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Trying again the async version of google adsense in test9.html. See Attach:test9_html.txt. It displays only
Changing the code and trying it on oddb-ci2. Surrounding (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
by calls to console.log('Before|After pushing adsbygoogle');
to be able to verify that the code got executed. This displays a very ugly https://oddb-ci2.dyndns.org/de/gcc/search/zone/doctors/search_query/Glarus? where the logo is way too big. Reading the code to limit width/heigth.
Working on making the size and placement correct for home_doctors. Adding different color for left/right and a border.
Trying to replace the ad-format using
- data-ad-format="autorelaxed" - style="display:inline-block" + data-ad-format="rectangle" + style="display:block"
Found the following remark under https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/3221666?hl=en
If I have multiple ad units on a page, do I have to include <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> for each ad unit? No, this is not necessary, adsbygoogle.js can be loaded once.
Can I set the size of the ad directly via CSS? Yes you can, doing so allows you to dynamically specify the size of the ad that will be served.
Checking whether I can use additional_javascripts to load the adsbygoogle.js. Adapted the style to style="display:block height #{@height}px width {@width}px"
and now the sizes look okay, but still do not show any images. Conservered state in 0001-Using-async-version-of-google-ad_sense.js.-Debug-28.patch. Removing cruft. After changing the css class from welcomeright to right in src/view/welcomehead.rb
all search results are displayed correclty. Also the login screen.
Pushed the following commits
Example: https://ch.oddb.org/de/gcc/patinfo/reg/59288/seq/02/pack/006
Should be fixed with commit Fix white hole in patinfo because of too small col_span
Fixed show a rack error when a FI is no longer present with commit Avoid nil error when diff info is no longer present. No it show the correct message, that the desired information is no longer present.