Banging my head, why in the HTML-Form create in the URL clicking in the "Lieferbegingungen" the form gets submitted even when I only want my onClick-Handler executed. This works fine when the corresponding DIV-tag is put outside the HTML form.
The looks like this
What is dojo way to create a HTML href link?
What is is dojo way to create a HTMl href link? Tried with a TextBox which is defined in the ContentToggler.js
define([ "dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dijit/_OnDijitClickMixin", "dijit/_TemplatedMixin", "dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin", "dijit/form/TextBox", "dojo/text!./templates/ContentToggler.html", ], function(declare, _OnDijitClickMixin, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, TextBox, template, dom) { console.log("declare using _WidgetsInTemplateMixin"); return declare("widget/ContentToggler", [_WidgetBase, _OnDijitClickMixin, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin, ], { // set our template templateString: template, // some properties baseClass: "TextBox", _saved_html: "saved_html", // define an onClick handler onClick: function(){ console.log("onClick handler status " + this.status); // console.log("onClick handler " + this.delivery_conditions); if(this.status == 'open'){ this.status = 'closed'; } else { this.status = 'open'; } this._update_text(this.status); }, _update_text: function(status){ console.log(Date() + "_update_text status " + this.status); if(this.status == 'closed'){ this.containerNode.innerHTML=""; } else { this.containerNode.innerHTML = this._saved_html; } }, postCreate: function(){ this._saved_html = this.containerNode.innerHTML; console.log("postCreate before _update_text"); this._update_text(this.status); this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_onClick"); this.connect(this.domNode, "_onButtonClick", "_onButtonClick"); this.connect(this.domNode, "_onClick", "_onClick"); console.log("postCreate connected"); // console.log("postCreate this.togglee " + this.togglee); // console.log("postCreate this._saved_html " + this._saved_html); } }); });
and template ContentToggler.html
<span> <button class="${baseClass}" data-dojo-attach-point="textBox" data-dojo-attach-event="onclick:onClick"> ${button_text} </button><p data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode"></p> </span>
Had also tried with LinkPane.
Trying to use it with plain CSS + Javascript. Idea comes from and generated HTML should look this or view-source:
Adapting lib/bbmb/virbac/html/view/login.rb to create a HREF and div. Filling the div had a problem, with embedded ". The javascript function which is attached via a htmlgrid.set_attribute("onclick") parameter name is event. Trying to figure out on howto translate the $("#contact").slideToggle();
javascript snippet, as I always get the followg (index):22 Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
What is working is code like document.getElementById('delivery_conditions_text').innerText='xxxxx';
. Trying to assign it using document.getElementById('#{key}_conditions_text').innerHtml = '#{CGI.unescape(full_text)}'; gives Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
To get completely rid of the dojo the following actions were required
:dojo_js => 'dojo/dojo.js.uncompressed.js',
by :dojo_js => '',
. Uncommenting did not help, as htmlgrid has a default value for dojo_js
'data-dojo-type' => 'widget/ContentToggler',
DOJO_REQUIRE = [ 'dojo', 'javascript/widget/ContentToggler' ]
Looking at the source I do not find any loading of the dojo.js javascript. But in the javascript console I get the following errors
GET (index):13 GET (index):1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < (index):11 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined(anonymous function) @ (index):11 (index):13 GET (index):13 GET 404 (Not Found) Navigated to
Commenting out include HtmlGrid::DojoToolkit::DojoTemplate
in lib/bbmb/virbac/html/view/login.rb fixe this problem.
Now the following debug statement works. document.getElementById('delivery_conditions_text').hidden = true
Using div.set_attribute('style', "display:none")
makes the expanded delivery conditions invisible. Having problems in changing this attribute when running the first time the onClick. Lost some time till I found out that it is very easy to set the attribute hidden of the div tag. Now toggling works find with the following procedure
def delivery_conditions(model) key = 'delivery' msg = @lookandfeel.lookup("#{key}_conditions") full_text = @lookandfeel.lookup("#{key}_conditions_text") link ="#{key}_conditions_text_name", model, @session, self) link.css_id = "#{key}_conditions" link.value = msg link.set_attribute("status", "closed") div =, @session, self) div.css_id = "#{key}_conditions_text" div.set_attribute('hidden', 'true') # div.set_attribute('style', "display:none") div.value = full_text script = "event.preventDefault(); var element = document.getElementById('delivery_conditions_text'); document.getElementById('delivery_conditions_text').hidden=!document.getElementById('delivery_conditions_text').hidden " link.set_attribute("onclick", script) [link, div] end
Toggling delivery and business conditions work. For toggling the new customer I need some more changes, which will be done tomorrow. The link ist missing.
Current status of login.rb is Attach:virbac_login_rb.txt.