(medreg branch)
I add the forgotten file src/model/hc_provider.rb and now accessing http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/home_hc_providers throws
undefined method `hc_provider_count' for #<ODDB::Session:0x0000000ac21078>
. Fixing it.
Now home_hc_providers show up, but search via locality, name or GLN, e.g. http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/7601000254207? always returns Ihr Such-Stichwort: "7601000254207" hat ein leeres Resultat ergeben.
Also the pulldown menu for the search does not contain an entry for hc_provider. Changed code to make the hc_provider list appear in the screen.
Now testging whether the old doctors interface still works. Searching for doctors in Mollis http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/doctors/search_query/Mollis? returned NoMethodError undefined method `join' for "055-6122222":String
. It looks like new addresses/phone numbers were not added properly.
Fixed various minor problems (always by adding a corresponding unit-test first). Also for searching the hc_providers I added a seedug if the key is a valid ean13. In src/util/oddbapp.rb the functions looks now like
def search_hc_providers(key) result = [ hc_provider_by_gln(key)] if key.to_s.match(VALID_EAN13) result ||= search_hospitals(key) result ||= search_doctors(key) result ||= search_companies(key) result end
Now http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/7601000254344? returns NoMethodError undefined method `narcotics' for #<ODDB::Doctor:0x007fe83846b810>
with the following abbreviated stack trace
error in SBSM::Session#to_html: /de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/7601000254344? NoMethodError undefined method `narcotics' for #<ODDB::Doctor:0x007fe83846b810> /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/odba-1.1.0/lib/odba/stub.rb:112:in `method_missing' /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/hc_providers/hc_providerlist.rb:85:in `narcotics' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:68:in `create'
Okay. These kind of errors were expected as I only copied the hospital view and now I get a correct list of (one) doctors via http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/7601000254344?. (See third attachment). Neither the map search nor the details work. Search for newly imported doctor gives the same result via http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/7601000850614?
A search using the locality "Mollis" returns again an empty result, but with the text
Ihr Such-Stichwort hat zu keinem Suchergebnis geführt. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise und versuchen Sie es noch einmal. explain_search_hc_provider
Added explain_search_hc_provider to the custom/lookandfeelbase.rb. Corrected also the search text for explain_search_hospital and doctors to mention the GL (aka EAN13).
Now I have various distinct problems to solve:
The stack trace when displaying details is like the following
error in SBSM::Session#to_html: /de/gcc/hc_provider/ean/7601000254344 NoMethodError undefined method `join' for "055-6122222":String /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/address.rb:155:in `fons' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:68:in `create' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:286:in `compose_component' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:211:in `block in compose' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:205:in `each' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:205:in `compose' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:57:in `init' /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/address.rb:65:in `init' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/component.rb:139:in `initialize' /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/hc_providers/hc_provider.rb:59:in `new' /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/hc_providers/hc_provider.rb:59:in `address' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:68:in `create' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/htmlgrid-1.0.6/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb:286:in `compose_component' <..>
Added a work around when fon/fax numbers are a String and not an Array. See commit Fix view. fon/fax as strings. Help texts Now http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/hc_provider/ean/7601000254344 and http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/doctor/ean/7601000254344 display some information, albeit not the correct one.
In http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/hc_provider/ean/7601000254344 vCard and map search dont word correctly.
In http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/doctor/ean/7601000254344 the Facharzttitel and Fertigkeitsausweise don't display the correct info. See
But the information stem from my import, this is a problem which must be fixed. Also the Fertigkeitsausweise should correspond to the info I imported.
Running now only import of two doctors by calling jobs/import_regmed_doctors 7601000254207 7601000972620. Adress was incomplete, Fertigkeitsausweise, Facharzttitel were not correctly display needed. Fixed it and running import again.
After some more tries I managed to import all data correctly for Dr. Züst. Also when searching http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/hc_providers/search_query/Glarus? works now. See
E.g. http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/result/range/i-l displays a list with doctors and hospital. When clicking on a doctor I follow to the correct link, e.g http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/doctor/ean/7601000115072 or http://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/hospital/ean/7601002017145. Coming back after clicking on such a link does not yet work.
The new fields :may_dispense_narcotics, :may_sell_drugs, :remark_sell_drugs don't show up on the view. To be fixed tomorrow. Also importing the year of the exam works only in the unit test but not the real import.
State of GUI is as follows.
And example of how the search screen looks:
List of one doctor