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In my Local, PI-Ebook has correkt titles.(May data was old)
But when I generate Ebook in Production, some wrong titles are still there.
Some PI has still wrong title in name.
Then I imported data from Production.
PI list that name is started with "w"
This contain correct name (z.B. "WALA Nasenbalsam")
ch.oddb> registration("51859").sequence("01").patinfo.description("de").name -> Wann wird Albicansan D4, Kapseln angewendet? ch.oddb> (registration("51859").sequence("01").patinfo.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i).class -> Fixnum ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i }.length -> 76
ch.oddb> p patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i }.map{|pi| next if pi.sequences.empty?; pi.sequences.values.first.iksnr } -> Array # (2 nul are here.) ["51969", "46515", "54191", "46560", "53563", "35155", "48473", "39694", "47951", "17035", "54196", "49637", "16598", nil, "27191", "42888", "31954", "13358", "17273", "57292", "46354", "56283", "46908", "51872", "52173", "52152", "11787", "52462", "51859", "49537", nil, "54131", "61469", "60141", "52465", "53577", "18286", "52048", "24720", "52468", "52159", "61234", "58661", "24658", "53265", "39460", "41587", "55043", "33422", "42977", "20017", "57693", "24957", "54240", "57803", "52154", "15553", "56759", "52466", "52176", "09232", "52090", "52461", "49560", "57812", "52463", "28143", "55520", "57658", "62771", "24608", "58555", "47398", "57638", "41260", "52958"]
ch.oddb> p patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i }.select{|pi| pi.sequences.empty? }.length -> 2 ch.oddb> p patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i }.select{|pi| pi.sequences.empty? }.map {|pi| pi.description("de").name } -> ["Wulnasin", Wann wird Albicansan D4, Kapseln angewendet?]
PI's Problem is that
1. Order of some PI chapters are not static. (This is related in match order for Regexp) 2. Some chapter has name in chapter title. 3. Some PI name is not exactly same with @title (This is the main matter for above case.)
All "W" titles are.
[ "Wolo Medizinal Rheuma Bad", WALA Nasenbalsam mild, Wellvone®, Waruzol, Wala Echinacea Mundspray, "Warix® 0,5%", Warz-ab® Extor, "Wolo Erkältungsbad", "Woloderma®", "W-Tropfen®", "Wulnasin", "Weleda Melissengeist", Wundsalbe Widmer, Weleda Hustenelixier, Weleda Calendula-Salbe neue Formel, Weleda Stilltee, Weleda Rheumasalbe, Weleda Amara-Tropfen, Weleda Euphrasia - Augentropfen, Wann wird Albicansan D4, Kapseln angewendet?, #=> no sequence (to delete. "Albicansan D4" has already correct PI.) Weleda Hämorrhoidal-Suppositorien, Weleda Bolus-Gurgelpulver, Weleda Erkältungssalbe, Weleda Heilsalbe, Weleda Fieberbläschen-Salbe, WALA Pulmonium Hustensaft, WALA Plantago Bronchialbalsam, WALA Euphrasia Einzeldosis-Augentropfen, WALA Bitter Elixier, WALA Arnika Kompressen, "Wurzeltod Hühneraugen- und Hornhautpflaster", Wellbutrinâ XR, Retardtabletten, Weleda Aufbaukalk 1+2 Pulver, Weleda Schnupfencrème, Weleda Calendula-Essenz, Weleda Arnica-Essenz, Weleda Calendula-Spray, Wecesin® Pulver, ] ch.oddb> patinfos.values.select{|pi| next if pi.description("de").is_a?(String); pi.description("de").name.to_s =~ /^w/i }.length -> 38