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  • When importing Iromedica the links must be correct for Patinfo



When importing Iromedica the links must be correct for Patinfo

Problem: Print-View of the PI show sometimes the wrong trademark owner, e.g Iromedica (Nasivin 36352). After a reparse the breadcrumbs (preview) and the trademark owner on top right must be correct. Also the search it given as "Patienteninformation zu Cardiospermum Salbe Cosmochema" and not "Nasivin". See also description from last week

Reproduced the error after reimporting 36352 45138 54613.

Yasu already debugged this problem

Another (but maybe related) problem is, that after an import pat_infos are never deleted. E.g. n, Levofloxacin-Mephaź has an FI for 60115 and 59160. But only an PI for 60115. Reproduced the error after reimporting 59160 60115. Patched src/plugins/text_info.rb. After a reimport the patinfo for 59160 are gone, but the fachinfo, too. Searches via "Markename" never turn up 59160, search via Swissmedic# 59160 work okay and display a link to to the FI. All sequences are deleted.

Fixed nil pointer when @nonconforming_content is empty

Ruby surprised me!

> x=[]
 => [] 
1.9.3-p392 :002 > x.uniq
 => [] 
1.9.3-p392 :003 > x.uniq!
 => nil # Here I expected [] !!

Fixed with Fixed nil pointer when @nonconforming_content is empty

Adding continuos integration for htmlgrid using Travis-CI

I invested about an hour to make my changes to the unit tests for htmlgrid work under Travis-CI (at least for Ruby 1.9.2). First more or less successfull build is here

The most recent build is found under

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Page last modified on August 06, 2013, at 03:44 PM