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  • Allow ean, atc-code and iksrn in url



Keep in Mind
  • Fix problem missing SL Flag at Xeljanz with correct sequence 01. Missing prices.
  • HPC-RSS feed seems to update the link every day. This problems did not reoccur and Zeno agreed to close this point.
  • Error: Patents with could not connect to #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError:0x007f8a7d69bb58>
  • Fix problem that there are sequences '00' for products that have other sequences, too.


Allow ean, atc-code and iksrn in url

Remaining work for interactions see . Most stuff works but interactions are not displayed as they should. Preliminary patch was Attach:interaction_patch.txt.

Fixed the problem and pushed Make epha-interaction work with ean13s,iksnrs and atc-codes. Problem was that in src/view/interactions/interaction_chooser.rb I did not return a correct div.

Working on a watir-tests. Remarked that

  • Must test combination of atc,iksnr and ean see this example
  • After clearing all drugs you cannot add a new drug. You must leave interactions, e.g. changing to drugs, and come back. Then it works again.
  • When changing from interactions to e.g. drugs and coming back I still have the old drug combination displayed. Is this a feature or a bug?
  • When displaying interactions of varying severity (see this example) interactions are not sorted by descending severity. Shall I fix this problem?
  • It not nice to see that when starting with an empty interactions and adding the first drug we get an URL of de/gcc/home_interactions/,7680567790045 instead of de/gcc/home_interactions/7680567790045. Shall I fix it? Answer of Zeno: YES.
  • The interactions must always be directly under the drug which triggers the interaction. Eg. in this exampe Ponstan is responsible for M01AG01: Mefenaminsäure => B01AA04: Phenprocoumon Erhöhtes Blutungsrisiko. Therefore it must appear directly under Ponstan.

For running watir-tests I added the files Gemfile.watir and Gemfile.watir.lock. This allows me to call bundle install --gemfile Gemfile.watir and rake spec to run all the watir specs. Gemfile.watir does only contains the specs needed for running the tests and none of the over 40 gems needed to run

Working with the devise: 'First a test must fail' was very useful as when looking at hte problem why I could not add a new drug after deleting all the test failed with

expected "" to match "/de/gcc/home_interactions/"

Fixed it with commit Fix problem that after delete_all you could not add a new drug

Fixed problem with ',' by pushing Remove ',' after /home_interactions/

Pushed watir-tests with commit Added some watir tests for interactions

Add an apache vshost configuration for standalone

As there were suddenly some problem that I could not reach via and my nginx setup. Therefore Zeno suggested to add another virtual host. Stopped my nginx setup to assure that it will not interfere with my tests. I downloaded, moved it to /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/00_default_ssl_vhost.conf. There I corrected the servername to and sbsm version. After /etc/init.d/apache restart I could easily work with

Working without internet connection is slow as e.g. ads are not downloaded and lead to long waiting times (Tested with interconnection cut). Therefore my watir tests failed with timeouts.

I strongly suspect that pry was causing severe ills (eg. network problems) when crashing when going into a breakpoint and displaying some structure (running bin/oddbd). Resorted to some printf and fixed the problems and sorted the interactions by descending severity.

See commit Display interactions after their drug.Sort by severity and Added watir test for correct sorting of interactions

Interactions display now nicely. See .

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Page last modified on February 12, 2014, at 08:08 AM