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  • replace list of email receipents by configuration data in etc/oddb.yaml



Keep in Mind
  • Fix dojo error
  • I removed on May-27 tests for ix_registrationss, fix_sequences, fix_compositions, fix_packages from test/test_plugin/swissmedic.rb,as he could not find any references for them in the src code. Did I erroneously remove stuff when cleaning up the swissmedic import earlier?
  • The whole test for older/newer Packages must be adapted to xlsx. One must compare the rows (e.g. by creating csv files) and do the same stuff in xlsx!
  • One unit-test for searchbar fails and might be a clue why searching does not work correctly.


replace list of email receipents by configuration data in etc/oddb.yaml

Must run whole rake test to verify that no negative effects are done with (local) commit of yesterday. Password reset function of oddb-ci2 works after refactoring of sending mail. Must also create unittests for sending new mails.

Reworked util/mail.rb to enable switching between sending real mails and using the :test-devlivery method. Added helpers for unit tests to easily check whether emails are sent. This leads to reworking (simplifying a lot of code) everywhere there were (quite long flexmock for smtp). But this takes some time.

As there are less than errorr/failures (beside the problems with mail handline). I decided to bring the unit-tests into a state where we will create errors when one of the unit-test fails on travis-ci. Added two more skips for not known how to stub/mock @state.init.

The unit-tests take some time to get green againg and show up small deviations of my new implementation. But all superfluos references to smtp are gone in src, ext/*/src and test. But handling the invoices correctly is not a trivial task. Fortunately it has unit tests and I must be very careful not to destroy their usefulness.

When running the test/suite.rb I still have 5 failing suites. 787 runs, 886 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 34 skips 920 runs, 986 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 70 skips 439 runs, 676 assertions, 1 failures, 4 errors, 24 skips 667 runs, 1361 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 14 skips 390 runs, 540 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 12 skips Must run test/test_plugin/flockhart.rb separately as other text_info*.rb. It seems that these plugins don't cleanup really. Dito for test/test_plugin/invoicer.rb.

Committed stuff in various commits locally. This was really a major cleanup ( 46 files changed, 540 insertions(+), 1087 deletions(-)).

I have 3 failures I will fix later (See Keep-In-Main). Then I have two clear errors running test/test_util/ipn.rbt that lead to undefined method `length' for #<Mail::Message:0x0000000767a668>. This must be fixed, before I can push these changes to thinpower. Pushed as branch unittest on github/ngiger.

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Page last modified on May 27, 2014, at 06:49 PM