no longer be installed via emerge. Therefore I reworked my using the insights gained in the last few months namely.

  1. Use the possibility to use bundler to install the yus
  2. When using gem18 and its bundler always use --bindir=/usr/local/ruby18/bin to avoid modifiying the binaries installed via the default ruby 1.9
  3. adapt /var/lib/service/yus/run to use /usr/local/bin/yusd18 to be able to change directory and calling bundle exec ruby18 bin/yusd to avoid runtime errors
  4. Don't install ruby-password

Even after this changes I remarked that after sudo eselect ruby set ruby18 yusd started okay, but after a sudo eselect ruby set ruby19 it failed.

No my new VM runs without any problems and I was able to reset my admin password. See patch Fixed running yusd under ruby18

jobs/rebuild_indices returned immediately if no indexname specified

Calling jobs/rebuild_indices on my VM returned after 40 seconds. Investigation showed, that the name passed to src/util/oddbapp.rb rebuild_indices was an empty string and not nil. Pushed fix Fix rebuild_indices if no name given

We get 'Internal Server Error' while importing the Patents

Adapting jobs/import_swissmedic and src/util/updater.rb to provoke the error as soon as possible. But it took over 3 hours till I got there. Will add more debug info and restart the run again.

Trying to make yus work without needle

Makeing unit tests working in logical order

  1. test/test_privilege.rb. Okay.
  2. test/test_entity.rb. Okay.
  3. test/test_session.rb. Okay.
  4. test/test_server.rb. Okay.

Making the unit tests passed involved changing small things. Created a new branch with a single commit Trying to make yus work without needle gem.

Will test the stuff on the my VM. Runninb bin/oddbd fails with now with the following error

process: Oddb (OddbApp)
init system
/usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/stub.rb:112:in `method_missing': undefined method `update' for Ledermix Eugenol N, Lösung:ODDB::Sequence (NoMethodError)
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/cache.rb:590:in `block in update_indices'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/cache.rb:589:in `each'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/cache.rb:589:in `update_indices'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/cache.rb:515:in `store'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/persistable.rb:274:in `odba_isolated_store'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/persistable.rb:395:in `block in odba_store_unsaved'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/persistable.rb:392:in `each'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/persistable.rb:392:in `odba_store_unsaved'
        from /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/persistable.rb:380:in `odba_store'
        from /var/www/ `initialize'
        from bin/oddbd:42:in `new'
        from bin/oddbd:42:in `<main>'

Changing the /var/www/ to use the branch of yus, change yus specification to gem "yus", :git => '', :branch => 'without_needle'. Unfortunately use is not yet conform to the bundler world, as I get the following error:

Could not find gem 'yus (>= 0) ruby' in (at without_needle).
Source does not contain any versions of 'yus (>= 0) ruby'

The unit tests work on my developer machine for Ruby 1.8, 1.9 and 2.0. But they fail on Travis-CI because cracklib could not be installed. Commit this patch Added group yus_runtime to avoid errors on travis-ci to fix this problem.

Okay, consulting the Bundler documentation for gem from git , I see that I must artificially specify a version from the git gem. E.g gem "yus", '1.0.2.alpha', :git => '', :branch => 'without_needle'

But I still get the same error when launching bin/oddbd. Therefore I try to use the old yusd again. The error about the missing "update" disappeared after reloading the postgres database. However afterward I get the following error in bin/oddbd

error in SBSM::Session#process: /de/gcc
undefined method `digest' for nil:NilClass
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /opt/src/yus/lib/yus/session.rb:295:in `generate_token'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/drbwrapper.rb:28:in `method_missing'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1548:in `perform_without_block'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1508:in `perform'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1586:in `block (2 levels) in main_loop'
error in SBSM::Session#process: /de/gcc

Note: I had clone without_needle branch of yus into /opt/src/yus/. At the same time bin/yusd reported:

I, [2013-11-11T21:05:07.497441 #9281]  INFO -- start: starting yus-server on drbssl://localhost:9997
W, [2013-11-11T21:10:38.003502 #9281]  WARN -- Yus::Server: Token-Authentication failed for
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:41.439912 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Login attempt for from
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:41.440187 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Authentication succeeded for
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:43.727902 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Login attempt for from
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:43.728000 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Authentication succeeded for
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:49.185800 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Login attempt for from
I, [2013-11-11T21:10:49.185970 #9281]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Authentication succeeded for

Looking at the tests for yus I find that we have no call to generate_token in the test directory. Therefore it is time to activate a coverage report, analysing it and adding the missing tests. Added commit Added default configuration

After pushing/getting these changes and restarting yusd and bin/oddb. I try to enter my login credentials and got the following (good) result for yusd w

I, [2013-11-11T22:17:42.263479 #10176]  INFO -- start: starting yus-server on drbssl://localhost:9997
W, [2013-11-11T22:21:11.403687 #10176]  WARN -- Yus::Server: Token-Authentication failed for
I, [2013-11-11T22:22:44.950147 #10176]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Login attempt for from
I, [2013-11-11T22:22:44.950643 #10176]  INFO -- Yus::Server: Authentication succeeded for

but bin/oddb reported the following failure

error in SBSM::Session#process: /de/gcc
undefined method `hexdigest' for 1:Fixnum
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /opt/src/yus/lib/yus/session.rb:290:in `generate_token'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/drbwrapper.rb:28:in `method_missing'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1548:in `perform_without_block'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1508:in `perform'
(drbssl://localhost:9997) /usr/lib64/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1586:in `block (2 levels) in main_loop'

Therefore my default configuration is used. Why didn't we use the real configuration? Does the persistance not work correctly?

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Page last modified on November 12, 2013, at 08:34 AM