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  • Ethereum contracs
  • Update_drugshortage did not create data/downloads/drugshortage.csv
  • Allow users to display only selected SL_categories
  • Problem converting oddb2xml oddb_with_migel.dat to ISO-8859-1
  • Keep in Mind



Update_drugshortage did not create data/downloads/drugshortage.csv

Remarked that yesterday jobs/update_drugshortage did not create data/downloads/drugshortage.csv on thinpower. Also yesterday CSV which was identical to today was not removed. Fixed with commit Create downloads/drugshortage.csv if missing

Now I must somehow persist the changes. Probably similar to the ZSR-ID for which we have a javascript under doc/resources/javascript/prescription.js.

To limit the search result I tried to add the following lines in the method _search_drugs_state of src/state/global.rb

          if  @session.user_input(:search_imitation_SL_only) || true
            puts "Before filtering for search_imitation_SL_only we have #{result.package_count} results"
            result.each{|atc| atc.packages.reject! { |pack| !pack.sl_entry }}
            count = 0; result.each{|atc| atc.packages.each { |pack| count+=1 }}; count
            puts "After filtering we have #{count} packages in result"

This displays correctly only 10 items for interal but still says Propranolol (C07AA05) 11 Präparate. And in in the log I get the following error

Before filtering for search_imitation_SL_only we have 11 results
undefined method `user' for nil:NilClass
/var/www/ `adjusted_name_and_prio'
/var/www/ `block in sort_result'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `sort_by'
/var/www/ `sort_by!'
/var/www/ `sort_result'
/var/www/ `packages'
/var/www/ `block in _search_drugs_state'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `_search_drugs_state'
/var/www/ `search'
/var/www/ `_trigger'
/var/www/ `_trigger'
/var/www/ `trigger'
/var/www/ `block in process_rack'
/var/www/ `synchronize'
/var/www/ `process_rack'
/var/www/ `call'
After filtering we have 10 packages in result

This is probably not the correct approach. NO. It could be fixed by two checks for nil in the util/result_sort.rb. Saved my work as ranch search_prefs

The following problems need to be resolved next week:

  • Correct package_count after filtering the result (or improving the model/search_result with a filter)
  • Persist filtering for SL-entry/types/only valid packages

Ethereum contracs

For the ruby gem ethereum.rb I must install | prerequisites, which needs a tool called parity. Downloaded to /usr/local/src

bash <(curl -Lk) sudo npm install -g solc

Allow users to display only selected SL_categories

In the configuration of we want to allow the users to opt-out of displaying individual SL-Categories and pending registrations. By default all categories and pending registrations are displayed.

Adding new texts in src/custom/lookandfeelbase.rb (after converting all tabs to spaces).

Added also a sub-heading before the ZSR. Now my screen looks like this

After some corrections

Problem converting oddb2xml oddb_with_migel.dat to ISO-8859-1

Somehow iconv cannot convert the UTF-8 file to 88519 as seen by this snippet

iconv -f utf-8  -t ISO-8859-1 -o oddb_with_migel.dat.8559 oddb_with_migel.dat; file oddb_with_migel.dat.8559
oddb_with_migel.dat.8559: UTF-8 Unicode text, with CRLF line terminators
 ls -lrt oddb_with_migel.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 niklaus users 4574742 Sep  6 10:36 oddb_with_migel.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 niklaus users 4564763 Sep  6 11:46 oddb_with_migel.dat.8559
 diff oddb_with_migel.dat oddb_with_migel.dat.8559 | head
< 1110361815SEROCYTOL Herz-Gefässe Supp 3 Stk                 0000000000003030000000076800027700142
> 1110361815SEROCYTOL Herz-Gefässe Supp 3 Stk                 0000000000003030000000076800027700142
< 1120658018SEROCYTOL Leber-Gefässe-Rektum Supp 3 Stk         0022840035203030000000076800030000112
< 1121550754SEROCYTOL Leber-Gefässe-Rektum Supp 9 Stk         0056930076903030000000076800030000282
> 1120658018SEROCYTOL Leber-Gefässe-Rektum Supp 3 Stk         0022840035203030000000076800030000112
> 1121550754SEROCYTOL Leber-Gefässe-Rektum Supp 9 Stk         0056930076903030000000076800030000282

Must run oddb2xml -a -f dat and create the oddb_with_migel.dat with encoding latin.

I cannot use latin or latin-1 as ruby (at least 2.4.1) says /home/niklaus/git/oddb2xml/lib/oddb2xml/cli.rb:139: warning: Unsupported encoding latin ignored

Script is now

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

input = ARGV[0]
content =
puts "converting utf-8 #{input} #{content.encoding} -> ISO-8859-1", 'w+:ISO-8859-1') { |f| f.write(content.encode('ISO-8859-1'))}

file_content =, &:read)
puts "encoding is now  #{file_content.encoding}"

Gives the error

converting utf-8 oddb_with_migel.dat UTF-8 -> ISO-8859-1
./utf8_to_8859.rb:6:in `encode': U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
        from ./utf8_to_8859.rb:6:in `block in <main>'
        from ./utf8_to_8859.rb:6:in `open'
        from ./utf8_to_8859.rb:6:in `<main>'

We have several lines that give problems. At the moment I just ignore them with this variant of my script

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

input = ARGV[0]
content =
lines = IO.readlines(input)
puts "converting utf-8 #{input} #{content.encoding} -> ISO-8859-1", 'w+:ISO-8859-1') do
  lines.each do |line|
    rescue => error
      puts "#{error}: Ignoring #{line}"

file_content =, &:read)
puts "encoding is now  #{file_content.encoding}"

This gives the followin output

U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116346515SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 midi con lig so op 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089326174201
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116346521SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 maxi con lig so op 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089326174511
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116267081SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–43 maxi conv trans 10 Stk   000000000000300 000000057089328855221
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116267075SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv trans 10 Stk   000000000000300 000000057089328855461
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266992SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv opaq 10 Stk    000000000000300 000000057089328856141
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266934SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–43 maxi conv lig tran 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328856521
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266928SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv lig tran 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328856761
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266851SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv lig opaq 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857441
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266822SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 midi conv lig opaq 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857751
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266816SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–50 ma con lig sof tra 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857821
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266727SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fens conv maxi 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328858501
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266644SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fen con lig mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328859281
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266615SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fen con lig md 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328859591
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266561SENSURA Mio 1t of op 10–50 Fe con lig so mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328860001
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266466SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen conv maxi 10 Stk 000000000000300 000000057089328860931
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266420SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen conv midi 10 Stk 000000000000300 000000057089328861231
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266348SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen con lig mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328861921
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266319SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen con lig md 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328862221
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1: Ignoring 1116266302SENSURA Mio 1t ge op 10–50 Fe con lig so mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328862391
encoding is now  UTF-8
> file oddb_with_migel.dat
oddb_with_migel.dat: ISO-8859 text

Converted the refdata_NonPharma.xml with xmllint into a nice format and found there

      <ITEM DT="2017-09-06T00:00:00">
        <NAME_DE>SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 midi con lig so op 10 Stk</NAME_DE>
        <NAME_FR>SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 midi con lig so op 10 pce</NAME_FR>
        <AUTH_HOLDER_NAME>Coloplast AG (Euro 1)</AUTH_HOLDER_NAME>

No I must modify the source to catch read/writing this error. But first I will to it my small script.

Even better would be outputting a message and replacing the wrong characters with a '?'. Scripts looks now like this

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
input = ARGV[0]
content =
lines = IO.readlines(input)
puts "converting utf-8 #{input} #{lines.size} lines #{content.encoding} -> ISO-8859-1", 'w+:ISO-8859-1') do
  lines.each do |line|
    rescue => error
      puts "#{error} #{line}"
      f.write(line.encode('ISO-8859-1', :replace => '?'))

and produces

> ./utf8_to_8859.rb oddb_with_migel.dat
converting utf-8 oddb_with_migel.dat 46058 lines UTF-8 -> ISO-8859-1
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116346515SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 midi con lig so op 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089326174201
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116346521SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–33 maxi con lig so op 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089326174511
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116267081SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–43 maxi conv trans 10 Stk   000000000000300 000000057089328855221
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116267075SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv trans 10 Stk   000000000000300 000000057089328855461
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266992SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv opaq 10 Stk    000000000000300 000000057089328856141
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266934SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–43 maxi conv lig tran 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328856521
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266928SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv lig tran 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328856761
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266851SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 maxi conv lig opaq 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857441
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266822SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–23 midi conv lig opaq 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857751
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266816SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10–50 ma con lig sof tra 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328857821
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266727SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fens conv maxi 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328858501
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266644SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fen con lig mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328859281
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266615SENSURA Mio 1t off opa 10–23 Fen con lig md 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328859591
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266561SENSURA Mio 1t of op 10–50 Fe con lig so mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328860001
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266466SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen conv maxi 10 Stk 000000000000300 000000057089328860931
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266420SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen conv midi 10 Stk 000000000000300 000000057089328861231
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266348SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen con lig mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328861921
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266319SENSURA Mio 1t ges opa 10–23 Fen con lig md 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328862221
U+2013 from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 1116266302SENSURA Mio 1t ge op 10–50 Fe con lig so mx 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089328862391
> grep 708932617420 oddb_with_migel.dat
1116346515SENSURA Mio 1t Uro 10?33 midi con lig so op 10 Stk000000000000300 000000057089326174201

Pushed the commits

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Page last modified on September 06, 2017, at 05:38 PM