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Old PIs(Document) don't have name
# fr and de ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String) or pi.description("fr").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.nil? or pi.description("fr").name.nil? }.length -> 146 # only de ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.nil? }.length -> 95
get iksnr
of these PIs.
ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String) or pi.description("fr").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.nil? or pi.description("fr").name.nil? }.map{|pi| pi.sequences.first.iksnr unless pi.sequences.empty? }.uniq.compact.length -> 113
Chapter title of some PI has name
of PI...
And in this case, Whitespace was the matter.
# title "EchinaMed® " # span <p id="section2" class="s3"> <span class="s2"> <span>EchinaMed®</span> </span> </p> # name in chapter [1] 1.9.3-p194(#<ODDB::FiParse::PatinfoHpricot>)> name => {elem <p class="s3" id="section4"> {elem <span class="s2"> {elem <span> "Was sind EchinaMed Tabletten und wann" </span>} </span>} {elem <span class="s2"> {elem <span> " " </span>} </span>} {elem <span class="s2"> {elem <span> "werden sie angewendet?" </span>} </span>} </p>}
ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String) or pi.description("de").name.nil? or pi.description("fr").is_a?(String) or pi.description("fr").name.nil?; pi.description("de").name.match(/was|wann|wie|\?/i) or pi.description("fr").name.match(/was|wann|wie|\?/i) }.map{|pi| pi.sequences.first.iksnr unless pi.sequences.empty? }.uniq.compact.length -> 76