Investigating the problem. Running first oddb2ml locally to see whether I can reproduce the error. After runing oddb2xml without any parameters I found in oddb_article.xml the following snippet
<ARTICLE SHA256="9ab2f5b3300e6221a1e7b17e434b28aba81eb3b5fc135a06180a190441d78f07"> <GTIN>7680005830135</GTIN> <NAME>Fluarix, Injektionssuspension</NAME> <PKG_SIZE>1 x 0.5 ml</PKG_SIZE> <SELLING_UNITS>1</SELLING_UNITS> <MEASURE>Fertigspritze(n)</MEASURE> <GALENIC_FORM>Injektionssuspension</GALENIC_FORM> <GALENIC_GROUP>Injektion/Infusion</GALENIC_GROUP>
This looks okay for me. Asking, whether another option was used. The same for
<ARTICLE SHA256="ed1dce62f74c5ad4191986f641f1e09b693609ee585f6f5d5d0083843e26f9e2"> <GTIN>7680629610106</GTIN> <NAME>Fluarix Tetra 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, Injektionssuspension</NAME> <PKG_SIZE>10 x 0.5 ml</PKG_SIZE> <SELLING_UNITS>10</SELLING_UNITS> <MEASURE>Fertigspritze(n)</MEASURE> <GALENIC_FORM>Injektionssuspension</GALENIC_FORM> <GALENIC_GROUP>Injektion/Infusion</GALENIC_GROUP>
The line 1136355017FLUARIX Inj Susp m sep Nad 2015/2016 0.5 ml 000959001795101B080800076800058301352
has the CMUT-field (Pos 3) as '3' which corresponds to "Ausser Handel". Therefore it is correct, when the SALESCD-tag is set to 'I', inactive.
Evidentia wants the following text. Ihr Such-Stichwort hat zu keinem Suchergebnis geführt. Bitte überprüfen Sie die Schreibweise und versuchen Sie es noch einmal. Sie können nach Originalpräparat, Generikum oder Wirkstoff suchen. Die Suche erfolgt nach dem ATC-Code.
Fixed for french and german with commit Change explain_search for evidentia
Found the following info in log/oddb/debug/2015/11.log
2015-11-14 07:18:40 +0100: /var/www/ `block in parse_and_update': parse_and_update: calls parse_patinfo reparse dist /var/www/, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.html false iksnrs_from_xml ["53348"] Rinosedin, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.html, name Rinosedin, Nasenspray de title Rinosedin, Nasenspray 2015-11-14 07:18:40 +0100: /var/www/ `parse_and_update': patinfo empty? content true false iksnrs_from_xml ["53348"] dist /var/www/, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.html 2015-11-14 07:18:40 CETlog notify Error: Fach- und Patienteninfo Updates ( start outgoing process ["log"]. Must attach 0 files and 0 parts. 2015-11-14 07:18:40 CETUtil.send_mail list_and_recipients ["log"] 2015-11-14 07:18:40 CET Util.log_and_deliver_mail to=["", ""] subject Report - Error: Fach- und Patienteninfo Updates ( - 11/2015 size 2868 with 0 attachments. Plugin: ODDB::TextInfoPlugin Error: TypeError Message: can't convert ODDB::Text::ImageLink into String Backtrace: /var/www/ `block in to_s' /var/www/ `map' /var/www/ `to_s' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/array/conversions.rb:55:in `inspect' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/array/conversions.rb:55:in `inspect' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activesupport-3.1.0/lib/active_support/core_ext/array/conversions.rb:55:in `to_formatted_s' /var/www/ `block in to_s' /var/www/ `each' /var/www/ `to_s' /var/www/ `block in to_s' /var/www/ `collect' /var/www/ `to_s' /var/www/ `block in to_s' /var/www/ `collect' /var/www/ `to_s' /var/www/ `join' /var/www/ `to_s' /var/www/ `block in parse_and_update' /var/www/ `map' /var/www/ `parse_and_update' /var/www/ `block (3 levels) in import_info' /var/www/ `each' /var/www/ `block (2 levels) in import_info' /var/www/ `each_pair' /var/www/ `block in import_info' /var/www/ `each_pair' /var/www/ `import_info' /var/www/ `block in import_swissmedicinfo_by_index' /var/www/ `each_pair' /var/www/ `import_swissmedicinfo_by_index' /var/www/ `import_swissmedicinfo' /var/www/ `block in update_notify_simple' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `wrap_update' /var/www/ `update_notify_simple' /var/www/ `update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo' /var/www/ `run' jobs/import_daily:13:in `block in <module:Util>' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `run' jobs/import_daily:12:in `<module:Util>' jobs/import_daily:11:in `<module:ODDB>' jobs/import_daily:10:in `<main>' 2015-11-14 07:18:41 CETlog notify Error: Fach- und Patienteninfo Updates ( sent mail
This error disappeared a few days later and the . Looking at the date of the produced files I remarked that we got on November 18 a new styles files for Rinosedin.
-rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 36447 14. Nov 07:18 /var/www/, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.html -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 1600 18. Nov 07:20 /var/www/, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.styles -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 23225 14. Nov 07:18 /var/www/, Nasenspray_swissmedicinfo.yaml -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 11700 14. Nov 07:16 /var/www/, Nasentropfen_swissmedicinfo.html -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 738 18. Nov 07:17 /var/www/, Nasentropfen_swissmedicinfo.styles -rw-r--r-- 1 apache apache 22287 14. Nov 07:16 /var/www/, Nasentropfen_swissmedicinfo.yaml
On oddb-ci2 I don't have any files with Rinosedin. Starting import_daily to see whether the problem really got away or not. Here it did not go away. Add a pry statement in the failure and restart import_daily again.
Looking at the other error seen here:
Plugin: ODDB::TextInfoPlugin Error: NoMethodError Message: undefined method `collect' for "<SPAN style=\"font-style:italic;\">Hilfsstoffe:</SPAN>":String Backtrace: /var/www/ `iksnrs' /var/www/ `block (2 levels) in to_html' /var/www/ `each' /var/www/ `block in to_html' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rss/maker/base.rb:438:in `make' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rss/maker/base.rb:402:in `make' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rss/maker.rb:9:in `make' /var/www/ `to_html' /var/www/ `block (2 levels) in update_rss_feeds' /var/www/ `open' /var/www/ `block in update_rss_feeds' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `block in l10n_sessions' /var/www/ `each_key' /var/www/ `l10n_sessions' /var/www/ `update_rss_feeds' /var/www/ `postprocess' /var/www/ `import_swissmedicinfo' /var/www/ `block in update_notify_simple' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `wrap_update' /var/www/ `update_notify_simple' /var/www/ `update_textinfo_swissmedicinfo' /var/www/ `run' jobs/import_daily:13:in `block in <module:Util>' /var/www/ `call' /var/www/ `run' jobs/import_daily:12:in `<module:Util>' jobs/import_daily:11:in `<module:ODDB>' jobs/import_daily:10:in `<main>'
Fixed the error with image_link and added a unit-test for it. Dropping and reloading the database to ensure that everything is okay. Pushed commit Fix handling generating text from image_links. Installed it on thinpower and restarted the fiparse daemon.
Creating a watir test for snap-back
This is not difficult, but I am unable to create in my mind a rule how the snap-back shold work.
After a chat with Zeno we decided that the snapback should get its info from the URL and the URL could be rewritten from eg.
or Could we take out the state-ID?
Also remarked that when entering first a IKSNR and then changing the search type to 'swissmedic' the URL is /de/gcc. Doing the entries in the reverse order gives the long (correct) URL. This must be fixed, too. Pushed commit Add watir tests for snapback
I think this happens because here we have two changes
got corrected to ≥
No. As I had restored the old data I was able to get the old text from oddb-ci2 and compare it to the new text in thinpower. Only 1 line in the section "Unerwünschte Wirkungen" was changed.
Therefore trying to make a failing unit test for this occasion. Okay. It looks like for each change I get two chunks, namely once with - and one with +. Trying to see whether I can make a diff with a single chunk. contains 2 different changed parts, changing 3 lines, but reporting 3. I thinks we should change e.g. "4 Änderungen" by "2 gelöschte und 2 neue Zeilen" or "geänderte Zeilen (+2/-2)". Waiting for Zeno to decide.