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  • Fix some errors in prescription
  • Make fachinfo search work again



Keep in Mind
  • Fix dojo error
  • I removed on May-27 tests for ix_registrationss, fix_sequences, fix_compositions, fix_packages from test/test_plugin/swissmedic.rb,as he could not find any references for them in the src code. Did I erroneously remove stuff when cleaning up the swissmedic import earlier?
  • The whole test for older/newer Packages must be adapted to xlsx. One must compare the rows (e.g. by creating csv files) and do the same stuff in xlsx!
  • One unit-test for searchbar fails and might be a clue why searching does not work correctly.
  • Added two skip in test/test_plugin/rss.rb. Why does the mocking not work there anymore?
  • Make ext/swissindex/test/test_swissindex.rb and skipping tests in migel-gem pass.


Fix some errors in prescription

Must first correct the following stuff

  • Remove human readable QRcode
  • "Stempel, Unterschrift Arzt (auf Ausdruck)" must be place after address

Done with commit Remove qr_code_text. Changed placement of signature. and Corrected watir tests. Added one

  • Fix problem that sometimes no ZSR info is displayed even when present in the cookie

It is becoming clear that I still must fix the following problem. When I start ODDB from scratch upon loading the first time a prescription with the ZSR-id set in the proxy I must display the corresponding Info.

Loading the ZSR-info was easily fixed by adding js_goto_url_with_zsr('#{@session.request_path}', '#{@session.zsr_id}'); to the prescription_form_init.onload javascript snippet in src/view/drugs/prescription.rb

  • Playing around found also a problem that when starting a prescription using a search by trademark, then adding another drugs via instant seard no second drug was ever added.

Java-Console log shows the following output after trying to add Merfen

XHR finished loading: GET "". dojo.js:15
_59c {stack: "Error: Request canceled↵    at Error (native)↵    …", message: "Request canceled", response: Object, status: undefined, responseText: undefined…}
_59c {stack: "Error: Request canceled↵    at Error (native)↵    …", message: "Request canceled", response: Object, status: undefined, responseText: undefined…}
XHR finished loading: GET "". dojo.js:15
XHR finished loading: GET "". dojo.js:15
XHR finished loading: GET ",7680516821226". dojo.js:15

As the URL still displays no Merfen shows up.

It takes more time than I though to clean up the stuff. Also changing all occurences of rezept to prescription to be consistent. Why did I start to use rezept at all?

Also adding a new method create_search_url to Session to unify its use. Cleaning up Javascript-Snippets which create URL like ean/7680495260320,7680495260321? instead of the _event_url pattern ean/7680495260320/7680495260321.

Things begin to work again. Now I see that I have quite a few javascript snippets in srv/view/searchbar.rb which perform similar, but not identical stuff like the javascripts in src/view/drugs/interaction_chooser.rb. It is probably time to move these snippets also to doc/rescources/javascripts/prescription.js.

But fixing the bug is much harder than expected. I don't understand sufficiently why the instant and plus search use two different CenteredCompareSearchForm/CenteredSearchForm and how this affects loading the javascripts which seem to be derived from class CenteredSearchForm < View::CenteredSearchForm.

Trying therefore to fix first the the problem of loading ZSR-info. Pushed fix Load ZSR-info when opening view

Now correcting the following small cosmetics

  • Sentence "Eingabe der ZSR Nummer im Format J123456 oder J 1234.56" must be
    • aligned correctly
    • printed bold
    • be preceeded by an empty lin
  • Add icon for prescription id lookandfeel just-medical

I was unable to test the just-medical patch on oddb-ci2 as I have no virtual host defined for it

Prescription looks good for me.

Pushed commits Corrected layout of zsr_id and Add prescriptions to just-medical

  • Interaction search in blocking other processes

Also when running two watir tests in parallel it looks to me that searching for the interaction always blocks also the other thread. Probably searching should be delegated to a separate DRB thread. But here I must investigate closer to get definitive results.

Make fachinfo search work again

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Page last modified on August 18, 2014, at 06:11 PM