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< Niklaus.20180109-ydim-html | Index | 2017 >>



  • Update to postgres 10. Planning migration on thin and/or fastpower
  • Update VAT to 7.7 in ydim
  • Keep in Mind



Update VAT to 7.7 in ydim

I want to release a new version of ydim. Running bundle exec rake release fails with object 91546d243bfad281b8f21ccab2f0558e34ffccd4: missingSpaceBeforeDate: invalid author/committer line - missing space before date

Using a new clone fixed this probem. Waiting that Zeno gives me the permission to push the new gem. Done.

On thinpower ydim 1.0.1 was installed. Updating to 1.0.6 by calling as super user /usr/local/bin/gem231 install ydim. Now I see in the /service/ydim/log/main/current lines like

400000005a53418a0d2cd35c FEHLER:  Syntaxfehler bei &#65533;NOT&#65533;
@400000005a53418a0d2cd35c LINE 1:         CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS target_id_ydim_invoice_un...

Looking whether upgrading to Ruby 2.4.0 fixes the problem. But I see the following error when running /usr/local/bin/gem-240 install ydim

Installing ri documentation for transaction-simple-
Parsing documentation for ypdf-writer-1.3.3
unable to convert "\x93" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/pdf/writer/object/image.rb, skipping
unable to convert "\x93" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 for lib/pdf/writer/object/page.rb, skipping

Changed the command in /service/ydim/run to exec sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/ruby-240 /var/www/ Now ydimd starts fine. shows the login, but I forgot the username/password to login.

Release a new version of the ydim-html gem 1.0.3. Now starting the service always fails with

/usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/drb.rb:745:in `rescue in block in open': druby:// - #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 12375> (DRb::DRbConnError)

Removed some files from /var/www/ Added a correct .git/config which points to Now bundle-240 install works.

Bundle exec work now for ydim and ydim-html. But I still get an error

sudo -u apache /usr/local/bin/bundle-240  exec /usr/local/bin/ruby-240 bin/ydim-htmld config=/var/www/
`/root` is not writable.
Bundler will use `/tmp/bundler/home/ywesee' as your home directory temporarily.
/var/www/ warning: undefining `initialize' may cause serious problems
/var/www/ warning: undefining `object_id' may cause serious problems
/var/www/ warning: undefining `__send__' may cause serious problems
/var/www/ warning: already initialized constant HtmlGrid::Component::HTTP_HEADERS
/var/www/ warning: previous definition of HTTP_HEADERS was here
/var/www/ warning: already initialized constant HtmlGrid::List::STRIPED_BG
/var/www/ warning: previous definition of STRIPED_BG was here
(druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/rrba-1.0.0/lib/rrba/user.rb:17:in `email=': Invalid Email  (RuntimeError)
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/lib/ydim/server.rb:29:in `block in initialize'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/lifecycle/singleton.rb:42:in `block in call'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/lifecycle/singleton.rb:40:in `synchronize'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/lifecycle/singleton.rb:40:in `call'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/service-point.rb:122:in `instance'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/container.rb:308:in `get'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/vendor/ruby/2.4.0/gems/needle-1.3.0/lib/needle/container.rb:380:in `method_missing'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /home/ywesee/git/ydim/lib/ydim/server.rb:80:in `login'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/invokemethod.rb:15:in `perform_with_block'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/drb.rb:1582:in `perform'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/drb.rb:1668:in `block (2 levels) in main_loop'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/drb.rb:1664:in `loop'
        from (druby://localhost:12375) /usr/local/ruby-2.4.0/lib/ruby/2.4.0/drb/drb.rb:1664:in `block in main_loop'
        from /var/www/ `login'
        from /var/www/ `method_missing'
        from /var/www/ `block in run_cleaner'

Checked the md5sum in /etc/ydim/ydim-htmld.yml and /var/www/ Both the same and correct.

Changed ydim.gemspec and ydim-html.gemspec locally on thinpower to used ybdb-pg and ydbi in version 0.5.3 to see whether we can avoid the the error postgresql error. This did not help.

In /service/ydim/log/main/current we see many errors now E, [2018-01-08T15:34:32.662884 #7628] ERROR -- unknown user: RuntimeError - Invalid Email, as the ydim-html can connect to ydim, but is not using a correct user. Is this a problem with yus?

Checked the example_site yml files and compared them. Did not find any issue.

Debugging in /var/www/ (around line 20 where the server startes) gives me

[1] pry(YDIM::Html)> ydim_server
=> #<DRb::DRbObject:0x007f482d617458 @ref=nil, @uri="druby://localhost:12375">

[3] pry(#<YDIM::Html::Util::Server>)> Html.config.root_key
=> "/etc/ydpm/root_dsa"
[4] pry(#<YDIM::Html::Util::Server>)> Html.config
=> #<RCLConf::RCLConf:0x007f482cb0af10
 @argv={"config"=>"/etc/ydim/ydim-htmld.yml", nil=>nil},
   "config"=>["etc/ydim-htmld.yml", "/root/.ydim/ydim-htmld.yml", "/etc/ydim/ydim-htmld.yml"],
 @loaded={"server_url"=>"druby://localhost:12375", "email"=>"zdavatz@xxx", "md5_pass"=>"7219c5fc20d4862fa9ef7fe9beb0788d", "root_key"=>"/etc/ydpm/root_dsa"},
=> "zdavatz@xxx"
[9] pry(#<YDIM::Html::Util::Server>)> Html.config.md5_pass
=> "some good valud"
[10] pry(#<YDIM::Html::Util::Server>)> Html.config.root_key
=> "/etc/ydpm/root_dsa"

A few steps (and debugging inside ydim. I see the at /home/ywesee/git/ydim/lib/ydim/server.rb @ line 81

RuntimeError: Invalid Email 

And the auth_server was a problem when porting to rack!

Adding the lines config.load(config.config) after line 22 of bin/ydimd fixed the problem. The config yaml file was not loaded early enough.

Must check tomorrow whether I can use ydbi 0.5.4 (postgresql) instead of 0.5.3.

Update to postgres 10. Planning migration on thin and/or fastpower

I am concerned, that upgrading to postgres 10 for might have the following side effects:

  • All databases must be upgrade to Postgres 10
  • Which forces an upgrade of the yus server
  • Which forces an upgrade of all dependent service on fast and thinpower

Also I am asking myself whether it is a small job (<3h) to get rid of the ydbi and ydbd-pg gems and replace them by sequel and (for increased speed) sequel_pg. ydbi and ydbi-pg are a pain in the ass to maintain and no longer supported upstream and contain some ugly hacks.

Zeno is ready to take this risk. Therefore I test again using only postgresql 10.1 on oddb-ci2.

Switching to postgresql-10.1 is done with the following commands

sudo svc -d /service/*
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.4  stop
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-10.1 start
sudo svc -u /service/*
# wait some seconds and testing we see that the following services are up
sudo svstat /service/*

Up are:

  • /service/ch.oddb: up (pid 20069) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-crawler: up (pid 20106) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-evidentia: up (pid 20005) 33 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-export: up (pid 20119) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-fiparse: up (pid 20121) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-generika: up (pid 19983) 33 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-google_crawler: up (pid 20102) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-meddata: up (pid 20113) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-refdata: up (pid 26111) 32 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-swissindex_pharma: up (pid 26115) 326 seconds
  • /service/ch.oddb-swissreg: up (pid 26108) 32 seconds
  • /service/currency: up (pid 26104) 29 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 26109) 29 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 26117) 29 seconds
  • /service/yus: up (pid 26121) 29 seconds
  • /service/migeld: up (pid 26116) 29 seconds

Missing are the services

  • /service/ up (pid 25313) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25340) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25305) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25338) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25348) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25311) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25304) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25328) 1 seconds
  • /service/ up (pid 25339) 1 seconds
  • /service/ydim: up (pid 25354) 1 seconds
  • /service/ydim-html: up (pid 25202) 3 seconds
  • /service/ydpm: up (pid 25351) 1 seconds

Starting the import_daily.job and running the watir spec tests again. Manually tested that searching for migel articles,hospitals and doctors work.

Running the watir tests shows the following failures

rspec ./spec/address_correction_spec.rb[1:1] # should be possible to correct an address for a company
rspec ./spec/address_correction_spec.rb[1:2] # should be possible to correct an address for a doctor
rspec ./spec/address_correction_spec.rb[1:3] # should be possible to correct an address for a hospital
rspec ./spec/address_correction_spec.rb[1:4] # should be possible to correct an address for a pharmacy
rspec ./spec/evidentia_spec.rb:213 # should work all the time for Cellcept when evidenita LNF is not enabled
rspec ./spec/home_2_list_spec.rb:82 # admin in home_companies we should see all companies when logged in as admin
rspec ./spec/home_2_list_spec.rb:87 # admin in home_companies we should have the link active_companies if logged in as admin
rspec ./spec/paypal_spec.rb:113 # should show the poweruser dialog with the top left logo
rspec ./spec/searchbar_spec.rb:325 # should set best_result when searching Rivoleve via search_type
rspec ./spec/snapback_spec.rb:182 # snapback should work following a fachinfo
rspec ./spec/snapback_spec.rb:194 # snapback should work following a search via IKSNR
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:1] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone analysis
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:2] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone pharmacies
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:3] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone doctors
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:4] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone interactions
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:5] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone migel
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:6] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone user
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:7] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone hospitals
rspec ./spec/welcome_spec.rb[1:8] # should be possible to see the sponsored log-in in zone companies

Running spec/welcome_spec.rb does not show any problems. This must be a problem inside the watir tests, which I will not solve today.

Correcting an address is not possible. This must be investigated. Backtrace of the errors is

NoMethodError at /de/gcc
undefined method `lines' for #<Hash:0x007f7538285938>
Ruby /var/www/ in to_diffable, line 150
Jump to:
Traceback (innermost first)
/var/www/ in to_diffable
          result = (element.lines  +
/var/www/ in diff
, to_diffable(other), options).to_s
/var/www/ in issue_update
          diff = obj.diff(values, hook)
/var/www/ in block in update
   item = pointer.issue_update(self, values, origin)
/var/www/ in failsafe

Running import_daily failed, too. The error message contains

Plugin: ODDB::SwissmedicPlugin

Error: SystemExit
Message: SystemExit
/var/www/ `decorate'
/var/www/ `[]'
/var/www/ `block in each'
/var/www/ `upto'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `parse'
/var/www/ `block in parse'
/var/www/ `block in each'
/var/www/ `upto'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `parse'
/var/www/ `block in parse'
/var/www/ `block in each'
/var/www/ `upto'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `parse'
/var/www/ `parse'
/var/www/ `block in parse_file'
/var/www/ `get_input_stream'
/var/www/ `parse_file'
/var/www/ `block in load_related_files'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `load_related_files'
/var/www/ `load_relationships'
/var/www/ `block in load_related_files'
/var/www/ `each'
/var/www/ `load_related_files'
/var/www/ `load_relationships'
/var/www/ `block in parse_file'
/var/www/ `open'
/var/www/ `parse_file'
/var/www/ `parse'
/var/www/ `open'
/var/www/ `diff'
/var/www/ `update'
/var/www/ `block in update_swissmedic'
/var/www/ `wrap_update'
/var/www/ `update_swissmedic'
/var/www/ `run'
jobs/import_daily:13:in `block in <module:Util>'
/var/www/ `run'
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Page last modified on January 08, 2018, at 05:30 PM