could not connect to #<Net::HTTPInternalServerError:0x007f8a7d69bb58>
- def search_by_indication(key) + def search_by_indication(key, lang='de') + # indication_index_atc_de + pattern = key.gsub(/[^A-z0-9]/, '.') + return ODBA.cache.retrieve_from_index("indication_index_atc_#{lang}", pattern) pattern = key.gsub(/[^A-z0-9]/, '.') atcs = [] do |indication|
Fixed this problem today with added default parameter
We have to cleanup the following errors:
Reworked oddbapp.rb to enable an easy debugging, which indexes are used. This shows for the searches by "Preisvergleich" for Xeljanz and Sinovial the following output of bin/oddbd
/var/www/ `search_by_atc': atc_index xeljanz /var/www/ `search_by_sequence': sequence_index_atc xeljanz /var/www/ `search_by_atc': atc_index sinovial /var/www/ `search_by_sequence': sequence_index_atc sinovial /var/www/ `search_by_company': atc_index_company sinovial /var/www/ `search_by_substance': substance_index_atc sinovial /var/www/ `search_by_sequence': sequence_index_atc sinovial /var/www/ `search_by_interaction': interactions_index_de sinovial HINWEIS: Textsucheanfrage enthält nur Stoppwörter oder enthält keine Lexeme, ignoriert /var/www/ `search_by_unwanted_effect': unwanted_effects_index_de sinovial HINWEIS: Textsucheanfrage enthält nur Stoppwörter oder enthält keine Lexeme, ignoriert
Therefore I must investigate why search_by_sequence does not find sinovial. Using bin/admin
registration('62630').name_base -> Xeljanz 5 mg ch.oddb> registration('62630').sequences.first[1].atc_class -> Selektive Immunsuppressiva registration('1229105').name_base -> Sinovial® 0,8% ch.oddb> registration('1229105').sequences.first[1].atc_class.class -> NilClass
Therefore addint a correct atc_class to the sequence should fix this problem, too.
Trying to add atc_codo for Mediziprodukt via bin/admin. Got inspiration from src/plugin/who.rb
atc_class('Medizinalprodukt');@pointer = if @atc = atc_class('Medizinalprodukt'); @atc.pointer; else;[:atc_class, 'Medizinalprodukt']).creator; end;update @pointer.creator, :en => 'Name des Medizinalprodukt';atc_class('Medizinalprodukt') atc_class('Medizinalprodukt') -> Name des Medizinalprodukt atc_class('Medizinalprodukt').code -> Medizinalprodukt
After adding this dummy ATC to the sequence('00') of a newly imported pseudo-FI I can search via Verkaufspreis
Search via Zulassungsinhaber works too:
Rewording 'Gebraucht, damit Medizinprodukte ohne echte ATC-Klassierung gefunden werden' => 'Medizinprodukte ohne ATC-Klassierung' before pushing commit.
Must fix the error reported as:
Error: SBSM::InvalidDataError Message: e_invalid_ean_code Backtrace: (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `initialize' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `new' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `new_unchecked' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `barcode' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `block in collect_data' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `collect' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `collect_data' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `block in dump' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/csv.rb:1367:in `open' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `dump' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `block (2 levels) in export_ean13_idx_th_csv' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `each' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `block in export_ean13_idx_th_csv' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `call' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `block in safe_export' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/tempfile.rb:316:in `open' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `safe_export' (druby://localhost:10005) /var/www/ `export_ean13_idx_th_csv' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1548:in `perform_without_block' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1508:in `perform' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1586:in `block (2 levels) in main_loop' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1582:in `loop' (druby://localhost:10005) /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/drb/drb.rb:1582:in `block in main_loop' /var/www/ `export_index_therapeuticus' /var/www/ `block in export_index_therapeuticus_csv' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `safe_export' /var/www/ `export_index_therapeuticus_csv' /var/www/ `run' jobs/export_daily:13:in `block in <module:Util>' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `run' jobs/export_daily:12:in `<module:Util>' jobs/export_daily:11:in `<module:ODDB>' jobs/export_daily:10:in `<main>'
The export raises an error, because the checksum for the EAN13 is invalid. I will correct the error to show the invalid ean13 and search via bin/admin for invalid ean13.
The cleanest thing would be to create a new version of the sbsm gem with the following modification:
In replace in lib/sbsm/validator.rb in method InvalidDataError.initialize super(msg)
by super("#{msg.to_s} #{key} #{value}")
. Plus changing the test for it.
Pushed Better error msg for InvalidDataError
Also the import of medical products should validated first, whether the ean13 is valid or not. Therefore I added this check to the import_medical_products.rb. See commit Check validity of ean13 code before adding pseudo_fachinfo
Now I tried to search for invalid eans in the db via bin/admin (on oddb-ci2)
@ean=[]; packages.each{|pack| ean =; @ean << ean if ean.to_s.size != 13 } -> Array ch.oddb> @ean -> []
Running the same command on thinpower. Same result. Now using (as in export_therapeuticus the same method barcode)
@ean=[]; packages.each{|pack| ean = pack.barcode; @ean << ean if ean.to_s.size != 13 }
Same result. Running therefore jobs/export_csv on oddb-ci2 to see whether I can reproduce the error here. Did not reproduce. Running a full export_daily and working on other issues for the time being.
On oddb-ci2 the export_daily passed now export_index_therapeuticus without problems
2014-03-05 10:40:44 +0100: safe_export index_therapeuticus starting 2014-03-05 10:44:33 +0100: safe_export index_therapeuticus completed
Therefore I am quite sure, that restart exportd and oddbd on thinpower will fix the problem.
After thinking about my first patch pushed a second one, to avoid overflowing error-logs: Limit msg-siz for InvalidDataError