<< 20120321-patinfo2csv-escaped-backslash-problem | 2012 | 20120319-print-view-error-create-second-process-for-crawler >>
3.0 to 1.7.2 (current stable)
highlight style of dijitMenuItemSelected
class are applied
withtout this reset css definition, correctly.
I tried these, but don't work.
then, I created onChange event for form.ComboBox
of dojo
function selectSubmit() { var popup = dojo.byId('searchbar_popup'); var searchbar = dojo.byId('searchbar'); if (!popup.style.overflowX.match(/auto/) && searchbar.value != '') { searchbar.form.submit(); } }
popup HTMLElement
<div style="overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: hidden; top: 0px; width: 377.4px; height: 211px; visibility: visible;" data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode" class="dijitReset dijitMenu dijitComboBoxMenu" id="searchbar_popup" widgetid="searchbar_popup"> ... </div>
tested console with webkit on iOS. If I have to debug more, This project maybe help us.
I had to update mobile lookandfeel.
enabled :ajax
event in mobile lookandfeel. Requests from iOS are remap to i.ch.oddb.org/de/mobile
started to create script.
$ bin/patinfo2csv Usage: patinfo2csv <input patinfo.yaml> <output patinfo.csv> <input pharmacode.txt> $ bin/patinfo2csv --help Usage: patinfo2csv <input patinfo.yaml> <output patinfo.csv> <input pharmacode.txt> -v, --version Show version -h, --help Print this help message