Checkout with paypal does not work as shown by watir test committed yesterday.
I still do not have a clue what is going wrong. I think I must just paypal sandbox and run the watir tests on the same machine as the oddb-server to create a valid test environment.
Looking around where we had similar problems. Stumbled over http://dev.ywesee.com/Oddb/Oddbcsv
To enable the paypal sandbox the following steps will be required:
Added watir tests that check etc/oddb.yml and that the test receiver is okay. Now trying to add a new user to oddb.org via watir. Recorded a payout using the sandbox and seeing some instrumented puts telling me that oddb.org did not receive correctly the answer
paypal/return ReturnComposite nil? false paypal/return ReturnComposite payment_received? false paypal/return ReturnComposite back #<ODDB::Invoice:0x000000092ab940>
Now the watir tests fails telling me that the text in window should not match Ihre Bezahlung ist von PayPal noch nicht bestätigt worden
. Now it is time to fix the error.
I just don't understand how the invoice is signalled payment_received. When I call payment_received in src/state/paypay/return.rb I get the following screeen, but the download link is wrong: