Must add an option "all" for jobs/import_swissmedic to be able to force complete reparsing.
Updated example test/data/xlsx/Packungen_2014_small.xlsx to use the same examples as oddb2xml.
Found a reference to fix_galenic_form in src/plugin/swissmedic.rb. After discussing with Zeno we decided to add the following options for jobs/import_swissmedic_only
The first task is to use update_compositions 55594
to fix the compositions for nutriflex
Later on we will solve the problems with galenic_form/groups. Idea is to accept only galenic_forms with a known group. If not they should be flagged and logged while running the swissmedic import.
After adding the options :iksnrs I found that it was already used in the swissmedic-plugin, but with a different meaning.
Modified oddb2xml slightly to make porting the changes easier to Done with commit Reorganized for easiear comparision with
Must now update the changed compositions via odba.
The new URL via SOAP is Explanations are found under Zeno downloaded it via wget as explained under
This will affect the import of swissindex, medreg_pharmacies and medreg_doctors.