TODO items are:
It is hard to remove the additional line in as the "Analysen | Apotheken | Arzt | Interaktionen | Medikamente | MiGeL | Services | Spital | Zulassungsi" belong the to head, whereas "Sie befinden sich in - Home - Interaktionen Suchen" is part of the centeredsearchform, where we have in cases like Analysen on the right hand a search "Hier Suchbegriff eingeben", Suchen button.
Moved "Für den Direktvergleich klicken" to the left of "Legende einblenden". Now must align "Sortierung nach Stärke, Packung und Preis" and "Hier Suchbegriff eingeben". I was unable to align the search buttong on the same line as backtrace, as the SearchForm always add a new line. Pushed commit Move Direktvergleich to bottom
I will try to align the usage of View::ResultTemplate in Drugs/Interactions to the other useages in drugs/pharmacies etc. Must use the PrivateTemplate (which includes a SEARCH_HEAD) and not the PublicTemplate, which does not have a SEARCH_HEAD.
When I add the search via trademark/price etc to the interaction, submitting a query there, does not change the search zone to drugs, but leaves it at interactions (eg.g /de/gcc/search/zone/interactions/search_query/Ponstan/search_type/st_sequence
Looking at the console output of the developer tools I find
# when searching trademark Ponstan 48: query.submit HIER Suchbegriff eingeben query is: Ponstan 7680576730049,undefined:185 get_to url url2 # when seaching for aspirin in interaction selectXhrRequest: window.location.href searchbar: 7680576730049 (index):26 get_to url url2 Navigated to
Must replace /zone/interactions/search_query/
by /zone/drugs/search_query/
in various javascript. But this is still not enough and I land at, which still leads to an error. Iexpected something like