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and fr
There are not pi updates list (yet ?) in compendium.ch.
There are not any feed.
It seems that these pages check cookie and session-id (oder user info).
It redirect direct access by agent to start page(default.asx).
main flow for text_info at import_daily.
1. jobs/import_daily 2. Updater#run 3. TextInfoPlugin#import_news 4. TextInfoPlugin#textinfo_news (ODDB.config.text_info_newssource) 5. TextInfoPlugin#import_name 6. TextInfoPlugin#search_product 7. TextInfoPlugin#search 8. TextInfoPlugin#import_products 9. TextInfoPlugin#import_product 10. TextInfoPlugin#download_info (de, fr, before this method, check only DE page) 11. TextInfoPlugin#update_product 12. TextInfoPlugin#update_fachinfo 13. TextInfoPlugin#update_patinfo 14. TextInfoPlugin#replace
updated text_info_news
text_info_newssource: 'http://compendium.ch/update/subject/security/1/de'
def textinfo_news agent=init_agent url = ODDB.config.text_info_newssource \ or raise 'please configure ODDB.config.text_info_newssource to proceed' # as entry point agent.get('http://compendium.ch/default.aspx'). \ link_with(:href => /prof\/de/).click page = agent.get(url) list = Hash.new{|h,k| h[k] = {}} page.search( '//span[starts-with(@id, "ctl00_MainContent_UcSecurityNews_dlNews_")]' ).map do |span| case span['id'] when /_ctl(\d{2})_Label1/ index = $1.to_s if span.child.text =~ /\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{2}/ begin list[:date][index] = Date.strptime(span.child.text, '%d.%m.%y') rescue ArgumentError end end when /_ctl(\d{2})_Label4/ unless span.child.text.empty? list[:text][$1.to_s] = span.child.text end end end names = [] unless list.empty? list[:date].each_pair do |index, date| if date == Date.today and list[:text][index] names << list[:text][index] end end end names end
# bin/admin ch.oddb> TextInfoPlugin.new(self).textinfo_news -> # debug-output [1] 1.9.3-p194(#<ODDB::TextInfoPlugin>)> names.length => 2 [2] 1.9.3-p194(#<ODDB::TextInfoPlugin>)> names => ["Cetuximab", "Adalimumab"]