gentoo users remember to execute:
emerge --config postgresql
after first installation
For Fulltext-Support you need to
1) Postgresql < v.8.0 only: Apply the tsearch2.sql patch:
cd $PGSQL_SRC (eg. /usr/share/postgresql/contrib/) gunzip regprocedure_7.4.patch.gz patch -b -p1 < regprocedure_7.4.patch
(maybe you need to give the filename "tsearch2.sql")
2) follow the instructions at <path-to-oddb>/ext/fulltext/INSTALL
start postgresql (gentoo as root: "/etc/init.d/postgresql start")
Login with the postgres user:
psql -U postgres template1
Create the odba database:
create database oddb_dot_org;
Create a DB user called oddb:
create user oddb with password 'testuser';
Log out:
Load the SQL file in to the oddb_dot_org database
psql < oddb_small.sql -U postgres oddb_dot_org
This SQL file includes all the configuration tables for the tsearch2 module. The database should now be ready and working