When search via trademark (internal name st_sequence) we find it, but not via price (st_oddb) nor price and components(st_combined), where the FI is displayed. When logged in a destin no package is displayed. When logged in as admin, the swissmedic nr is displyed as 65300-00-000. http://ch.oddb.org/de/gcc/drug/reg/65330/seq/00 shows two sequences 01 and 02. http://ch.oddb.org/de/gcc/drug/reg/65330/seq/01(or02) show correctly their corresponding package. I suspect that somewhere a persistent pointer is wrong.
Using bin/admin to debug the situation
# mimick trademark $res2 = search_exact_sequence('Ofev') ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.size -> 2 ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.first.pointer -> :!registration,65330!sequence,01!package,001. ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.last.pointer -> :!registration,65330!sequence,02!package,002. # search_combined looks for the atc-classes and this return nil here. ch.oddb> $res2.atc_classes -> [] # Do we find substance inside the packages? ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.last.substances.first -> Nintedanibum ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.last.sequence.atc_class.class -> NilClass ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.last.active_agents -> [#<ODBA::Stub:70020955801660#34196243 @odba_class=ODDB::ActiveAgent @odba_container=70020955785900#34196240>] ch.oddb> $res2.atc_facades.first.packages.last.active_agents.first -> Nintedanibum 150 mg # now printing all problematic packages. sequences.each{ |seq| seq.packages.values.each{ |pack| $stdout.puts \ "#{pack.iksnr}/#{pack.seqnr}/#{pack.ikscd} #{pack.sequence.name_base} \ ATC: #{pack.active_agents.first}" unless pack.sequence and pack.sequence.atc_class } } # returns 63242/01/002 femi-loges 4 mg ATC: Rhei Rhapontici Radicis Extractum Calcii Oxidum Aquosum Siccum 4 mg 63242/01/003 femi-loges 4 mg ATC: Rhei Rhapontici Radicis Extractum Calcii Oxidum Aquosum Siccum 4 mg 00000/00/000 BCG VACCINE SSI ATC: 65065/01/001 Odomzo 200 mg ATC: Sonidegibum 200 mg 65065/01/002 Odomzo 200 mg ATC: Sonidegibum 200 mg 58943/01/001 Apligraf ATC: 66508/00/000 Algifo Dolo Junior Suspension Beutel ATC: 65330/01/001 OFEV 100 mg ATC: Nintedanibum 100 mg 65330/02/002 OFEV 150 mg ATC: Nintedanibum 150 mg 65512/01/001 Lenvima 4 mg ATC: Lenvatinibum 4 mg 65512/02/002 Lenvima 10 mg ATC: Lenvatinibum 10 mg
Found the problem. The atc-class of the added packages is not correct!
Do we have this problem with all new drugs. Looking at IKSNR 65620 Cotellic 20mg, Filmtabletten Erstzulassung 24.08.2015. No this drug may be found via IKSRN, trademark, price and price/components.
What are the differences here?
Looking via bin/admin at 65620
ch.oddb> registration('65620').sequence('01').packages.values.first.active_agents.first.atc_class -> undefined method `atc_class' for Cobimetinibum 20 mg:ODDB::ActiveAgent ch.oddb> registration('65620').sequence('01').packages.values.first.active_agents.first -> Cobimetinibum 20 mg ch.oddb> registration('65620').sequence('01').atc_class -> Proteinkinase-Inhibitoren ch.oddb> registration('65620').sequence('01').atc_class.substances -> [Cobimetinibum] ch.oddb> registration('65620').sequence('01').atc_class.code -> L01XE
The ATC-Code L01XE is correct, but the active_agent should be @cobimetinibum@ as defined in Packungen.xlsx, where we find as compositiontext cobimetinibum 20 mg ut cobimetinibi hemifumaras, excipiens pro compresso obducto.
Zeno got the following error "undefined method model" when searching for zykadia with Firefox 40.0.3. .
This did not occur with firefox 26.0. Installing newest firefox.
Must adapt the error message. I suppose that it should be sufficient to change in /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/oddb.conf die line ErrorDocument 500 /var/www/oddb.org/doc/resources/errors/appdown.html for evidentia. This idea didn't work out. But adding the following rewrite rule RewriteRule ^/resources/errors/appdown.html /$1/$2/resources/errors/appdown_evidentia.html
inside the evidentia of oddb.conf did the trick after the following commit Added appdown for Evidentia
Legende wie folgt anpassen:
Doing the easy stuff first. Adapting th_ikscat (Kategoriesierung to the evidentia lnf) to "Kategorisierung B / SL / SO". Adapting the legend is easy.
Problem with
is a problem when running the monthly update script. Somehow the new sequence 01 does replace the old 00 one.
The limitation must be show just after the trade name. Tried, but the link shown is wrong an there is a missing space between the tradename and the link. Why? I added a limitation_link instead of a limitation_text. Fixed. Things look good now. Here the changed layouts.
Pushed commit and activated it on thinpower.
Forgot to change "Medikamente" => "Medikamente/Preisvergleich".
The limitation link must have a '-' prepended. This needs some code changes, but they were small. Pushed commit Change layout for limitation/th_name_base (evidentia).
Further stuff to fix enclude:
This should be fixed with these commits: