Looking at I find /var/www/oddb.org/log/oddb/debug/2016/10.log
2016-10-23 07:39:54 CESTlog notify Fach- und Patienteninfo Updates (swissmedicinfo.ch): sent mail 2016-10-23 07:39:54 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:494:in `get_latest_file': cmd @latest_packungen = '/var/www/oddb.org/data/xls/Packungen-latest.xlsx' 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:531:in `get_latest_file': skip writing /var/www/oddb.org/data/xls/Packungen-2016.10.23.xlsx as /var/www/oddb.org/data/xls/Packungen-latest.xlsx is 3044450 bytes. Returning latest_name /var/www/oddb.org/data/xls/Packungen-latest.xlsx 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:186:in `update': opts {} @update_comps update target nilLatest /var/www/oddb.org/data/xls/Packungen-latest.xlsx 3044450 bytes 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:309:in `update': file2open nothing to do for opts {} 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:312:in `update': done. 0 export_registrations @update_comps was with no change information 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:313:in `update': done0. $swissmedic_do_tracing is . Having 1 threads 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:315:in `update': done1. $swissmedic_do_tracing is false. Having 1 threads 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 11603 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-23 07:40:57 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 11603 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-23 07:42:00 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 11603 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 <...> 2016-10-24 04:46:16 CEST safe_export price_history.csv completed 2016-10-24 04:46:16 CEST restart_export_server. Called from /var/www/oddb.org/src/util/exporter.rb:80 2016-10-24 04:47:03 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-24 04:47:16 CEST restart_export_server. Done sleeping 60 seconds 2016-10-24 04:48:05 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-24 04:49:07 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-24 04:50:09 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 <..> 2016-10-24 07:00:34 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-24 07:01:36 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:163:in `trace_memory_useage': Using 12819 MB of memory. Limit is 16384 2016-10-24 07:01:37 CESTlog notify Duplicate Job: import_daily: start outgoing process ["log"]. Must attach 0 files and 0 parts. 2016-10-24 07:01:37 CESTUtil.send_mail list_and_recipients ["log"]
Had to look back much further. Looks like the swissmedic did not finish correctly on October 23 around 07:40.
The interesting line is 2016-10-23 07:39:55 +0200: /var/www/oddb.org/src/plugin/swissmedic.rb:313:in `update': done0. $swissmedic_do_tracing is . Having 1 threads
Here we see that the variable $swissmedic_do_tracing
is nil. This is the first occurrence of $swissmedic_do_tracing is .
in the log file. Therefore pushing the creating of $swissmedic_do_tracing to the beginning of update method.
Pushed commit Fix race condition which lead to duplicate jobs
Why does a POST request not return the correct content? Updating sbsm and steinwies.ch readme, version, etc to prepare a report, on what does work and what does not.
Pushed the doc/cleanup commits
Wrote E-Mail to yasuhiro.
Trying to make steinwies.ngiger.ch to work again. Installing mod_ruby.so from Ruby186 and verifying that /etc/apache2/modules.d/21_mod_ruby.conf contains the same stuff as on fastpower. Checkout under /var/www/steinwies.ch the same cmmit 323cc79e00ba144233bb34514182007721f98317 as on fastpower. Now steinwies.ngiger.ch works. As I want to want to know how sbsm works. I am trying to add some pry statement. Adding gem 'pry-byebug'
to the Gemfile and running sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/bundle install
. Now I am able to add a sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/bundle install
into lib/sbsm/session.rb at the beginning of the process methods. Now going only into pry unless request.request_method.eql?('GET')
and I can ignore all GET request. Adding some info from the pry
@request_path => "/en/page" @validator => #<Steinwies::Validator:0x000000036af498 @boolean=[], @dates=[], @enums={}, @errors={}, @events=[:back, :home, :person, :schwerpunkte, :dissertation, :lageplan, :kontakt, :links, :confirm, :sent, :sendmail], @files=[], @html=[], @numeric=[], @patterns={}, @strings=[:anrede, :name, :vorname, :firma, :adresse, :ort, :telefon, :bestell_diss, :bestell_pedi, :text], @uris=[]> request.params => {"confirm"=>["Weiter"], "name"=>[""], "zone"=>"page", "language"=>"en", "text"=>["Test"], "bestell_diss"=>[""], "firma"=>[""], "event"=>["confirm"], "telefon"=>[""], "anrede"=>[""], "default_flavor"=>nil, "bestell_pedi"=>[""], "ort"=>[""], "flavor"=>[""], "adresse"=>[""], "vorname"=>[""], "state_id"=>["30410800"], "email"=>["test@test.com"]} request.params['state_id'] => ["30410800"] @unsafe_input => [["confirm", "[\"Weiter\"]"], ["name", "[\"\"]"], ["zone", "page"], ["language", "en"], ["text", "[\"Test\"]"], ["bestell_diss", "[\"\"]"], ["firma", "[\"\"]"], ["event", "[\"confirm\"]"], ["telefon", "[\"\"]"], ["anrede", "[\"\"]"], ["default_flavor", ""], ["bestell_pedi", "[\"\"]"], ["ort", "[\"\"]"], ["flavor", "[\"\"]"], ["adresse", "[\"\"]"], ["vorname", "[\"\"]"], ["state_id", "[\"30410800\"]"], ["email", "[\"test@test.com\"]"]] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @valid_input => {:confirm=>nil, :name=>"", :zone=>nil, :language=>"en", :text=>"Test", :bestell_diss=>"", :firma=>"", :event=>:confirm, :telefon=>"", :anrede=>"", :default_flavor=>nil, :bestell_pedi=>"", :ort=>"", :flavor=>"", :adresse=>"", :vorname=>"", :state_id=>30410800, :email=>"test@test.com"} request.cookies => #<DRb::DRbUnknown:0x007fb2752b2f30 @buf= "\x04\b}\b\"\esbsm-persistent-cookieo:\x10CGI::Cookie\f:\f@domain0:\n@path\"\x06/:\f@secureF:\r@_dc_obj[\x06\"\x10language=en:\v@value@\t:\r@expires0:\n@name\"\esbsm-persistent-cookie\"\x15oddb-preferenceso;\x00\f;\x060;\a\"\x06/;\bF;\t[\x06\"\x10language=en;\n@\x0F;\v0;\f\"\x15oddb-preferences\"\x10_session_ido;\x00\f;\x060;\a\"\x06/;\bF;\t[\x06\"%01a29dd94812ae17a5d1c472e0adb7e7;\n@\x15;\v0;\f\"\x10_session_id[\x00", @name=nil> @cookie_input @state = active_state.trigger(event()) [15] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @state.class => Steinwies::ConfirmState [16] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> event() => :confirm
I think I found the culprit. Here the trigger method returns Steinwies::ConfirmState where as I think, it returned Steinwies::HomeState with webrick/rack.
Now debugging the trigger method
[11] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @valid_input[:state_id] => 16082360 [12] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @valid_input['state_id'] => nil From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/state.rb @ line 192 SBSM::State#trigger: 183: def trigger(event) 184: if(@redirected) 185: @redirected = false 186: else 187: @errors = {} 188: @infos = [] 189: @warnings = [] 190: end 191: state = if(event && !event.to_s.empty? && self.respond_to?(event)) => 192: _trigger(event) 193: elsif(klass = @events[event]) 194: klass.new(@session, @model) 195: end 196: state ||= self.default 197: if(state.respond_to?(:previous=)) 198: state.previous = self 199: end 200: state 201: end [7] pry(#<Steinwies::KontaktState>)> step From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/state.rb @ line 203 SBSM::State#_trigger: 202: def _trigger(event) => 203: self.send(event) 204: end [7] pry(#<Steinwies::KontaktState>)> step From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/src/state/kontakt.rb @ line 13 Steinwies::KontaktState#confirm: 12: def confirm => 13: mail = KontaktMail.new(@session) 14: if mail.ready? 15: ConfirmState.new(@session, mail) 16: else 17: mail.errors.push(:email) 18: @model = mail 19: self 20: end 21: end [9] pry(#<Steinwies::KontaktState>)> next From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/src/state/kontakt.rb @ line 15 Steinwies::KontaktState#confirm: 12: def confirm 13: mail = KontaktMail.new(@session) 14: if mail.ready? => 15: ConfirmState.new(@session, mail) 16: else 17: mail.errors.push(:email) 18: @model = mail 19: self 20: end 21: end [9] pry(#<Steinwies::KontaktState>)> next From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/state.rb @ line 196 SBSM::State#trigger: 183: def trigger(event) 184: if(@redirected) 185: @redirected = false 186: else 187: @errors = {} 188: @infos = [] 189: @warnings = [] 190: end 191: state = if(event && !event.to_s.empty? && self.respond_to?(event)) 192: _trigger(event) 193: elsif(klass = @events[event]) 194: klass.new(@session, @model) 195: end => 196: state ||= self.default 197: if(state.respond_to?(:previous=)) 198: state.previous = self 199: end 200: state 201: end
Adding a simple debug line returns for visiting
Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/home/ Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/person/ Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/schwerpunkte/ Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/dissertation/ Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/lageplan/ Handling requrest GET state_id is for /en/page/kontakt/ Handling requrest POST state_id is 20086380 for /en/page
Changed the servername in etc/config.yml of my lokal git workspace to localhost:8004. Now I am able to work in parallel with steinwies.ngiger.ch and localhost:8004, which is very handy for debugging.
Adding another puts gives for steinwies.ch
/var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 357: Handling request GET state_id is for / sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::HomeState: triggered event /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 357: Handling request GET state_id is for /en/page/person/ sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::HomeState: triggered event person /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 357: Handling request GET state_id is for /en/page/kontakt/ sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::PersonState: triggered event kontakt /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 357: Handling request POST state_id is 29451360 for /en/page
There is clearly a problem that the request_path returned by mod_ruby was not set correctly with my changes. But on the otherside mod_ruby used the trans_handler to modify it request_path. But when? In a session? Or a request? Will ponder again tomorrow.
Here is an additional trace, which shows the difference of the get of kontakt and dissertation
165: request_path is sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request GET state_id is for / /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 538 active_state is or #<Steinwies::HomeState:0x000000027c41b8> sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::HomeState: triggered event 165: request_path is / sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request GET state_id is for / /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 538 active_state is or #<Steinwies::HomeState:0x000000027c41b8> sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::HomeState: triggered event 165: request_path is / sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request GET state_id is for /en/page/dissertation/ /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 538 active_state is or #<Steinwies::HomeState:0x000000027c41b8> sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::HomeState: triggered event dissertation 165: request_path is /en/page/dissertation/ sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request GET state_id is for /en/page/kontakt/ /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 538 active_state is or #<Steinwies::DissertationState:0x00000002ad25f8> sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::DissertationState: triggered event kontakt 165: request_path is /en/page/kontakt/ sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request POST state_id is 22135800 for /en/page 165: request_path is /en/page/kontakt/ sbsm//var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 359: Handling request POST state_id is for /en/page From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb @ line 362 SBSM::Session#process: 357: import_user_input(request) 358: import_cookies(request) 359: puts "sbsm/#{__FILE__} #{__LINE__}: Handling request #{request.request_method} state_id is #{@valid_input[:state_id]} for #{@request_path}" 360: 361: require 'pry'; binding.pry unless request.request_method.eql?('GET') => 362: @state = active_state.trigger(event()) 363: #FIXME: is there a better way to distinguish returning states? 364: # ... we could simply refuse to init if event == :sort, but that 365: # would not solve the problem cleanly, I think. 366: unless(@state.request_path) 367: @state.request_path = @request_path [1] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> self.class => Steinwies::Session [2] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> next /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb 538 active_state is or #<Steinwies::KontaktState:0x00000003512680> sbsm/state.rb 193 Steinwies::KontaktState: triggered event confirm sbsm/state.rb 197 Steinwies::KontaktState: triggered confirm respond_to? true From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb @ line 366 SBSM::Session#process: 361: require 'pry'; binding.pry unless request.request_method.eql?('GET') 362: @state = active_state.trigger(event()) 363: #FIXME: is there a better way to distinguish returning states? 364: # ... we could simply refuse to init if event == :sort, but that 365: # would not solve the problem cleanly, I think. => 366: unless(@state.request_path) 367: @state.request_path = @request_path 368: @state.init 369: end 370: unless @state.volatile? 371: @active_state = @state [2] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> next From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb @ line 367 SBSM::Session#process: 362: @state = active_state.trigger(event()) 363: #FIXME: is there a better way to distinguish returning states? 364: # ... we could simply refuse to init if event == :sort, but that 365: # would not solve the problem cleanly, I think. 366: unless(@state.request_path) => 367: @state.request_path = @request_path 368: @state.init 369: end 370: unless @state.volatile? 371: @active_state = @state 372: @attended_states.store(@state.object_id, @state) [2] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> next From: /var/www/steinwies.ch/vendor/ruby/2.3.0/gems/sbsm-1.3.0/lib/sbsm/session.rb @ line 368 SBSM::Session#process: 363: #FIXME: is there a better way to distinguish returning states? 364: # ... we could simply refuse to init if event == :sort, but that 365: # would not solve the problem cleanly, I think. 366: unless(@state.request_path) 367: @state.request_path = @request_path => 368: @state.init 369: end 370: unless @state.volatile? 371: @active_state = @state 372: @attended_states.store(@state.object_id, @state) 373: end [2] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @state.class => Steinwies::ConfirmState [3] pry(#<Steinwies::Session>)> @request_path => "/en/page"