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In Branch remove_legacy (Not to be pulled !!)
Continue work. Example is still interaction is between Marcoumar and Aspirin.
Still banging my head because of the following three lines in plugin/epha_interactions.rb where I try to save all my new stuff.
@app.epha_interactions.each{|item| item.odba_isolated_store} #@app.epha_interactions.odba_isolated_store @app.odba_store
Remarked behaviour:
I get insufficient data in "T" message
, but bin/admin reports epha_interactions.size of 8734
I get insufficient data in "T" message
epha_interactions.size, but bin/admin reports epha_interactions.size of 8734
I get@@ no error message but bin/admin reports epha_interactions.size of 0!
Now trying with inverting the three lines (Dropping the database before)
@app.odba_store @app.epha_interactions.odba_store @app.epha_interactions.each{|item| item.odba_store}
A first import completed successfully and bin/admin could verify the stuff correctly:
ch.oddb> epha_interactions.size -> 8734 ch.oddb> epha_interactions.first -> N06AB06;Sertralin;M03BX02;Tizanidin;Keine Interaktion;Tizanidin wird über CYP1A2 metabolisiert. Sertralin beeinflusst CYP1A2 jedoch nicht.;Keine Interaktion.;Die Kombination aus Sertralin und Tizanidi ch.oddb> epha_interactions.last -> C10AA55;Atorvastatin und Amlodipin;C10AA08;Pitavastatin;Gegenseitige Wirkungsbeeinflussung der Statine;Kompetition an der Bindungsstelle der HMG-CoA-Reduktase.;Durch die Kompetition an der Bindungsste
Running the import a second time. Found no problem. Added a small correction to move after the import the imported csv to *-latest.csv. This will enforce on the next run another download from Epha. Pushed the commits:
Created the following small utility to remove all references to LEGACY_INTERFACE
#!/usr/bin/env ruby files = Dir.glob("**/*.rb") files.each{ |file| next if File.expand_path(file) == File.expand_path(__FILE__) content = IO.readlines(file) content.delete_if {|x| /LEGACY_INTERFACE = false/.match(x) } File.open(file, 'w+'){|out| out.write(content.join()) } }
Running test/test_views/suite.rb produces now a lot of error. There seem to be quite a few views which are still based on the LEGACY_INTERFACE. Cleaning it up will take probable an hour or two.
Decided to revert to htmlgrid 1.0.6 while keeping a branch with the preliminary work. See commit Adapt to removal of LEGACY_INTERFACE. Problemtic and Added documentation on the failed removal of the LEGACY_INTERFACE and Revert to htmlgrid 1.0.6
On oddb-ci2 had to patch /var/lib/service/yus/run to the following:
#!/bin/sh exec 2>&1 ulimit -v 1536000 cd /usr/local/src/yus # exec sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/bundle exec ruby bin/yusd exec sudo -u apache /usr/local/ruby18/bin/bundle exec ruby18 bin/yusd