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  • fix some errors in gtin2atc
  • Add missing composition in oddb2xml --calc



Keep in Mind for work to do
  • Fix dojo error
  • I removed on May-27 tests for ix_registrationss, fix_sequences, fix_compositions, fix_packages from test/test_plugin/swissmedic.rb,as he could not find any references for them in the src code. Did I erroneously remove stuff when cleaning up the swissmedic import earlier?
  • The whole test for older/newer Packages must be adapted to xlsx. One must compare the rows (e.g. by creating csv files) and do the same stuff in xlsx!
  • creat gem: task: input=file with ean-codes, standard output show ean-codes + atc-code. Source is Swissmedic Packungen.xlsx or XML.
  • Import via data/medreg_companies.yaml

fix some errors in gtin2atc

Pushed commit Add selling units ot generated gtin2atc.csv file. Code with code I had forgotten to publish yesterday evening.

We must an optional parameter for the output file, to allow producing another file than gtin2atc.csv. Done with commit Added option --output to allow specifying another output file

Must also add dose if mono-preparation. Done with commit Added output for dosis (name, unit, qty) for mono-preparations

Zeno wants to change the usage like this:

  • [file_with_gtin or gtin or pharmacode] [output_file]

Done with commit Added optional second parameter to specify output file

Pushed commit Updated help text to clarify useage of oddb_calc.xml.

Must split daily drug dose into 3 parts, qty, unit, adminstration route. But this is not so easy as seen when looking at the following examples

  1. "ddd": "0,033 Darreichungsform intravesikal"
  2. "ddd": "90 mg O bezogen auf Gesamtsalicin"
  3. "ddd": "95 mg O; 95 mg P bezogen auf Fosaprepitant (115 mg); 1 DE P bezogen auf Fosaprepitant (150 mg)"
  4. "ddd": "9 g O Droge"
  5. "ddd": "Standarddosis: 10 Tabletten oder 50 ml Mixtur"
  6. "ddd": "Zykluspackung mit 24 Tabletten 0,86 DE O"
  7. "ddd": "0,12 g O,R; 18 mg P; 60 mg SL; 3 mg TD; 50 mg TD Gel; 12 mg P bezogen auf Testosteronundecanoat"
  8. "ddd": "0,134 mg P Depotinjektion; 0,1 mg P"
  9. "ddd": "0,135 g O bezogen auf Fenofibratsäure"
  10. "ddd": "0,137 mg Implantat (Freisetzungsrate 50 mcg pro Tag)"

Pushed commit Added exfactory and public price

Working on separating DDD when first to fields are a qty and a unit. Pushed commit Splitted ddd into qty, unit, route of administration

Add missing composition in oddb2xml --calc

improve oddb2xml --calc. For multiple packages like Nutriflex roman I, II, III with names should be added as a separate tag in composition

For IKSNR 55596 Pack 001 the following element was lost natrii dihydrogenophosphas dihydricus 1.17 g. I am unsure whether this is a real error, as atrii dihydrogenophosphas dihydricus does not appear in the column 0 Wirkstoff in packungen.xlsx.

Adding labels like <LABEL>I compressa con principio attivo</LABEL> to oddb_calc.xml.

Debugging and analysing all lines where Zusammensetzung consists of more than one line. Found 938 lines. Often the last line looks like Solvens: aqua ad iniectabilia 20 ml

There were 184 labels created which are used in 2078 COMPONENTs. Rename the tag COMPOSITION to COMPONENT in COMPOSITIONS.

Do we handle IKSRN 65224 Doxorubicin-Acino, Pulver und Lösungen zur Herstellung eines Konzentrates correctly? It has as Wirkstoff doxorubicini hydrochloridum and as Zusammensetzung

I): doxorubicini hydrochloridum 50 mg, lactosum monohydricum, pro vitro.
II): natrii carbonas anhydricus, aqua ad iniectabilia q.s. ad solutionem pro 3 ml.
III): lecithinum ex ovo, cholesterolum, natrii hydroxidum, aqua ad iniectabilia q.s. ad solutionem pro 2 ml.

At the moment we produce

    <NAME>Doxorubicin-Acino, Pulver und Lösungen zur Herstellung eines Konzentrates</NAME>
    <GALENIC_FORM>Pulver und Lösungen zur Herstellung eines Konzentrates</GALENIC_FORM>
        <NAME>Doxorubicini Hydrochloridum</NAME>
        <UNIT>mg/3 ml</UNIT>
      <COMMENT>III): lecithinum ex ovo, cholesterolum, natrii hydroxidum, aqua ad iniectabilia q.s. ad solutionem pro 2 ml.</COMMENT>

Pushed commits:

I think a solution for the problem with missing components in a composition would be to add a boolean tag "IS_ACTIVE_AGENT" to each component.

We emit too many spaces for 7680458820202 Magnesiumchlorid 0,5 molar B. Braun, Zusatzampulle für Infusionslösungen. This must be fixed. Done with commit Remove unnecessary spaces from ARTICLE.NAME in oddb_calc.xml

Fixed similar problems with commits

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Page last modified on March 04, 2015, at 04:55 PM