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We have an Encoding::CompatibilityErro when running the refdata_nat import or visiting https://ch.oddb.org/de/gcc/search/zone/doctors/search_query/7601000064998?
Why do we have this difference. I am getting yesterday db dump and import it on oddb-ci2. My import completed without problem on oddb-ci2. But after importing the database dump from thinpower I have the same problem with given doctor gln.
Using pry I see
[1] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines => ["Monsieur le Docteur", "Michel Vouilloz", "Cabinet médical", "Le Yucca", "1941 Cries (Voll\xC3\xA8ges)"] [2] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines.to_s.encoding => #<Encoding:UTF-8> [3] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> (address.lines + emails).join("<br>") Encoding::CompatibilityError: incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and US-ASCII from (pry):3:in `join' [9] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines[4] => "1941 Cries (Voll\xC3\xA8ges)" [10] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines[4].encoding => #<Encoding:US-ASCII> [11] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> [12] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines[2].encoding => #<Encoding:UTF-8> [13] pry(#<ODDB::View::Doctors::DoctorList>)> address.lines[2] => "Cabinet médical"
Therefore I think I will modify src/model/address.rb to always return UTF-8 encodings for all lines.
Added the following function in src/model/address.rb
def to_utf(line) return unless line return line if line.encoding.to_s.eql?('UTF-8') if /ISO-8859-1/.match(line.encoding.to_s) line.encode!('UTF-8') else line = line.force_encoding('UTF-8') end end
And used in various places where non-utf-8 encodings were possible. Now displaying this doctor has no longer a problem.
Restarting the import of refdata_nat. Looks like the changes for utf-8 compatibility are okay for the import, too. Pushed commit Fix encoding problem in address
Starting import in screen on thinpower.
Fixed the unit tests with commits
Visiting http://i.ch.oddb.org/de/mobile/patinfo/reg/55297/seq/04 gives the following error
NoMethodError at /de/mobile/patinfo/reg/55297/seq/04 undefined method `packages' for nil:NilClass Ruby /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/drugs/patinfo.rb: in change_log, line 145 Web GET i.ch.oddb.org/de/mobile/patinfo/reg/55297/seq/04 Jump to: GETPOSTCookiesENV Traceback (innermost first) /var/www/oddb.org/src/view/drugs/patinfo.rb: in change_log 54 ikscd ||= @session.app.registration(args[1]).sequence(args[3]).packages.keys.first ... /var/www/oddb.org/vendor/ruby/2.5.0/gems/htmlgrid-1.1.4/lib/htmlgrid/composite.rb: in create self.send(component, *args)...
We have here a problem, that the same patinfo belongs to several packages in more than one registrations/sequence.
Added a watir test for this problem. Pushed commit Fix wrong links when visiting PI chapters in second sequence of a registration
Looked at my local run of oddb2xml -e and found the mentioned 7680662830035 Suliqua 100/33, solution injectable
the following entry, where the salecd is 'A'.
Downloaded https://download.hin.ch/download/oddb2xml/oddb_article.xml and found the same info (with a different timestamp of co
<ART DT="2018-02-13 00:00:00 +0100" SHA256="2fb5cadf56a47a3eff54b0f2747ff763a75bd60c9e1b080cc76ac05271bc4e29"> <REF_DATA>1</REF_DATA> <PHAR>7298959</PHAR> <SMCAT>B</SMCAT> <GEN_PRODUCTION>X</GEN_PRODUCTION> <SMNO>66283003</SMNO> <PRODNO>6628302</PRODNO> <VAT>2</VAT> <SALECD>A</SALECD> <CDBG>N</CDBG> <BG>N</BG> <DSCRD>SULIQUA 100/33 Inj Lös SoloStar Fertpen 3 Stk</DSCRD> <DSCRF>SULIQUA 100/33 sol inj SoloStar stylo pré 3 pce</DSCRF> <SORTD>SULIQUA 100/33 INJ LÖS SOLOSTAR FERTPEN 3 STK</SORTD> <SORTF>SULIQUA 100/33 SOL INJ SOLOSTAR STYLO PRÉ 3 PCE</SORTF> <SYN1D>Suliqua 100/33</SYN1D> <SYN1F>Suliqua 100/33</SYN1F> <SLOPLUS>2</SLOPLUS> <ARTCOMP> <COMPNO>7601001002340</COMPNO> </ARTCOMP> <ARTBAR> <CDTYP>E13</CDTYP> <BC>7680662830035</BC> <BCSTAT>A</BCSTAT> </ARTBAR> <ARTPRI> <VDAT>01.01.2018</VDAT> <PTYP>PEXF</PTYP> <PRICE>83.18</PRICE> </ARTPRI> <ARTPRI> <VDAT>01.01.2018</VDAT> <PTYP>PPUB</PTYP> <PRICE>111.9</PRICE> </ARTPRI> <ARTPRI> <PTYP>ZURROSE</PTYP> <PRICE>90.01</PRICE> </ARTPRI> <ARTPRI> <PTYP>ZURROSEPUB</PTYP> <PRICE>111.90</PRICE> </ARTPRI> <ARTINS> <NINCD>10</NINCD> </ART
It looks to me as either they didn't use the most recent oddb_arcticle.xml, or the import into the other database was not successfull.
Wondering why the travis-ci build for oddb2xml fails, but my local test is okay. Hope that commit Don't call exit(2) if xmllint is not present. Should fix travis-CI problem fixes this problem.