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< Niklaus.20210105-ruby-30 | Index | Niklaus.20200603-ruby-271 >>



  • Port migel to Ruby 2.7.1
  • Running swissmedic inside import_daily fails
  • Fixed problem with wrong plus sign in feedbacks
  • Fixed problem with too large textarea in feedback
  • Installed new official version of date gem (3.0.1) on thinpower. Ran as root bundle-217 uninstall date; bundle-271 install date



Running swissmedic inside import_daily fails

After the commit (#109) Work around problem loading parslet_compositions running import_daily fails, because way too much memory is required.

2020-06-22 12:17:37 +0200: /var/www/ `get_latest_file':  cmd @latest_packungen = '/var/www/'
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `get_latest_file':  skip writing /var/www/ as /var/www/ is 2925536 bytes. Returning latest_name /var/www/
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `update': Loaded /var/www/
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `update': opts {} @update_comps  update file2open nil Latest /var/www/ 2925536 bytes
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `show_memory_useage': Using 23163 MB of memory. Limit is 16384. Swissmedic_do_tracing true
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `update': @update_comps  check_all_packages
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `update': file2open  nothing to do for opts {}
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `update':  done. 0 export_registrations @update_comps was  with no change information
2020-06-22 12:17:38 +0200: /var/www/ `block in trace_memory_useage': Aborting as using 23163 MB of memory > than limit of 16384
Util.log_and_deliver_mail to=["", ""] subject Report - Error: swissmedic - 06/2020 size 710 with 0 attachments. #<Mail::Body:0x00007f44b78cc8c0 @boundary=nil, @preamble=nil, @epilogue=nil, @charset="UTF-8", @part_sort_order=["text/plain", "text/enriched", "text/html", "multipart/alternative"], @parts=[], @raw_source="Plugin: ODDB::SwissmedicPlugin\r\n \r\nError: SystemExit\r\nMessage: SystemExit\r\nBacktrace:\r\n/var/www/ `join'\r\n/var/www/ `map'\r\n/var/www/ `update'\r\n/var/www/ `block in update_swissmedic'\r\n/var/www/ `wrap_update'\r\n/var/www/ `update_swissmedic'\r\n/var/www/ `run'\r\njobs/import_daily:13:in `block in <module:Util>'\r\n/var/www/ `run'\r\njobs/import_daily:12:in `<module:Util>'\r\njobs/import_daily:11:in `<module:ODDB>'\r\njobs/import_daily:10:in `<main>'", @ascii_only=true, @encoding="7bit">
/var/www/ is deleted

Trying to fix this problem, be moving the loading to the original line and using a global variable.

Port Migel to Ruby 2.7.1, ensure all strings are UTF-8

The list "4641084 AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe", which contains an Umlaut. Looking via (on thinpower and oddb-ci2) I find44

ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de').first.ean_code
-> 7612479000158
ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de').first.pharmacode
-> 4641084
ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de')
-> AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe
ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de')
ch.oddb> CGI.unescape(search_migel_items('4641084', 'de')
-> AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe
ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de')'UTF-8')
-> AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe
ch.oddb> search_migel_items('4641084', 'de')'UTF-8').encoding
-> UTF-8

This is confirmed via migel/bin/admin (also on thinpower and oddb-ci2)

 migel> products.values.find{ |x| x.ean_code.to_i == 7612479000158}
-> AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe
migel> products.values.find{ |x| x.ean_code.to_i == 7612479000158}
migel> products.values.find{ |x| x.ean_code.to_i == 7612479000158}
-> AMEDA Adapterset für Einhandmilchpumpe

Now I must look at why importing does not set the correct URL. Zeno told me that /var/www/ sets the URL to parse like this migel_base_url:

This URL could be reached via migel_nonpharma in src/util/updater.rb, but is never called. The pharmacode cited above is no longer found in the XMLRefDataNonPharma.xml.

In 2012 Mass added with commit jobs/export_oddb2_csv and jobs/export_oddb_csv. Zeno removed the jobs/update_migel from with commit

Added to src/util/oddbapp.rb the following snippet to test fetching a single pharmacode

def refdata_migel_update(pharmacode)
  puts "refdata_migel_update #{pharmacode}"
  handler =

Setting I could see that we parsed then got the error @@HTTP 404.

Remarked that the services /service/ch.oddb-swissindex_pharma/run, /service/ch.oddb-swissreg/run where still using an old ruby version. Also /service/migeld/run still had a bundle-271 as command, which made it NOT use the new date gem. Fixed these problems.

Now the prices for some migel items did not show.

Remarked that on oddb-ci2 the dojo.js is not loaded when visiting the interactions. This must be fixed.

Pushed , as logo, css and javascript files were not loaded.

Released SBSM 1.6.0, Htmlgrid 1.1.7. Updated to use these newer gems. Running unit tests and spec tests before installing new version on thinpower.

After restarting the ch.oddb-export the bsv_followers worked again.

Must release yus-1.0.6.gem. Updating yus on thinpower.

rm /usr/bin/pg_config
ln -s /usr/local/pg-10_1/bin/pg_config /usr/bin/pg_config
gem-271 install yus

Setting exec in /service/yus/run to exec sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/ruby-271 /usr/local/ruby-2.7.1/bin/yusd Changed localhost -> in /etc/yus/yus.yml

Cannot login into via desitin, as I get the error

DRb::DRbConnError at /de/gcc
drbssl://localhost:9997 - #<OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError: SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 state=SSLv3/TLS write client hello>
Ruby 	/usr/local/ruby-2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/drb/drb.rb: in rescue in block in open, line 744

Setting exec in /service/migeld/run to exec sudo -u apache ruby-271 bin/migeld

cd /var/www/migel
# as root
bundle-271 config set system 'true'
bundle-271 install --system # ignoring warning
# as ywesee
cd /var/www/
git log
# as root
bundle-271 config set system 'true'
bundle-271 install --system # ignoring warning

Added line ywesee ALL=(apache) /usr/local/ruby-2.7.1/bin/* to /etc/sudoers

Must install new date gem

cd /home/ywesee
git clone
git checkout origin/marshal-load-failure-20 -b marshal-load-failure-20
bundle-271 config set with 'development'
rake-271 compile
# as root
gem-271 install /home/ywesee/date/pkg/date-3.0.1.gem
svc -h /service/migel
# Now can be visited
svc -h /service/ch.oddb
svc -h /service/yus
# still unable to login as desitin

Updated all /service/ch*/run scripts to use ruby-271. Checked all running ruby processs. Only currency and ydim still run with ruby 2.5.0. Both are not use by

Had to regenerate the Certificate for yus which dated from 2006. Executed as root

cd /etc/yus/data
root@thinpower:/etc/yus/data# openssl req -new -x509 -key ./yus.key -out ./yus.crt
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:CH
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:ZH
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Zuerich
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:ywesee
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
Email Address []:
svc -h /service/yus

Now I could login as desitin.

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Page last modified on June 23, 2020, at 10:18 AM