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  • Use SAX-Parser for oddb2xml



Keep in Mind


Make textarea for remarks on receipt smaller

With commit Make remarks smaller on iphone (via textarea) I made all textareas for mobile devices (e.g. iPhone) smaller (reducing from 750 to 300 pixel). This affects also the the following views

  • suggest_address
  • doctor
  • feedbacks
  • notify
  • chapter
  • admin addres_sugggestion/sequence/package

Use SAX-Parser for oddb2xml

Verified differences after running rake test

  • oddb2xml -f dat -a nonpharma oddb_with_migel.dat is identical
  • oddb2xml -e: oddb_code.xml differs only in Date differences at the top
  • oddb2xml -e: oddb_product.xml differs only in Date differences at the top
  • oddb2xml -e: oddb_substance.xml differs only in Date differences at the top
  • oddb2xml -e: oddb_article.xml differs only in Date differences at the top and (correct) changed fields VDAT
  • oddb_interaction.xml did not split field. example of output is
  <IX DT="">
  • /opt/src/oddb2xml/ausgabe/2014.04.24-09:47/oddb2xml__e/oddb_limitation.xml found following entry missing in the new oddb_limitation.xml
  <LIM DT="">
    <DSCRD>Die aufgeführten Präparate dürfen nur für Säuglinge bis zu 12 Monaten verordnet werden.</DSCRD>
    <DSCRF>Les préparations mentionnées ne doivent être prescrites que pour des nourrissons jusqu'à 12 mois.</DSCRF>

Must fix missing limitations and interactions.

I cannot explain the error with interactions, as running it is tested (and verified manually) again when running the rake spec-tests. When looking at the downloaded matrix.csv file I find that the second line is wrongly encoded, eg.

N06AB06","Sertralin","M03BX02","Tizanidin","Keine Interaktion","Tizanidin wird über CYP1A2 metabolisiert. Sertralin beeinflusst CYP1A2 jedoch nicht.","Keine Interaktion.","Die Kombination aus Sertralin und Tizanidin hat kein bekanntes Interaktionspotential.","A"

It is missing a start '"'. Found a work-around and asking zeno to get epha fix this problem.

Now I suddenly have 161441 instead of 161200 article. A new one has the pharmacode 8808706 Trichloressigsäure (TCA-Peeling) 25% 100g Veral Gl.. Found it in the oddb2xml_zurrose_transfer.dat downloaded today which is bigger than the one from Monday.

Pushing commits

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Page last modified on April 30, 2014, at 05:59 PM