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debugged slow login.
login is not solw.
Problem was loading all @transactions.
def init @transactions = @model p @transactions.length @model = @transactions.reverse setup_pages @filter = Proc.new { page } super end
I tried ODBA.cache.prefetch
It works. but why?
org.yasuhiro.xmlconv.sandoz> transactions.first.odba_prefetch -> true org.yasuhiro.xmlconv.sandoz> transactions.first.odba_prefetch? -> false
starting cleaning cycle cleaned: 0 objects in 0.020137 seconds remaining objects in @fetched: 86 remaining objects in @prefetched: 16849 remaining objects in ObjectSpace: 1397362 memory-usage: 338MB
Updating of @transactions in execute
at API also problem.
@transactions.push(transaction) ODBA.transaction { @transactions.odba_store }
updated like this.
ODBA.transaction { transaction.odba_store @transactions.push(transaction) @transactions.odba_isolated_store }
update odba_prefetch
org.yasuhiro.xmlconv.sandoz> transactions.map {|t| t.odba_prefetch = true; t.odba_store } org.yasuhiro.xmlconv.sandoz> transactions.odba_store
Now, http://www.lppa.ch/
does not have price data.
count lppv package.
ch.oddb> packages.length -> 24874 ch.oddb> packages.select {|pac| pac.lppv == true }.length -> 584