Changed a lot of files. Ran watir tests. Pushing commit [https://github.com/ngiger/oddb.org/commit /f6f6b03a498ee998486b7a1f96198b1ec1d32063|Changed ch.oddb.org -> SERVERNAME]]
Tested manually oddb-ci2 and recorded the watir tests in my local Attach:todo.rb.txt as a reminder on writing more tests.
Took another look at the unit tests and fixed the problem. Now running jobs/export_oddbdat again. Waiting for results. But looking at the logs of 2014 and 2013 I see that since 2013-09-17 all oddbdat failed after 20 or 30 minutes!
Still failing with nil pointer access in another line of export/src/oddbdat.rb. We probably should better eliminate the whole stuff!
Fixe a few other problem running test in the ext-directory. See commit Fix export of oddbdat and ext/test/suite.rb
We still have veterinary products in the generated oddb.dat file when called with -f dat
. This must fixed. Create a spec-test first. Did not work. Found a way to specify the rspec-test. Must test wheter the field DSCRD is matching CANIPHEDRIN
The line which produces the error is 1122871472CANIPHEDRIN Tabl 50 mg ad us vet. 500 Stk 005443007580400C000000000000000000002
. Here I geat IKSNR of 0 and a pharmacode of 2871472 which is of little use. Therefore I have no clue that this is for veterinary use only. Could we get from zurrose a list of of medicaments for veterinary use?
As a temporary measure we could exclude the 220 entries in zurrose.dat which contain ad us vet
. Improved detection to match also
1132867163TOTALIN Plv ad us. vet. 5 kg 000535000900400C000000000000000000002 1138110429Forthyron 400 mcg 50 Tabl (vet) 0081120015800000000000000000000000002
Updated history, readme to reflect actual state. Running rake test again before pushing to my repository.
Did not find any occurrence of CANIPHEDRIN in a *.xml file anymore.
Pushed the following commits:
Creating unit tests which reflect usage of src/plugin/swissreg, too.
Run jobs/import_swissreg_news and now it is okay. Got the following e-mail
Checked 424 Registrations Found 38 Patents of which 38 had a Swissmedic-Number. 41 Registrations were successfully updated; for these 0 Swissmedic-Numbers no Registration was found:
Pushed commits
Started jobs/import_swissreg_news on thinpower. As I got error message I realized that I have to restart all the ch.oddb services. After a restart the job completed successfully.