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I could run import_gkv job.
But 2 error are outputed in console.
de.oddb.org hat compiled quanty in source code.
But in my local, I had to re-compile with 1.8.6 (in my case /home/yasu/usr/local/bin/ruby18'')
/var/www/de.oddb.org/jobs/import_dimdi:4: warning: variable $KCODE is no longer effective; ignored /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/util/quanty/fact.rb:68: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) (SyntaxError) /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/util/quanty/fact.rb:68: invalid multibyte char (US-ASCII) /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/util/quanty/fact.rb:68: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting keyword_then or ';' or '\n' if /^([ľA-Za-z_]+([A-Za-z_0-9-]+[A-Za-z_])?)$|^[$%'"]'?$/o =~ a ^ from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/util/quanty.rb:2:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/drugs/dose.rb:4:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/drugs/active_agent.rb:5:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/drugs.rb:4:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/lib/oddb/util/job.rb:3:in `<top (required)>' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require' from /var/www/de.oddb.org/jobs/import_dimdi:7:in `<main>'
make clean
does not work)
to make sure RUBY executable path in Makefile
quanty needs
* rbconfig (but, already these are gone. to edit RUBY path in extconf.rb if need.)
Tooltip (popup) by combobox does not work.
In browsers opend Debug console works.
oddb.org use many dojo.addOnload
This is deprecated method.
If we load with this way, could not controll Dojo-Firebug
(debug mode).
All XhrRequsts(ajax requests) are stopped by This Debug mode for console.
Untill open Firebug(or Console), XhrRequests(ajax) are stoped.
When I open Firebug, accumelated requests loaded.
I searched way to off.
Error console.
exception in animation handler for: onEnd dojo.js (line 15) TypeError: invalid 'in' operand _24 (69 out of range 15)
checked browsers
use java(rhino)
* dev-java/rhino Latest version available: 1.7.2-r2 Latest version installed: [ Not Installed ] Size of files: 2,945 kB Homepage: http://www.mozilla.org/rhino/ Description: An open-source implementation of JavaScript written in Java. License: || ( MPL-1.1 GPL-2 ) BSD-2
I found in dojo-src/dojo/main.js
... // the preferred way to load the dojo firebug console is by setting has("dojo-firebug") true in dojoConfig // the isDebug config switch is for backcompat and will work fine in sync loading mode; it works in // async mode too, but there's no guarantee when the module is loaded; therefore, if you need a firebug // console guarnanteed at a particular spot in an app, either set config.has["dojo-firebug"] true before // loading dojo.js or explicitly include dojo/_firebug/firebug in a dependency list. if(dojo.config.isDebug){ require(["./_firebug/firebug"]); } ...
dojoConfig = { has: { "dojo-firebug": true, "dojo-debug-messages": true } };
I could to off firebug-extension dependency of dojo library.
Now Im' updating oddb.org, htmlgrid code for old dojo-1.3.
Continue tomorrow.