<< Masa.20101228-setup-ydim | 2010 | Masa.20101224-check-problem-Ruby_1_8_7-study-ydim >>
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim-html $ cp -r bin ../ydim/ masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim-html $ cp -r doc ../ydim/ masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim-html $ cp -r lib ../ydim/
Run ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ bin/ydimd ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_invoice_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_autoinvoice_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_name" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_email" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_invoice_status" already exists I, [2010-12-27T08:03:06.357834 #2945] INFO -- AutoInvoicer: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 61013 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:03:06.372388 #2945] INFO -- CurrencyUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 02:00:00 2010, sleeping 64613 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:03:06.372458 #2945] INFO -- StatusUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 61013 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:03:06.372777 #2945] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby://localhost:12375
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ psql -U postgres psql (8.4.2) Geben Sie »help« für Hilfe ein. postgres=# \l Liste der Datenbanken Name | Eigentümer | Kodierung | Sortierfolge | Zeichentyp | Zugriffsrechte -------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------------+----------------------- oddb | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | oddb.org | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | testdb | masa | UTF8 | C | C | ydim | postgres | UTF8 | C | C | ydpm | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | yus | postgres | SQL_ASCII | C | C | (10 Zeilen) postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_user; usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | usecatupd | passwd | valuntil | useconfig ----------+-----------+-------------+----------+-----------+----------+----------+----------- postgres | 10 | t | t | t | ******** | | masa | 16389 | t | t | t | ******** | | ydpm | 16395 | t | t | t | ******** | | yus | 5018772 | t | f | f | ******** | | ydim | 320141698 | t | t | t | ******** | |
def initialize(config, logger) p "getin Server#initialize"
Run bin/ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ bin/ydimd ERROR: relation "object" already exists ERROR: relation "prefetchable_index" already exists ERROR: relation "extent_index" already exists ERROR: relation "object_connection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_index" already exists ERROR: relation "collection" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_invoice_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_autoinvoice_unique_id" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_name" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_debitor_email" already exists ERROR: relation "target_id_ydim_invoice_status" already exists I, [2010-12-27T08:50:00.443671 #3547] INFO -- AutoInvoicer: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 58199 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:50:00.444248 #3547] INFO -- CurrencyUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 02:00:00 2010, sleeping 61799 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:50:00.444353 #3547] INFO -- StatusUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 58199 seconds I, [2010-12-27T08:50:00.444733 #3547] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby://localhost:12375
masa@masa ~/ywesee $ sudo -u postgres dropdb ydim masa@masa ~/ywesee $ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 ydim masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ mv lib/ydim/server.rb ~/work/
Run bin/ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ bin/ydimd NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_pkey" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "object_name_key" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_connection_pkey" for table "object_connection" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "collection_pkey" for table "collection" I, [2010-12-27T09:17:14.073480 #3844] INFO -- AutoInvoicer: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 56565 seconds I, [2010-12-27T09:17:14.745734 #3844] INFO -- CurrencyUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 02:00:00 2010, sleeping 60165 seconds I, [2010-12-27T09:17:14.745798 #3844] INFO -- StatusUpdater: next run Tue Dec 28 01:00:00 2010, sleeping 56565 seconds I, [2010-12-27T09:17:14.746005 #3844] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby://localhost:12375
Check ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ whereis ydimd ydimd: /usr/bin/ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ cp ../xls2odat/setup.rb . masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo setup.rb masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo setup.rb --force uninstall
Clean database
masa@masa ~/ywesee $ sudo -u postgres dropdb ydim masa@masa ~/ywesee $ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 ydim
Comment out
def initialize(config, logger) ... =begin if(hour = config.autoinvoice_hour) @autoinvoicer = repeat_at(hour, 'AutoInvoicer') { AutoInvoicer.new(@serv).run } end if(hour = config.currency_update_hour) if(@serv.currency_converter.known_currencies \ < @serv.config.currencies.size) CurrencyUpdater.new(@serv).run end @currency_updater = repeat_at(hour, 'CurrencyUpdater') { CurrencyUpdater.new(@serv).run } end @status_updater = repeat_at(1, 'StatusUpdater') { Invoice.all { |inv| inv.save } } =end @sessions = [] end
Run bin/ydimd
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_pkey" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / UNIQUE will create implicit index "object_name_key" for table "object" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "object_connection_pkey" for table "object_connection" NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "collection_pkey" for table "collection" I, [2010-12-27T09:39:34.843470 #4319] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby://localhost:12375
Check the setting on ydim server
masa@masa ~/work $ scp ywesee@$THIN:/etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ydim.ywesee.com.conf . ydim.ywesee.com.conf 100% 1741 1.7KB/s 00:00
masa@masa /etc/apache2/vhosts.d $ sudo vim 06_ydim_vhost.conf
<Directory /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc> Options ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc ServerName masa.ydim.com DirectoryIndex index.rbx RubyAddPath /var/www/ydim.ywesee.com/ RubyRequire 'sbsm/trans_handler' SetHandler ruby-object RubyTransHandler SBSM::TransHandler.instance </VirtualHost>
Reboot apache
masa@masa /etc/apache2/vhosts.d $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Stopping apache2... apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [ok] * Starting apache2... apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [ok]
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd I, [2010-12-27T10:10:14.087471 #4885] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld ./lib/ydim/html/view/htmlgrid.rb:17: warning: already initialized constant HTTP_HEADERS ./lib/ydim/html/view/htmlgrid.rb:80: warning: already initialized constant STRIPED_BG ./lib/ydim/html.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant VERSION ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:18:in `read': can't convert nil into String (TypeError) from ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:18:in `initialize' from bin/ydim-htmld:32:in `new' from bin/ydim-htmld:32
Check lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:18
def initialize(server) @server = server @private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::DSA.new(File.read(Html.config.root_key)) #<= here @system = YDIM::Client.new(Html.config) super(@system) end
Check config.rb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # CONFIG -- ydim -- 12.01.2006 -- hwyss@ywesee.com require 'rclconf' require 'fileutils' module YDIM VERSION = '1.0.0' class Client home_dir = ENV['HOME'] || '/tmp' ydim_default_dir = File.join(home_dir, '.ydim') default_config_files = [ File.join(ydim_default_dir, 'ydim.yml'), '/etc/ydim/ydim.yml', ]
module YDIM class Server ydim_default_dir = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.ydim') default_config_files = [ File.join(ydim_default_dir, 'ydimd.yml'), '/etc/ydim/ydimd.yml', ]
module YDIM module Html ydim_default_dir = '/var/ydim/' if(home = ENV['HOME']) ydim_default_dir = File.join(home, '.ydim') end default_config_files = [ 'etc/ydim-htmld.yml', File.join(ydim_default_dir, 'ydim-htmld.yml'), '/etc/ydim/ydim-htmld.yml', ]
Check ydim.yml, ydimd.yml on ydim server
masa@masa ~/work/ydim_etc $ scp ywesee@$THIN:/etc/ydim/*.yml . ydim-htmld.yml 100% 147 0.1KB/s 00:00 ydim.yml 100% 81 0.1KB/s 00:00 ydimd.yml 100% 532 0.5KB/s 00:00 masa@masa ~/work/ydim_home_etc $ scp ywesee@$THIN:/var/www/ydim.ywesee.com/etc/*.* . config.rb 100% 919 0.9KB/s 00:00 ydim-htmld.yml 100% 108 0.1KB/s 00:00 ydim.ywesee.com.crt 100% 1229 1.2KB/s 00:00 ydim.ywesee.com.key 100% 497 0.5KB/s 00:00
--- private_key: '/usr/share/ydim/xxx' server_url: druby://192.168.0.xx:12375
--- autoinvoice_hour: 2 log_level: DEBUG mail_from: 'Zeno Davatz <zdavatz@ywesee.com>' mail_recipients: - 'hwyss@ywesee.com' server_url: druby://192.168.0.xx:12375 smtp_from: 'zdavatz@ywesee.com' smtp_server: 'mail.ywesee.com' root_email: 'zdavatz@ywesee.com' root_key: '/etc/xxx/xxx' smtp_domain: ywesee.com smtp_server: smtp.gmail.com smtp_user: xxx@ywesee.com smtp_pass: 'xxx' mail_body: | %s %s Anbei die Rechnung für %s. Besten Dank für Ihren Auftrag! Mit freundlichen Grüssen Zeno Davatz 043 540 05 50
--- server_url: druby://192.168.0.xx:12375 email: 'zdavatz@ywesee.com' md5_pass: 'xxx' root_key: '/etc/xxx/xxx'
--- private_key: '/home/masa/.ssh/id_dsa'
--- autoinvoice_hour: 2 log_level: DEBUG mail_from: 'Masa <mhatakeyama@ywesee.com>' mail_recipients: - 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com' smtp_from: 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com' root_email: 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com' root_key: '/home/masa/.ssh/root_dsa' smtp_domain: ywesee.com smtp_server: smtp.gmail.com smtp_user: mhatakeyama@ywesee.com smtp_pass: 'xxx' mail_body: | %s %s This is a test.
--- email: 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com' md5_pass: 'xxx' root_key: '/home/masa/.ssh/id_dsa'
Check md5
masa@masa ~/ywesee/sbsm $ grep -r "digest" * lib/sbsm/drbserver.rb:require 'digest/md5' lib/sbsm/validator.rb:require 'digest/md5' lib/sbsm/validator.rb: Digest::MD5::hexdigest(value)
require 'digest/md5' p Digest::MD5::hexdigest(ARGV[0])
masa@masa ~/work $ ruby md5.rb xxx "9415cb40b7edf3886ed28b07d7c07610"
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd config="ydimd.yml" I, [2010-12-27T11:31:40.242442 #6345] INFO -- start: starting ydim-server on druby://localhost:12375
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld config="ydim-htmld.yml" ./lib/ydim/html/view/htmlgrid.rb:17: warning: already initialized constant HTTP_HEADERS ./lib/ydim/html/view/htmlgrid.rb:80: warning: already initialized constant STRIPED_BG ./lib/ydim/html.rb:3: warning: already initialized constant VERSION
Access http://masa.ydim.com/
/etc/hosts masa localhost masa.ydim.com
Reboot apache
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart * Stopping apache2... apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [ok] * Starting apache2... apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName [ok]
Access again http://masa.ydim.com/
Check apache log
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ vim /var/log/apache2/error_log [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] mod_ruby: error in ruby [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] mod_ruby: /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5:in `load': no such file to load -- etc/config.rb (LoadError) [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5 [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `load' [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `handler' [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:39 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/favicon.ico [Mon Dec 27 11:35:40 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:40 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 11:35:40 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/favicon.ico
locate trans_handler.yml
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ locate trans_handler.yml /home/masa/bbmb.ch_setup/whitie_etc/trans_handler.yml /home/masa/de_oddb_setup/etc/trans_handler.yml /home/masa/ywesee/de.oddb.org/etc/trans_handler.yml /home/masa/ywesee/oddb.org/etc/trans_handler.yml
Down load favicon.ico
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim/doc $ scp ywesee@$THIN:/var/www/ydim.ywesee.com/doc/favicon.ico . favicon.ico 100% 1406 1.4KB/s 00:00
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd config="ydimd.yml" masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld config="ydim-htmld.yml"
Access http://masa.ydim.com/
[Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [error] mod_ruby: error in ruby [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [error] mod_ruby: /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5:in `load': no such file to load -- etc/config.rb (LoadError) [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5 [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `load' [Mon Dec 27 13:43:09 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `handler'
Check doc/index.rbx:5
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # index.rbx -- ydim-html -- hwyss@ywesee.com require 'sbsm/request' load 'etc/config.rb' #<= here DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:0') begin config = YDIM::Html::Util::CONFIG SBSM::Request.new(config.html_url).process rescue Exception => e $stderr << "ydim-html Client Error: " << e.message << "\n" $stderr << e.class << "\n" $stderr << e.backtrace.join("\n") << "\n" end
Download config.rb
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ mkdir etc masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ cd etc masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim/etc $ scp ywesee@$THIN:/var/www/ydim.ywesee.com/etc/config.rb . config.rb 100% 919 0.9KB/s 00:00
#!/usr/bin/env ruby # etc/config -- ydim -- 12.01.2006 -- hwyss@ywesee.com require 'rclconf' require 'digest/md5' module YDIM module Html module Util ydim_default_dir = '/var/ydim/' if(home = ENV['HOME']) ydim_default_dir = File.join(home, '.ydim') end default_config_files = [ File.join(ydim_default_dir, 'ydim-htmld.yml'), '/etc/ydim/ydim-htmld.yml', ] defaults = { 'config' => default_config_files, 'client_url' => 'druby://localhost:0', 'currency' => 'CHF', 'email' => 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com', 'html_url' => 'druby://localhost:12376', 'md5_pass' => Digest::MD5.hexdigest('52aec317b37d4c99e9ff7adcf140fe34'), 'proxy_url' => 'druby://localhost:0', 'server_url' => 'druby://localhost:12375', 'root_key' => '/home/masa/.ssh/id_dsa', 'user' => nil, 'ydim_dir' => ydim_default_dir, } config = RCLConf::RCLConf.new(ARGV, defaults) config.load(config.config) CONFIG = config end end end
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd config="ydimd.yml" masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld config="ydim-htmld.yml" masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Access http://masa.ydim.com/
[Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [error] mod_ruby: error in ruby [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [error] mod_ruby: /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5:in `load': no such file to load -- etc/config.rb (LoadError) [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/doc/index.rbx:5 [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `load' [Mon Dec 27 13:53:19 2010] [error] mod_ruby: from /usr/lib64/ruby/1.8/apache/ruby-run.rb:53:in `handler'
#load 'etc/config.rb' load '/home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/config.rb'
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd config="ydimd.yml" masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld config="ydim-htmld.yml"
Access http://masa.ydim.com/
(login interface comes)
Email: mhatakeyama@ywesee.com Pass: xxx
ydimd console
D, [2010-12-27T14:18:18.318108 #8904] DEBUG -- druby://localhost:12376: attempting login Enter PEM pass phrase: (pass phrase is required here) E, [2010-12-27T14:19:21.698504 #8904] ERROR -- unknown user: OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError - Neither PUB key nor PRIV key:: nested asn1 error
ydim-htmld console
error in SBSM::Session#process: /de OpenSSL::PKey::DSAError Neither PUB key nor PRIV key:: nested asn1 error (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/util.rb:13:in `initialize' (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/util.rb:13:in `new' (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/util.rb:13:in `load_key' (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/server.rb:77:in `initialize' (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/lib64/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/lifecycle/singleton.rb:42:in `call'
[Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:14:43 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:18:18 2010] [warn] Unable to load url configuration: No such file or directory - /home/masa/ywesee/ydim/etc/trans_handler.yml [Mon Dec 27 14:18:18 2010] [notice] Hint: store configuration in a YAML-File at DOCUMENT_ROOT/../etc/trans_handler.yml
Check ydimd.yml
root_email: 'mhatakeyama@ywesee.com' #root_key: '/home/masa/.ssh/root_dsa' root_key: '/home/masa/.ssh/id_dsa'
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydimd config="ydimd.yml" masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ ruby -I lib bin/ydim-htmld config="ydim-htmld.yml"
Access http://masa.ydim.com/
Index Error
IndexError invalid invoice_id: 10000 (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/root_session.rb:114:in `invoice' ./lib/ydim/client.rb:26:in `send' ./lib/ydim/client.rb:26:in `method_missing' ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:28:in `send' ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:28:in `method_missing'
Sehr geehrter Herr Masa This is a test. Attached: Rechnung_masapotheke_#11562,_aaa.pdf
Clear data
masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo -u postgres dropdb ydim masa@masa ~/ywesee/ydim $ sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 ydim
ydim-htmld console
error in SBSM::Session#process: /de/invoice/unique_id/10000 IndexError invalid invoice_id: 10000 (druby://localhost:12375) ./lib/ydim/root_session.rb:114:in `invoice' ./lib/ydim/client.rb:26:in `send' ./lib/ydim/client.rb:26:in `method_missing' ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:28:in `send' ./lib/ydim/html/util/server.rb:28:in `method_missing'