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Index needs some minor redesign

TODOS for today are:

  1. Check whether OEKK is still using the FI Erweitert search
  2. investigate the 67 failiing watir tests
  3. investigate missing calls to custom_tab_navigation in test/test_view/drugs/centeredsearchform.rb
  4. update als CSS (specially mobile)

Comparing with shows that the links to "Medikamente" and "MiGeL" are missing. Why? Re-added components for the Tab-Navigation, fixed and now points 1 and 3 look better.

Testing shows that the AJAX-search do not work anymore for interactions and the instant. This is see as the prompts Medikament hinzufügen" and "HIER Suchbegriff eingeben" are no longer show when going to de/gcc/home_interactions/, resp. de/gcc/home/search_form/instant. Why? I tested the application starting using rackup -p 8812. In this case the javascripts are not served correctly. Running it via apache was okay.

Removing the watir tests for the FI-search.

Pushed commits

Running watir tests before pushing commit which removes the FI-search.

Must remove sponsor log on home. Display it on the right side while searching. Zeno decided that I should replace the ODDB-Logo by the Sponsoring loge every where.This simplifies the task.

Analysing the source code I remarked, that most the code about sponsor is dead, as both sponsors present in the database (gcc, generika) are no longer valid. bin/admin shows

ch.oddb> sponsor('gcc')
-> #<ODDB::Sponsor:0x00560a4348aa00>
ch.oddb> sponsor('gcc').sponsor_until
-> 2012-12-06
ch.oddb> sponsor('generika').sponsor_until
-> 2012-12-06
ch.oddb> sponsor('generika').company
-> Helvepharm AG
ch.oddb> sponsor('gcc').company
-> Helvepharm AG
cch.oddb> sponsor('gcc').valid?
-> false
ch.oddb> sponsor('generika').valid?
-> false

With commit f7202a538dd961a91bd5a61ae0976acd9fc212dc Yasuhiro had "Added Company-Logo in welcome head", which puts the logo and the welcome user into a single div, which is not good for our task.

Also remarked that the various src/view/*/welcomehead.rb, are quite similar, but do NOT inherit the layout defined in src/view/welcomehead. I want to change this. This is possible by replacing each of the welcomehead with a code snippet like this

      class WelcomeHeadDoctors < View::WelcomeHead
        def init
          @welcome_symbol = :home_welcome_doctors

And imlementing it as follows in src/view/welcomehead.rb

      def welcome(model, session=@session)
        @welcome_symbol ||= :home_welcome_data
        value = @lookandfeel.lookup(@welcome_symbol)
        div =, session, self)
        div.value = value
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Page last modified on November 01, 2017, at 05:28 PM