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< Niklaus.20141215-fix-hospital | 2014 | Niklaus.20141209-import-atc-code >>



  • recalls do not correctly update the rss feed on
  • create separate gem for medical persons and companies



Keep in Mind
  • Fix dojo error
  • I removed on May-27 tests for ix_registrationss, fix_sequences, fix_compositions, fix_packages from test/test_plugin/swissmedic.rb,as he could not find any references for them in the src code. Did I erroneously remove stuff when cleaning up the swissmedic import earlier?
  • The whole test for older/newer Packages must be adapted to xlsx. One must compare the rows (e.g. by creating csv files) and do the same stuff in xlsx!


create separate gem for medical persons and companies

Pushed commits

Started importers in two different screens on oddb-ci2 with bin/medreg company and bin/medreg persons.

recalls do not correctly update the rss feed on

I think I found the culprit. For HPC the first link matching the text '1' is '1', whereas for reccalls it is 'Archive 2003-2012'. Trying to find a better way.

Now I find in the log/oddb/debug/2014/12.log the following entries

2014-12-10 08:31:52 UTC rss adding current issue: 2014-12-03 Chargenrückruf / Meropenem-Teva 500 mg und 1 g, Pulver zur Herstellung einer Injektions- oder Infusionslösung
2014-12-10 08:31:52 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-12-03 Chargenrückruf / Meropenem-Teva 500 mg und 1 g, Pulver zur Herstellung einer Injektions- oder Infusionslösung
2014-12-10 08:31:52 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-11-28 Chargenrückruf / Feniallerg, Injektionslösung
2014-12-10 08:31:52 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-11-27 Chargenrückruf / Sanalepsi N, Tropfen
2014-12-10 08:31:52 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-11-21 Chargenrückruf / Prolutex, Injektionslösung
2014-12-10 08:31:53 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-11-19 Chargenrückruf / Omeprazol Sandoz eco 20mg, Filmtabletten
2014-12-10 08:31:53 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-10-24 Chargenrückruf / Zovirax Augensalbe
2014-12-10 08:31:53 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-10-15 Chargenrückruf / Epaxal, Injektionssuspension
2014-12-10 08:31:53 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-10-13 Chargenrückruf / Torisel, Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung
2014-12-10 08:31:54 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-10-09 Chargenrückruf / Donepezil-Mepha 5 mg / 10 mg, Lactab
2014-12-10 08:31:54 UTC rss adding new entry: 2014-10-06 Chargenrückruf / Kiovig, Infusionslösung

but accessing returns a resources/errors/appdown.html

Looking at log/oddb/error_log I find

[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 +0100 2014 - 70318592335080 - Errno::ENOENT - No such file or directory - /var/www/
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sbsm-1.2.5/lib/sbsm/request.rb:180:in `size'
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sbsm-1.2.5/lib/sbsm/request.rb:180:in `drb_process'
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /usr/local/lib64/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/sbsm-1.2.5/lib/sbsm/request.rb:66:in `process'
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /var/www/
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `load'
[Wed Dec 10 10:06:38 2014] [error] access to /de/gcc/rss/channel/recall.rss failed for (null), reason: /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `handler'

Copied maually from thinpower /var/www/ to oddb-ci2. Now at least I see the feeds as before.

But I must rework the nested loops to get the content in a reliable way. Found a solution. Making the unit tests work require more work than expected. My final solution was:

  • Use flexmock to divert open-uri(open) tot read a text file. Eg. flexmock(@plugin) do |plug| plug.should_receive(:open).with(filename).and_return(content)) end
  • Make the Mechanize agent writable and mock with the following pattern
  mechanize = flexmock("mechanize")
  @plugin.agent= mechanize

See test/test_plugin/rss.rb. Pushed commit Fix recall

Zeno remarked that various recalls were added several times. Pushed commit Don't add recall/hpc entries twice

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Page last modified on September 02, 2015, at 11:25 AM